Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

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Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

As many of you know, I have 4 pupper doodles, two of which have IVDD and one of whom is paralyzed despite surgery. Oscar was the reason I came to this board. His father, Hunter, has had 2 IVDD surgeries, both successful, and he walked 1 day post op after both surgeries. Oscar Mayer Weenie Dog wasn't so lucky. Despite being in the surgeon's office within 3 hours of going down, and in sugery within 6, Oscar came out of sugery deep pain negative, with no bladder or bowel control. We tried accupuncture, water therapy, supplements and PT. Oscar remained deep pain negative with no purposeful movement. I got him a cart...became a master expresser, and set him up with a posh crate to keep him safe when I was at work. *FAST FORWARD* Three weeks ago, I took Oscar back to Texas A&M to stay while I was away in Europe. Since they don't "board", I had to have him admitted as a rehab patient. His surgeon did a routine evaluation soon after he was admitted. To her shock and amazement, my little booger of a dog had deep pain!!!!!!!!!!!!! She called in several students and other sugeons to evaluate him and make sure that he had regained feeling. The consensous was YES! Well...they immediately started him on the water treadmill and active and passive exercises. HE IS ABLE TO WALK IN THE WATER! Oscar can't stand on his own, or walk out of the water, but I'll be darned, 8 months post op he is showing signs that he MAY just walk again some day!
I have been putting him in the tub each day for water therapy, and am doing his range of motion exercises. I stand him up and release him so he can work on his balance, and on occasion, when I am supporting him...he takes steps! :D
Thought I would share Oscar's good news. If he never walks again, I am fine with that...he is my little light walking or not, but I sure am tickled with these new developments.
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Tinker's Mom
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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by Tinker's Mom »

Congratulations, Cindi.

What a wonderful example for people facing IVDD for the first time- never say never! Regardless of how bleak things can look, with determination and luck, sometimes good things happen anyway. Fingers crossed for continued progress with Oscar. :)
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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by BethT »

Hi Cindi,

That is great news, you should be tickled! My hydrotherapy vet has worked with a dog that began walking again at 18 months so Oscar has plenty of time. It certainly sounds promising. BethT

Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by cheryl »

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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by Dianne »


That is such very good news about Oscar! :) It gives us hope with IVDD our paralyzed pups.

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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by Mary and Roxy »

HI Cindi
After what happened to Roxy and so many other people on this site I am now a FIRMER believer of NEVER say NEVER..When Roxy first "went down" my vet said she willnever walk again inless I have the surgery and even then it was a 50/50 chance.I had to face reality, I couldnt afford the surgery. but I also couldnt Kill a other wise healthy dog..That is what it would have been I would have killed a ( no questions asked, dedicated, give her life for me,24/7 right by my side,best friend, just because her back legsstoped working)..Before I crate rested her she would still follow me EVERYWHERE even groweling and snapping at the rest of my family that would try to stop her from getting to my side..She came back almost 100% She wasnt even stumbling around trying to walk..She went down again last weekend.But is now doing good again.Im makeing her take it easy..I know the resting and meds worked alot but I believe its her inner strength that really gets her going again..I wish I had even 1/4 the strength she has..Its the love they have for us. and there not understanding the meaning of NEVER. that keeps them going,,Im rambling now.. Im sooooo happy to hear about your never say never pooch...Best wishes your in my prayers...Mary and Roxy
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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by connie »

such wonderful news!!! as they say, when god closes a door, he opens a window. i am a believer of miracles, we just have to look for them. i consider my cricket a miracle. he was late getting into surgery, no deep pain, still no deep pain.( one vet says there is, one says no) ha ha. but he can stand, spinal walks everywhere( sometimes i think it is real walking). it's been 8 months since his surgery , so you have given me hope too.
but i never give up, we work every day in water and out , no pain, no gain huh? ha.
take care, and please keep me informed on how your baby does. i am so very happy for you.


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Re: Dogs: Good News To Share about Oscar (LONG)

Post by CarolC »

Yay, Oscar!!! Cindi, that's fan-tastic! My dog took her first steps outside at 9 months--she walked a distance of about 4 feet downhill before she sat. Like you, I never expected her to walk and was perfectly happy if she didn't. She went on the underwater treadmill and it took her a number of sessions before she was moving her feet, but I'll never forget that day. Recovery seemed glacial for months and months, but once she finally got to the point where she could begin to do a little, like walking 4 feet downhill, the pace of recovery seemed to pick up. Will be waiting to hear more good things from Oscar! Happy for both of you! :)
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