News: Jasper update...

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News: Jasper update...

Post by Shaz »

I just wanted to share Jasper's progress once again, to maybe give hope/encouragement to other owners whose animals have suffered spinal shock. If you remember, Jasper's injury and paralysis was back in February of this year, and since then he has made steady progress. Well, it's got to the stage now where we can throw sticks/toys for him to retrieve, and, apart from occasionally falling when he turns around too quickly (he always over-shoots the target ;-) ) he brings it back at top speed, and very definitely looks at us demanding for us to do it again. Before his injury he loved doing this, and the joy on his face when we do it now is amazing. Needless to say, we have very silly grins on our faces, too!! Just wanted to share :-)
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Tinker's Mom
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Yea, Jasper!

Post by Tinker's Mom »

Hooray for Jasper and for you for hanging in there with him! It must really be gratifying to see him return to normal activity. I think I remember your posts back when he was first injured. I remember that one leg was weaker than the other, which is quite common. Did you do acupuncture and hydrotherapy?

Tinker is also a member of the "class of February, 2005" and is recovering nicely, up and running (crookedly, but who cares) and playing and loving life- following surgery and months of hydrotherapy and acupuncture. We definitely count ourselves among the lucky ones. When (some) people look at him with pity because of his funky walk, they truly don't get it- he is a survivor, he's worked really hard, and we are blessed.

Re: Yea, Jasper!

Post by Shaz »

I'm very glad to hear that Tinker is also doing well :-)
Jasper had hydrotherapy for about 3 months after he was first injured, and it really helped him. You're right, his right back leg is still much weaker than the other, and during his recovery he had to wear a rigid splint (to protect his paw, which was knuckling all the time), then progressed to a leather boot, and now he doesn't wear anything at all :-) He's not 100% and I don't think he ever will be, but he is so happy. Do you know the animated characters Wallace & Gromit? Jasper walks just like Gromit :-) :-)
Take care
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Ah, life is good! :)))) *NoMsg*

Post by CarolC »

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