Dogs: Anxiety

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Dogs: Anxiety

Post by Jerry »

Hi Guys,

Im sorry that I always seem to be asking for advice and never really have much advice to give other people!!

I have a new problem with Luna. Well its been going on for a while but it wasnt that serious. She panics whenever we pick up our keys to go out or if we put some shoes on etc. We are going to start doing some exercises like picking up the keys but not going anywhere to try to get her to not associate the car keys with "Im going to be alone for hours". We know how to handle that side of things -sort of-. The problem is she licks her front feet while we are not there, she used to get redness around her nails but now she does it all the time, even when we are there! Its become a habit and she has licked the underside of her foot so bad she can't walk on it (which is not good considering she needs those front legs to get around in her cart) It is raw and looks very weepy. I put some savlon on it and then a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil which she hates the taste of so she doesnt lick it, although it is not healing because it needs to dry out. Any suggestions on what I could do to get it to dry up but still keep her from licking her feet?? and also how to break the habit of her licking them in the first place.

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Re: Dogs: Anxiety

Post by critters »

How about new toys and chewies? Hide them where she can find them (consider her disabilities too, of course). Fill a Kong toy with something yummy, get one of those talking balls you can record a message on. Talk to her on the answering machine. If all else fails, there's always day care; she'd be thoroughly entertained, and probably worn out, all day.

There is also a special coat you can get that's supposed to help with anxiety, but I don't have time to look it up now.
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Re: Dogs: Anxiety

Post by Sheri »

Pete used to eat his rear feet when left alone. I had to take him everywhere with me. I started leaving him for 5 minutes at a time several times a day. We kept increasing the time period every couple of weeks and now he stays alone 3-4 hours no problem. The 3-4 hours is as long as his bladder will hold at this point.
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Re: Dogs: Anxiety *LINK*

Post by Tinker's Mom »

I think that this is the product that Critters was referring to.

Anxiety Wrap
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That's it. Thanks!! *NoMsg*

Post by critters »


Re: Dogs: Anxiety

Post by Jerry »

I have never heard of an anxiety wrap before,it looks as though it could be a good investment. Luna is generally fine throughout the day (apart from the licking) but she packs a tantrum when we go to leave. Shes actually reasonably calm in the morning when we go to work its mainly after work if I have to shoot to the shops or one of us has to go out somewhere when she really panics and throws herself around. She will try to get away from us if we approach her unless she knows we are going to take her, she doesnt cower away from us like shes scared she growls and wont look at us. Do you think an anxiety wrap would work if she was wearing it in the evenings just incase we needed to go out or perhaps only suitable for during the day?
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Re: Dogs: Anxiety

Post by critters »

If she doesn't have a problem during the day? I don't think I'd put it on until evening. Don't forget behavioral methods, too, such as rewarding good behavior and ignoring bad (temper fits).
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