Four Ways of Walking

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Four Ways of Walking

Post by CarolC »

My little friend has developed 4 ways of walking. The first is very clever--I call it her Possum Walk. She invented it about 2 weeks ago. She knows if she stands all the way up and takes steps she loses her balance, yet she also knows she can move her feet perfectly well. She developed a way to waddle along with her bottom only 1 to 2 inches off the ground, taking steps like a human child doing the duck walk. With her head down, ears back, and tail trailing behind, she looks just like a little opossum. The second is what I call the Table Legs Walk. Again, she knows if she stands all the way up and takes steps she loses her balance, yet she can stand all the way up perfectly well before falling over. So she stands up with her back legs straight and well apart (knees locked I think) and takes steps with her front feet simply pulling her back legs along like a person dragging a table across the room. She may be on her toes or her pads. The third is Table Legs With Skating. She stands all the way up with her back legs straight and begins dragging her back legs as in the Table Legs Walk, only she may move one or the other foot a time or two by skating it forward so the pads never leave the ground. This way she does not lose her balance. The fourth way is close to real walking. I don't have a name for it. It involves going very fast so the momentum helps her keep her balance enough to take steps as she goes. She'd be able to do it better if there was someplace she could practice that was bigger than a 15' living room. By the time she gets up and going, she runs out of room to run. This is where we're at at 7 1/2 months.
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Bendy Kitty
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sounds good to me

Post by Bendy Kitty »

glad she is figuring out how to get around.
Mimosa has several different ways of getting around, too. she also does the momentum thing which is good until she wants to stop.

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Re: sounds good to me

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

I read about these creative critters and am constantly amazed at their resourcefulness. Are yours as happy as mine is? I know they are as precious! And so many people frown on us for keeping these "poor suffering creatures" alive, which totally sends me over the edge. Our "families" don't even know they are physicaly disadvantaged, because they are loved beyond reason, and they bring joy to others. I am constantly amazed at these wonderful creatures who bring us love and pride and joy, with two paws tied behind their backs!

Re: Four Ways of Walking

Post by Angela »

This is fantastic!
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