Help Needed: Tinker's mom

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Help Needed: Tinker's mom

Post by Jean »

I just finished reading your story about your beagle boy Tinker. It was so inspirational. I wanted to ask you a question about the Valium that you had him on for his excessive bladder tone. I have a cat that is paralyzed. Her neurologist recommended that Jaime also take Valium for the same reason. I didn't leave her on it long because it made her so sleepy, excessively hungry, vocal and she seemed so uncomfortable. In addition, she had severe problems with constipation. Now, she is Metacam a NSAID but the side effects scare me. I am wondering if she should try Valium again but at a lower dose. How long was Tinker on Valium and did it make his bladder spincter more relaxed-easier to express him? The neurologist said that usually pets adjust to it and he prefers it over phenoxybenzamine. I'm wondering if I took her off of it too quickly.
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Tinker's Mom
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Bladder Tone & Meds

Post by Tinker's Mom »

Hi, Jean. Thanks for the complement on the website.

Our situation was this: About 2 wks. after Tinker's surgery last Feb, his surgeon started him on Bethanechol and Phenoxybenzamine for maybe 4-6 wks. After the initial stage of getting used to expressing him (and doing it thoroughly) on a schedule, the accidents and leaking became less frequent. As he regained the ability to first stand and then walk, his "new normal" became that he was able to empty his bladder for himself about 3/4 of the way, and we expressed the rest.

Sometime in May, his bladder felt a bit "rubbery" and he was more difficult to express. We happened to have an appt. scheduled with his neurologist, and when we pointed it out to her, she prescribed Valium. Apparently, an off-label use for Valium is to reduce bladder tone. As I read up about potential side effects, however, I became uncomfortable about giving him the Valium, and we decided instead to see if things would correct on their own, which they did. So, we never actually gave him the Valium. To this day, things are pretty much the same with emptying. He isn't usually difficult to express and he drinks a fair amount of water. He empties 3/4 of the way himself, sometimes more, and we express the rest.

Since we are about 11 months post-injury and surgery, I wouldn't expect him to totally regain his ability to fully empty his bladder by himself. But, in the big picture, with all of the progress he's made, it is truly a small inconvenience.
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Re: Bladder Tone & Meds

Post by Jean »

Thank you for replying to my inquiry. It does sound like Tinker has made remarkable progress. He is lucky to have a mom that takes such good care of him!!!!!! Like you I am worried about the side effects from NSAID and valium. I guess I have to choose the worser of two evils which is either continual bladder infections or the side effects from the drugs. When your "furry Kids" mean so much to you it is difficult. Hope Tinker continues to make progress!! Thanks Again, Jean
stacy brown (blues mom)
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Re: Bladder Tone & Meds

Post by stacy brown (blues mom) »

Can you read my responce in the thread about cronic utis in pups and respond to me....i need help. thank you so much stacy brown.
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