Story: some good news about aphrodite!

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Re: Story: some good news about aphrodite!

Post by critters »

We used hairball stuff with Buddy at first, until I found that we prefer lactulose. Hairball stuff is mostly petroleum jelly, with flavors, sweeteners, etc, so you could try that. My monsters LOVE PJ, even plain; it seems to taste fishy.

I agree that her pooping is a VERY GOOD thing, but I'd still start her on a softener/lube to keep her from getting so stopped up again.

VERY GLAD she's home!!!
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Re: Story: some good news about aphrodite!

Post by CarolC »

You can put an elizabethan collar on her--you see it on the first cat being expressed on the expressing webpage. I have expressed on the counter, too, it is a good height and slippery so the pet can't get traction. Wipe with chlorox afterward. Good luck!!!
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doin a happy dance for Aphrodite

Post by Bendy Kitty »

hooray hooray!
yep with disabled critters you get all excited about poop and pee!
ignore the stupid vet's pessimism, but go ahead and poke that tech in the eye. or, better, when you get the feel of the bladder take her in and say to them "look, i figured it out" then point her butt at them and squeeze...

Mimosa hates being expressed, always twists and yowls and kicks.

using the box on her own is a BIG thing, a very good sign, and i can't think why it wouldn't continue unless somethign gets inflamed. maybe she just needs a little "reminding" that she has to go by external pressure on her bladder.

headbonks and purrs for both of you!


Re: Story: some good news about aphrodite!

Post by Heather »

I am in Pocatello Idaho. Its one of the larger cities in Idaho (not that that's saying a whole lot!) I am about 3 1/2 hours from the capital (Boise) and 2 1/2 hours from Salt Lake city Ut in the other direction.
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What's the latest on Aphrodite? *NoMsg*

Post by Carol T. »


Re: What's the latest on Aphrodite?

Post by Heather »

We just got back from the vet again. We take two trips a day to empty the bladder since I STILL cant get it. I am determined to get this down this weekend. I am going to the same clinic, but seeing a different vet now. He gave her some prescription for her bladder- cant think of the dang name right now though. Starts with a B I believe. Huge pills that I have to shoot down her throat with this contraption. Just another thing she HATES!! Poor cat! We are going to try that and see what happens over the weekend. This vet is much nicer to me. Said that if I didnt mind bringing her in twice a day that was fine with them. That makes me feel so much better. I called my dad today and explained that I need to build a huge cage outside my back patio so the animals cant go too far. I came home to blood all over the kitchen counter and floor and found my other cat with a chunk of her tail missing. I have to keep them inside. I cant deal with any more injuries!! Im starting to think that some jerk has a vendetta agains kitties tails in my neighborhood. So we begin the construction of the cat cage tomorrow. My dad thinks im ridiculous, but he loves to build so that will distract him for a couple of days. Still hoping aphrodite will pee on her own more or I will magically learn the art of expressing without losing an arm in the process.
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Re: Story: some good news about aphrodite!

Post by marilynb »

I have a 13 pound doxie who is incontinet I usse a dog wrap but I need something to use inside of them I have tried pampers but that doesn't work. I was wondering if any one had any ideas.


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Re: Story: some good news about aphrodite!

Post by Friend2Dogs »

This is something I know! LOL My Basset (male) pees a gallon when he goes! I bought the prefold cloth baby diapers,and a water proof baby lap pads. Not quilted kind. I cut the pads to fit belly wrap ,it will make several. I lay on top of pad two folded cloth diapers.Lay pad in belly wrap and put two diapers on top.He goes all night or for hours with this.
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What pad to put in a male wrap *LINK*

Post by CarolC »

Below is a link giving ideas on that. If you use a wrap, you can choose what to put inside based on how much urine he leaks. If it's not too much, try a kotex. If it's more, try a Poise pad. If it's a lot, try a Serenity Ultimate pad.

click here for diapers and male wraps
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Re: What pad to put in a male wrap

Post by Marni »


I used regular cotton baby diapers, folded to look like a kotex pad and kept them on with a male wrap. Worked like a charm. Had to have a diaper pail and do the laundry often but it was much cheaper than disposable pads and Simon did not try to eat them. Often dogs will try to devour their disposable pads once they are wet.

Carol T.
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Re: What's the latest on Aphrodite?

Post by Carol T. »

I'm so glad you now have a vet that will work with you! I would be really concerned about your cats!! Two tail injuries? That sounds like more than coincidence. Is there a dog in your neighborhood? Just in case the culprit is human, I hope you will make your kitty enclosure secure enough so no one or nothing can get in there. In case it's a dog, be sure to put something in there that your cats can climb up high on to get away!! Good luck with your bladder detection this weekend!!!! Seek and ye shall find!!!!! ;)
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Re: What's the latest on Aphrodite?

Post by critters »

I understand--sometimes peeing Buddy is like trying to pee an alligator--all teeth, claws, growling, and hissing! I scruff him with my R hand and pee him with the left; I've since learned to take off my watch since I got tired of washing it; his "gun" has been known to drown everything in the room!
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Post by critters »

Or, better, I'll loan you Buddy; his "gun" is as good as a pee-loaded Super Soaker!!
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NDR Barbara Boehmer has a really nice cat enclosure--think J

Post by CarolC »

I have one in the back yard that is a 10' x 10' chain link dog run, 6' tall with a door. I put chicken wire over the top. Originally I had the wire over the entire top of it, but birds would get in through the holes in the chain link and not be able to get out, and I'd come home to a panicked bird, and I'd have to approach slowly and open the door so the bird could fly out. So now I have a large hole in the chicken wire in top for birds to fly out, but cats are still safe.

THE IMPORTANT THING (reason I started this message) is I worried about boys going down the alley with BB guns and shooting into the enclosure. My backyard fence is a 6' chain link fence, not wooden, so you can see right through it. The enclosure is up close to the house but I still worried. So on the alley side of the enclosure (and part of another side) I wove those forest green aluminum strips through the chain link fence diagonally. I figure it will be a lot harder for someone to see or shoot through the fence from the alley.
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Re: NDR Barbara Boehmer has a really nice cat enclosure--thi

Post by Carol T. »

What do you have as a base? I would love to have an enclosure for my cats, but...being in the boonies, I would be afraid that some wild critter (or dog) could tunnel under the fence and get them. I guess mine would have to have a concrete base.
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