stairways and an older golden retriever

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stairways and an older golden retriever

Post by Kathy »


We have a ten year old golden who is beginning to have difficulty navigating stairs due to cataract vision problems. The problem is minor now, she sometimes needs our help to navigate. Our worry is that as the problem advances, the only way we will be able to bring her up the stairs is to carry her. She is not overweight, but at 75 lbs., my husband is the only one strong enough to carry her up the staircase. I have been racking my brain for some other solution, and just come up blank. Any ideas? I hate the thought of leaving her downstairs alone at night.

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Allicks's Karen can probably tell you more :)

Post by CarolC »

Hi Kathy, I have a feeling you will solve this problem more easily than you expect, without having to carry her. I would be less concerned about the challenge of getting her up than down, and most concerned about her safety. I'd consider installing baby gates at the head and foot of the stairs. As for getting her up, you could accompany her up using a harness to guide her and steady her in the event of a misstep. Did you see all the slings and harnesses available through the homepage of this website? One of the belly harnesses might be a good choice. It would also help you get her in and out of the car. Also, my golden retriever seems to live for food--does yours? If you want to encourage her to climb the stairs, a little (lo-cal) treat every fourth step up might be a great motivator. I'm sort of wondering if the hesitation you're noticing in her when it comes to climbing stairs might be partly due to aging joints and weight, as well as cataracts? I mean, dogs don't have especially good night vision, yet I imagine she's navigated the stairs in the dark before without too much trouble. I'm sure you'll work it out. Best wishes to you.
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Re: stairways and an older golden retriever

Post by critters »

She has NO other disabilities besides vision? It's NOT a new/different house? I'm surprised she has so much trouble. My blind one is NO different from the sighted ones, unless you see her scarred corneas. One of the blind dog sites suggested using oil-based scents to mean different things, such as danger, but we never used anything special. There are also hoop-vests available that are supposed to be like a blind human's cane; Debbie_Spain used to have those links, but you might start with the blind dog site.
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Re: Allicks's Karen can probably tell you more -you betcha

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Up and down, up and down, repeating STEP STEP STEP. In the beginning, yes, baby gates, or confinement until the step thing is safe. Up and down, up and down, and walking the house on lead so we know where that staircase is. Landmarks in the form of scents for floor 1 and floor two, ie liver scent on first floor and chicken on second (mash treats and rub into carpet or wall - honest ...) GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
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