Forum Advertising Guidelines

Advertising in the commercial sense is not allowed on the forum. Ads in the form of news bulletins or announcements will only be approved within the following guidelines:

1) Ads may only be posted by active members of the forum.

2) Ads may only be posted with the approval of the Message Board of Directors. Please contact a moderator before posting any ad. Ads posted without approval will be removed, and anyone posting such an ad may be warned or banned.

3) Ads must contribute to helping the elderly, disabled, and handicapped pets we are caring for live happy, healthy lives. Examples of appropriate ads include announcing the date of an upcoming wheelchair dog event, informing caregivers of the opportunity to participate in IVDD or DM research, letting members know of a calendar sale featuring handicapped pets where funds go to provide equipment for handicapped pets, or announcing the formation of a local support group for people with handicapped pets.

4) Ads must not be designed to drive business to a commercial website or be of a commercial nature, and the forum does not participate in link exchanges.

5) Caregivers of handicapped pets are often financially stressed by veterinary and rehab bills, and the need to buy supplies and equipment for their pets. In order to protect the community, ads soliciting financial contributions or donations are not allowed. Members may post requests for personal financial assistance in Financial Forum.

6) The Message Board of Directors will determine the most appropriate location to post ads on the forum. Ads posted as Announcements may be moved to Caretaker's Forum or another forum after a period of time, or deleted, at the discretion of the Board.

7) The Message Board of Directors will interpret this policy as needed to best support the elderly, disabled, and handicapped pets this forum was created for.