Dogs: Molly Movie - Part Two *LINK* *PIC*

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Re: Dogs: Molly Movie - Part Two

Post by Michele »

To watch your video has given us so much hope. On May 22 our Chihuahua, Sunshine had surgery for several ruptured disc. We are told at this point...about 7 weeks post op they are pretty sure she will not walk again. We are continuing to do her therapy and are hopeful for our little miracle to come. So many just do not understand why we would go through all of this for a Dog...but she is so much more than that to us. Thank you for sharing your video. If I can ask you, we noticed lately that she pulls her legs back under it seems when we start to do the cycle motion therapy...her legs also seem to twitch a little and it appears sometime that she is pulling them under her as she walks. Did this happen with Molly? Thank you
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Re: Dogs: Molly Movie - Part Two

Post by kruzen55 »


by no means do not give up hope. the vet said he was 100% sure that molly would not walk again and that we could always get her a cart and she'd live a happy life. we were okay with that but still wanted to give her all the chances we could. she had the surgery on 1/13/06 and she didn't even move her tail for 6 weeks. a friend of ours was leaving our house and got down to say bye to molly and her little tail went to one side. that was the first movement we saw - 6 weeks after surgery.

if your dog is moving his back legs at 7 weeks i think that is really hopeful. we massaged and bicycled molly 3-4 times a day and then we started to hold her up when she ate. she'd stand for 3 seconds and we were so excited. now as you can see 7 months later she is hopping and trying really hard to run. i just had her outside before and told her to go peepees and she walked a little and then she squatted and peed. of course she walks and pees at the same time as in the video but atleast she knew what i said and then did it.

keep working with your dog and keep us informed.

molly did have leg twitching and movement but again that was after 7-8 weeks post op. so i think yours is doing great.

take care,
and molly and her sister buffy too!
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Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:30 am
Location: Pennsylvania

Re: Dogs: Molly Movie - Part Two

Post by kruzen55 »


by no means do not give up hope. the vet said he was 100% sure that molly would not walk again and that we could always get her a cart and she'd live a happy life. we were okay with that but still wanted to give her all the chances we could. she had the surgery on 1/13/06 and she didn't even move her tail for 6 weeks. a friend of ours was leaving our house and got down to say bye to molly and her little tail went to one side. that was the first movement we saw - 6 weeks after surgery.

if your dog is moving his back legs at 7 weeks i think that is really hopeful. we massaged and bicycled molly 3-4 times a day and then we started to hold her up when she ate. she'd stand for 3 seconds and we were so excited. now as you can see 7 months later she is hopping and trying really hard to run. i just had her outside before and told her to go peepees and she walked a little and then she squatted and peed. of course she walks and pees at the same time as in the video but atleast she knew what i said and then did it.

keep working with your dog and keep us informed.

molly did have leg twitching and movement but again that was after 7-8 weeks post op. so i think yours is doing great.

take care,
and molly and her sister buffy too!@
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