Cats: my lower back is completely fused

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Bendy Kitty
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Cats: my lower back is completely fused

Post by Bendy Kitty »

and there is a lot of bony erosion at the base of my tail = massive arthritis.

Yep, got my x-ray today.
The vet was new to that clinic, but mom had met him before and he had been told about the many special needs cats here. Still, I don't think he expected anything like this.

Mom explained my history to him, how we knew there were some vertebrae partially fused back when i was a kitten, how my femurs were slighlty bowed, and how i can't take prednisone because I always get very very sick on it.

Saturday I had had a bad incident. I was napping with mom when another cat walked over me, stepping on my back. I SCREAMED and clawed my way out from under the blankets, my hind legs were dragging. Mom massaged my lil back and gave me my asprine (i was due for it anyway) and in a little while i was feeling much better.

Mom had left a msg for the vet saying she wanted the first available appt today.

When the vet came in with the x-ray he looked shocked, don't think he expected anything like what he saw. He showed mom the xray from when I was a kitten and the one taken today. the kitten xray you can still see the edges of the vertebrae, but today those 3 vertebrae are one big solid piece of bone. That was shocking enough, but the arthritis at the base of the tail is also alarming. It can, eventually, lead to paralysis and bladder/bowel problems. Mom explained to the vet calmly that if I ended up in a wheelchair that was not a problem, and that she had long suspected something like this would happen. Afterall, we knew I had spinal problems.

The vet said he did not understand HOW I was moving my tail at all and running around. He said several times that well, cats have nine lives.

I am no longer on asprin, but have been switched to Metacam, the vet also wants me to take lots of the Cosequin (he noticed in my chart that i had tried it for my mouth problems). Mom is also going to give me MSM, which is another anti-inflammatory used by many arthritic animals.

Mom said the vet passed his "trial by fire" with our cats just fine. dealing with anyone from this house AND keeping mom happy aren't exactly easy things. ;)

He gave me my Metacam before we left, and mentioned how good and sweet and co-operative I was with everything.

I am also sure that he told mom to give me a whole pack of shrimpies every day.

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Get better soon

Post by Dianne »

Dear Bendy,

So sorry that you and Mom are having some tough times. I'm sure that your back hurts a lot!

Sending good wishes for a pain free day. Sometimes all we need a little emotional first- aid to go along with the pain meds.


Re: Cats: my lower back is completely fused

Post by Sascha »

Dear Bendy,

You are an amazing little one and I can only wish that if I ever have a child of the feline type that it is as wonderful as you are.

By the way, how old were you when you learned to type?
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Re: Cats: my lower back is completely fused

Post by critters »

Poor Bendy. :( Could they operate and relieve the pain? I hope the new meds work nicely.
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Looking for spinal fusion info

Post by Tinker's Mom »

Bendy- Can you give me links/info you may have on how/why vertabrae sometimes fuse naturally. My other dog (not Tinker) has some lower back issues that her chiropractor suspects is fused vertabrae. I want to understand more about it, but when I look up spinal fusion on the web, it only comes up with the "intentional" fusion that surgeons do, not the type we're talking about....

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Oh, Bendy, I am sorry you hurt so much

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Your courage and good humor carry the day, constantly. Give mama a hug, because you get it from HER.
My cousin Christy Mullady JUST HAD SPINAL SURGERY.
They put titanium in her back and now she is body searched at every airport, but truth to tell, she rather enjoys it. Says its the first social life she's had in years! Woulda done it years ago, says she, had she known how much fun the "side-effects" are!
Painful? Yes. She, like you, approaches life with brilliance, courage and the most important thing EXTREME HUMOR.
You stay strong for mama, Bendy, she loves you so very much. And so do we.
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Re: Looking for spinal fusion info *LINK*

Post by Christy Mullady »

The discs themselves don't fuse, the boney material fuses together. You can think of the discs as rubber tires that are cushioning the vertebrae at impact. When the discs thin from aging or disease, that cushioning disappears, resulting in a pancaking effect in that area of the spine. Obvioulsy then the bone-on-bone creates friction that destroys the bone (vertebrae) bit by bit.The spine can fuse together just from the further deterioraton of the vertebrae. This is only one way the spine can fuse. Some fusion can be present at birth, and may cause problems as the body ages, or with added stress on the spine. It can be pretty painful, much worse for an animal who can't communicate, I'm sure. To correct a fused spine, if ever, it requires some good surgery. Anti-inflamatories are important and probably some muscle relaxants to break up the spasms that accompany the inflamation. Good luck to you both! You'll keep us posted, I'm sure! As for me, this 'bionic spine' would be more effective if the surgery would have happened lots earlier. Then again.....numb toes don't hurt when stubbed, thank goodness. And Karen Tredje Anderson...don't be telling the world my secrets, ya brat!!!!

Spinal Problems
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Re: Cats: my lower back is completely fused *LINK*

Post by Christy Mullady »

Bendy, keep your spirits up! Yes, there are a lot of things effected with spinal problems, including bowel/bladder complications. That's because the nerves that are being damaged control the muscles that operate the bowl/bladder. Incontenance can and oft times does occur if the damage has gone on long enough. They call that Equine Syndrome or some such thing. I thought they were telling me I was turning into a horse when I first heard it, but nope, just the name they give it, so don't worry! I feel really bad for you, and for your mom who suffers as you do. "Pain is a terrible thing to watch." We'll hope that good ole Arthur Ritis...of the Ritis Clan...decides to leave you alone now, but you and I both know that's not probably going to happen. Take your meds and watch for hardening of the stool. Also the tummy can get a bit...upset after a while, and remember that what works NOW may not work LATER, so meds sometimes need changed. I wouldn't suggest narcotics though. Been there and they play total havoc on the body, mind, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY the spirit! And they're terrible to get off once on them, so steer clear as long as you possibly can. Good luck to you, Bendy. I'll sure be thinking of ya!

You might want to check out the site below. It might lend some new info that you can use.

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cauda equina

Post by critters »

It means to the tune of "horse's tail," which is what the spinal nerves look like branching out of the end of the spine.
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Re: Bendy trains another one

Post by SandyNY »

It is good that you are patient and teach the new vets about things. Sometimes they don't understand the extraordinary and they need to see some of it with thier own eyes to make them better doctors. I am sure he did write an rx for those shrimpies.
Didn't know you were taking the kitty cosequin before. Kitty who stepped on you didn't know it was going to hurt you - mom may have to build you a suit of armor before this is all over to avoid further accidents. Will take some time to look up in Goldstein and Herbs for cat books and e-mail your mom if I find anything else that may help you to feel better.
Am trying to think of the pain patch for kitties, but not sure if it is right for you...anyways, am sure your mom knows about it. Fentanyl patch - that is it. Head bonks from BC and everyone here...
We were on line to put you and your household on the prayer board today - usually when we don't get posts from you for several days something is going on over there...
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Re: Oops! Fentanyl patch link *LINK*

Post by SandyNY »

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Bendy Kitty
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having some conputer issues/ site issues

Post by Bendy Kitty »

going to call the server admin tonite, can't get to my site or mail or anything! :(

very bad timing too, being around Xmas.
pls use email:


will post more later, promise

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For folks who only THINK they don't know Bendy Kitty *LINK*

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

You have seen his, yes, he's a boy, even tho he is as beautiful as any Hollywood Starlet could hope to be, you must visit Bendy's site...

Bendy Kitty
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