Front leg amputation.

Please post questions about pets who are expected to undergo amputation or who have already undergone amputation here, as well as pets born with missing or incomplete limbs.
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Front leg amputation.

Post by WalkingGal1951 »

I have been searching the forum for info on front amputation of one leg. Murphy is 7 has been 4 years without his right leg and does well but now he seems to be slowing down. He is also stumbling quite a bit. I should mention his right back leg is also weak from the same accident. His left side virtually supports his right side. Would a dog cart work or would you suggest a 4-wheeler? Thanks! I am so happy to have found this website.
Last edited by WalkingGal1951 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Front leg amputation.

Post by CarolC »

Hi WalkingGal51,

Boy, that's a tough one. When he stumbles, is he stumbling in his hindquarters or with his front leg? Does he have a heart murmur or any other conditions that you know of? Is he on any kind of medication, especially arthritis/joint medication? Does he show pain anywhere that you can tell?

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Re: Front leg amputation.

Post by WalkingGal1951 »

Thanks for your reply CarolC. He falls on his front stump much more than he use to. His front leg collapses or he looses his balance. He has his daily chondroitin and glucosamine. And occasional chiropractic care. No pain that we can tell but we do worry about arthritis in his front leg. Otherwise, he is healthy and happy. We are trying to think about the future as he ages and his front leg doing most of the work. He will barely go for walks anymore as he tires easily and pavement and gravel are not his friend. He loves grass but still cannot keep up. We now go for walks with Murphy in a backpack. I think he would prefer being on the ground on his own. :)
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Re: Front leg amputation.

Post by CarolC »

OK, if he is stumbling on his front leg, then a 2-wheel cart does not sound like it would be enough(?) Some manufacturers make a 2-wheel cart with front extensions, which are small front wheels you can add on, not quite as supportive as a quad cart but it might be enough. He can still propel himself well with one hind leg and help some with the other hind leg. He can use his front let some but sounds like it might be kind of sore. If you want links let me know.

I think before trying a wheelchair, I would ask the vet about an anti-inflammatory, even something like Rimadyl, and see if he gets around any better. Dogs just can't really zip around in a cart with 4 wheels like they can in one with 2 wheels. I suspect you would still not have the quality of walks you are looking for(?)

If he is small enough to fit in a backpack, here is another idea. Possibly you can walk a ways with him in the pack, then take him out and let him explore with your assistance, then put him back in the pack till you get to the next point of interest. I am sure he loves the walks in the pack, too. He just wants to be with you and get out and see things, you are doing a wonderful thing with pack walks.


Another idea is a stroller. That's what I went to for my dog when walking became difficult, strollers are a huge, huge success. If you want links showing some of the pets on this board in strollers, let me know. :)
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