Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

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Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by LisainCAN »

Hi There,

My husband and I lost our kitten Millie this morning. She was a tailless polydactyl. We only had her for 9 days but we were very attached. She had to wear a diaper and was urine and feces incontinent. We were making some headway though with the bladder infection and with regulating her bowel movements. Anyway, she was absurdly tiny, less than a pound, at six weeks and she was a rack of bones despite a good appetite. She really did have that "doomed" look in her eyes that we have seen a few times with kittens we have lost. Last night she was cuddling with us and sleeping in my husband's neck and this morning I found her dead under the bed. I hope it was fast. We are going to bury her on the farm.

I know that many of you have suffered more substantial losses in the last little while but we really feel bad about this little gal and I thought I would share my heavy heart with my HP family.

Rest in peace little Millie.

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((Lisa & Millie))

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Oh, Lisa, I know! I am so very sorry for your loss, but so thankful the short life Millie had, was spent with you. She waited her whole life for you, spent her whole life with you and was surrounded by love and devotion her entire life. What greater gift? So many animals die every hour, alone and unloved, oftentimes in pain and agony. Not so our critters, sorry critters.
I kept baby Rocky alive from the time she was an hour old. After a week, I really really really KNEW she was going to make it. She died. I was beyond crushed. When you actually will a critter to live (sorry critters) it hurts so much. So very much.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
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Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Millie's life may have been short, but look at the love and care you provided for her. She gave you love and you gave it in return. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband today.
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Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by Friend2Dogs »

I am so sorry for your loss, it does not matter how long you have had them in your life you feel the loss. I do not really know what to say to help you ,as I can not seem to help my self in my loss. Just know I am truly sorry.
Cindy Westerdale

Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by Cindy Westerdale »

Hi Lisa, We are so very sorry at your loss of Millie. No words can really make it easier. We just wanted you and your husband to know that we are thinking of you both and that you are in our prayers. Love and hugs, Richard,Cindy,Charlie,Joshua,Jonathan and (of course) Valo
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Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by Stephanie »


Just yesterday, you wrote me a beautiful letter about what a special group we are. We love our animals and not too many people can relate to the bond that we share with our special needs babies. You gave me support over Tamas passing and it truly touched my heart. I too, hoped that Tamas death was fast, so I understand your pain. I don't care what kind of animal it is, no one in their right mind wants a loved one to suffer and I know that the last nine days of her life were the best nine days of her life and you and your husband were a total blessing to little Millie. She probably knew that she would not be in the world long, but fought it just to spend more time with you and cozying up in your husband neck. My thoughts are with you.

Stephanie Missy and forever Tama
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Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by BethT »

Oh Lisa,

I am so sorry for the loss of Millie. Like others have said, I'm sure she experienced a kind of love in her short life that she would have never had with anyone else. You and your husband are such wonderful people for taking care of her. I was thinking just the other day as I go through this amputation thing with my cat Speck. I was thinking isn't it amazing the depth of feelings that I have for this little 7.75 pound cat. So I know that even though it was only 9 days your love was big. I am really sorry. BethT
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Re: Cats: Support Needed: Our Kitten Died

Post by critters »

I'm sorry for your loss. Callie, a severely brain damaged baby, was here for only a week or 2 before seizures took her away, but she learned so much while she was here, and I just loved her dearly. Sometimes they can get to you just that quick!
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THANK YOU everyone

Post by LisainCAN »

I am heartened by all of your wonderful, caring responses. My husband, who always acts like the toughie, came home last night and told me that Millie had really worked her way into his heart and that he had fought back tears all day. He is going to bury her today (or tomorrow) for me when the rain lets up. He said I don't have to be there because it would be too hard for me. We will make a nice little memorial for little Millie.

I still feel so bad when I see her little diapers and all of her meds, etc. in the bathroom. I hope she is finally at peace.

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