Urinary: expressing problems

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Petey H.'s mom

Urinary: expressing problems

Post by Petey H.'s mom »

I've been somewhat successful expressing my dog's bladder but in the last few days, I'm having some of trouble. He is not dribbling but when I express (we use a different method...probably not the best but it was working!) I don't get a lot of urine out. I've had his bladder checked and it hasn't been very full. Any suggestions?

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Re: Urinary: expressing problems

Post by connie »

hello, i used to have to express cricket's bladder, then he got where he didn't go. so i started getting a damp paper towel and just touching him down there, and now that is the way he pees. ha ha. teh vet said it is stimalating him to go. anyway, it works and is so much easier than expressing the bladder. if i can help in any way , just e mail. mine is recovering from ruptured disk surgery and is doing wonderful. god bless you and your pet
Petey H.'s mom

Re: Urinary: expressing problems

Post by Petey H.'s mom »

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.
How can you be sure the bladder is empty?
"Squeezing" tends to make both of us nervous.

Good luck to you and Cricket!
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Re: Urinary: expressing problems

Post by connie »

to petey's mom,
just wet a damp paper towel and pat his privates, urine should come right out. i know cricket's bladder is empty cause he goes so much. ha ha. i had vet check him after i started this and she said it worked. i usually do this 3 or 4 times a day. expressing him was painful for us both, that's why i tired this and it worked. i do hope this works for you, it will make petey feel better i know. if i can be any help to you let me know. i will give you my e mail. csc10@dtisp.com god bless you and your wonderful pet.
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Re: Urinary: expressing problems

Post by CarolC »

I'm curious what method you use? As long as it works don't apologize. However, squeezing the bladder probably shouldn't make you nervous. Can you pinpoint what it is about it that kind of bothers you? Are you afraid of hurting him?

If I want my dog to drink more I sometimes give her something that makes her thirsty. Like the baby corn out of the Chinese food, for example. Also, I give her lactulose syrup (from the vet) a couple of times a week to keep her regular, but a side-effect is it makes her drink a lot, so it helps both the bowel and the bladder. Neither one of those suggestions is probably of much help to you, since most people do not have Chinese food or lactulose syrup on hand. But sometimes she just has a small bladder, and it's really not a problem I don't think. She manages to stay free of infection even if she isn't drinking a lot.

Another way to get him to drink more is to mix water into his food.

Dianne makes homemade chicken broth (she boils a chicken so there is no added salt or preservatives like you get with canned) and her dog drinks that.
Kathy H.

Re: Urinary: expressing problems

Post by Kathy H. »

We found this "method" totally by accident. I was cleaning him up with baby wipes and, lo and behold, urine began to flow! So, now Petey lays on his side, I hold one leg up and rub him. We've been pretty successful doing this.
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