Dogs: possible stroke or tumor

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Dogs: possible stroke or tumor

Post by Margaret »

I have a 13yr old American Eskimo that recently has lost use of the right side of his body (stroke or tumor). Sometimes he has enough strength to walk or trot around the house or yard, the rest of the time he needs furniture or trees or us to lean against to help hold him up. His blood test on his organs all came up working fine and he's able to go to tend to himself fine and still wags his tail and eats and drinks. Any recommendations of what we can do to help him either message, exercise, herbal, etc?
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Re: Dogs: possible stroke or tumor

Post by Friend2Dogs »

Has your dog been checked by a Vet? If not, that should be the first thing I would do , then you could go from there with the vets suggestions. One of the others on this site with more knowledge than I will be on later to help you
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Cody's mom

Post by critters »

Cody's mom would be the best one to talk to you; she might come by shortly. If not, use the search button to search her posts; maybe some of your questions or concerns have already been answered.
Cody's Mom
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Re: Dogs: possible stroke or tumor

Post by Cody's Mom »

Hi Margaret,

Sorry to hear about your dog's troubles. Have any diagnostics been done at the vet other than bloodwork? Also, was the onset of the problems with the right side of the body sudden or gradual?

My beloved Cody had a brain tumor and my Mom's dog which I took care of after she died had a stroke(s). Both of them had normal bloodwork so I don't think bloodwork will show anything abnormal unless something else is going on. Both dogs had balance problems. Cody's lack of balance was much more severe than the dog with the stroke. The one with the stroke was able to run without too much trouble, but he could not walk well without stumbling. The vet said that is because he had more balance the more momentum he had going.

I don't know what has already been done at the vet's. Short-term steroids might be beneficial in either case, but that would be up to your vet. From what I understand, stroke victims can improve on their own, but they don't always. Mom's dog did improve to a great extent after the initial stroke (close to normal), but then he deteriorated drastically later. The vet assumed he had additional strokes. However, after the first stroke, he always had a very different personality. He lost his expression and was very timid and just seemed out of it in general. He was just sort of in a dazed, confused state. He never overcame that. Your dog doesn't sound like that. Cody did not change personality suddenly like that. He just gradually became duller over a period of a year or more, but he didn't just lose his expression overnight like the other one.

If it is a stroke, I think it's mostly a wait and see game and possibly steroids. If it's a brain tumor, you would have to decide if you want to pursue cancer treatment or not. It could also be something else, but I do not know what that could be. A stroke or brain tumor could be detected with a CT scan or MRI, but of course, both are costly. However, those are the only definitive diagnostic tools for strokes or brain tumors. If it's a brain tumor, further deterioration is inevitable. It will not get better with time if untreated. I was told by the vet that stroke victims will either improve or stay the same as long as additional strokes don't occur. If you surf the net for info, strokes are usually called "vascular accidents" in dogs. The vets don't usually call them strokes.

I hope this helps a little. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Love, Cody's FOREVER proud Mom

Re: Dogs: possible stroke or tumor

Post by Linda »

Hello and many hugs...

Had you thought of seeing a neurologist? The specialist could probably share excercises, etc. that might help him....And also had you given any thought to getting him a wheelchair?? The wheelchair would support his body and allow him to use the limbs that work move him more comfortably about...I have gone to K9 Carts East for my darlings and Dr. Parks' has given now three of my "chilren" freedom again....

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