boxer lost his leg today

Please post questions about pets who are expected to undergo amputation or who have already undergone amputation here, as well as pets born with missing or incomplete limbs.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by critters »

:pastel: SydneyBeansMom!! My Tripod is missing an arm, so she used to lick my thumb and use it to wash her face. :D

LOVE the pic of Smokey shaking hands!! See! These guys are SO adaptable! They don't worry about it; they just find a way to do it!!

I consider tripods disfigured, not disabled.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by kristiqhall »

here is the picture of my sign i had made to put in my yard right where they hit diesel and the other dog...oh found the owners of the "stray dog" that was hit with diesel that was killed, A family was looking for there dog the other day (5 days later) they could not speak English the only one who could was a 5 yr old little girl so had to tell her her dog was dead. wish her parents could speak english i would of told them if there dog was at home a mile down th eroad every morning this would not of even happened!! diesel wouldnt of tried to chase him out of yard. anyway heres my sign!
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by Smokeypeil »

That sign is awesome. Good for you. I have noticed a vehicle the past few days that has been driving by and turning around in the cul-de-sac, then driving really slow by our house ( I assume looking for Smokey), so going to keep watch and see.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by Caroline »

Hi again,
About the meds, yes do ask the vet. But the tramadole really helps them with pain after that ,one can get some ascriptin it is over the counter med.
I used to bump up Busters meds off and on just depending on how he was doing sometimes just a half a pill. I still give him a pill (ascriptin) if he seems sore some days.
I can't belive how both dogs just hop along already that is just great.
I am sad to hear about the family that lost there dog, life just isn't fair sometimes.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by tessa »

LOL sandy...
i don't think anything cures the paw thing.
i knew that when xena was a i never taught her to give a paw...and i forbid anybody else to teach her to.
she gives high-fives instead.

that is an awesome sign, kristi. good on yah.
i'm glad the family of the other dog knows what happened now. i'm sure it's a real sore spot that it was because of that dog that your dog got hit. was that dog loose a lot?...or maybe did the 5 year old forget to close the gate?
the whole thing is a tragedy, but thank goodness you've still got your diesel.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by SydneyBeans Mom »

I love the sign! It will be interesting to see if anyone comes forward. Who knows, maybe another driver saw something and will let you know. It's a small world when it comes to these things. All it would take is 'the person' (who did this) talking about it with someone and that someone talks to another person. Especially with a sign, that will get people talking. I hope it works. People need to be responsible for their actions.
critters wrote::pastel: SydneyBeansMom!! My Tripod is missing an arm, so she used to lick my thumb and use it to wash her face. :D

LOVE the pic of Smokey shaking hands!! See! These guys are SO adaptable! They don't worry about it; they just find a way to do it!!

I consider tripods disfigured, not disabled.
That's too funny with the thumb licking to clean her face! It gave me the idea to try to do a scratch on his chin with the type of 'slight' (and I mean slight) kick to it...he loved it! He's definitely a fighter and adaptable, he's now taken over my dog's litter box. Oh, yeah my dog is litter box trained too :oops: :blush:
~Shauna 'SydneyBeans Mom'
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by SydneyBeans Mom »

Smokeypeil wrote:I have photos on my mypsace page it's at ... Id=1902432

I haven't figured out yet how to put them up here. More like I don't have the time right now.

Thanks for your tip on the baby gate, I might have to put that one to use. Smokey sure thinks he can do more than he should be.

Did you ever find out who hit your kitty? I am not sure if I ever will but we live off of Highland Avenue in Grants Pass on a little dead end lane. So I am hoping someone saw something, there is no way you can hit a 85 lb dog w/o knowing it.

Cute Kitty!
What a small world! I don't live very far from you and I have a family member that lives on a street off of highland! I'll contact her and see if she saw anything. I don't know if your close to the school zone there, but they have those flashing lights to slow down to 20 MPH! It sounds like this happened during school time hours? If so, you might give the non-emergency police number a call and let them know what happened and probably someone was driving too fast. They might have an officer watch that area more closely. It always sickens me how many people drive down my street so fast. Just last week I ran outside because I saw one of my neighbors little girls chasing down her little dog that got away from her. One of my other neighbors was already outside waving down for the cars to slow down. I'm beginning to think we need to have those awful rubber bumps placed on our street so that it might slow the cars down. I just don't want to see it turn out like Beacon street, where it feels your on a horrible carnival ride in your car. I wish people could just be responsible when it comes to safety when driving your car!
Btw, who was your vet? My vet was great throughout this, she even dropped by on her day off just to see how Ollie was doing! I think she was worried because, besides the amputation he had the hernia surgery with 30 staples down his belly. I can joke now that Ollie was into it for the piercings 8) I was so afraid of picking him up that the first week I had my husband hold him while I did the medicine.
I doubt I'll ever find out who hit him. I'm just glad he's fine now and he is now a strict indoor kitty. We built an outdoor enclosure (what I call the cat box room) that all of them can now go out and get fresh air but not roam.
Outdoor Enclosure Room
Outdoor Enclosure Room
~Shauna 'SydneyBeans Mom'
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by critters »

LOVE your enclosure!!! Good thing only Ari has seen the pics; she's not capable of hitchiking to come see you!! :mrgreen:
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by Smokeypeil »

Sydney Beans Mom,
I live off of Highland leading towards Merlin. We have only 4 houses past mine on our little DEAD END lane. Anyways, I have been doing my CSI work and figured out the approximate time and location.

I go to Dr. Heidi of Applegate Clinic. Which vet is yours? Smokey also was neutered at the same time so he has stitches up the belly somewhat as well. He isn't doing so well today. Last night was a bit better for him, not for me, he has to have me touching him at all times or he won't close his eyes for long. I am extremely exhausted. I am going to try to figure out how to get him on my bed ( he used to sleep up there before ) so that he can lie beside me so that I am not achingly lying on the floor. His right back leg is hurting bad, so I massage it, his muscles are just so tight.

Going to update my post on here: "Pray for my doggie, he's in surgery".......I am going to try and change the title, maybe to "R. front leg amputation-afterwards" or something to the point of "hit and run"
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by kristiqhall »

Diesel is doing great!!!! stitches come out Sat!!! yeaaaa!!!
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by tessa »

excellent, kristi!!!
you'll notice a big difference in him once those are out. it's like bringing in your old dog for a check-up...and leaving with a puppy.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by kristiqhall »

ok we have a problem...........

Diesel is not happy :-( he had his stitches removed sat. he has been crying and doesnt even want to walk around i have to take him out to go potty (walk with him) and stand over his food bowl to eat, he now hates the other 3 dogs we have, and just layes around the house. i brought him back to vet because i am worried about hi they say he is fine..but he is not the same, not even his personallity...please tell em this will go away, he makes all of us fill very sorry for him
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by Smokeypeil »

Wish I could tell you it would get better. That's what I was trying to say other dog and him do not get along at all, I have to coax him to eat (he is getting thin), he is crying all the time (very exhausting to me). But Smokey did have a glimpse of the puppy in him yesterday and was eager and willing to play fetch, so I threw the ball for him a few times about a six foot distance, yet today we are back to the mopeys.

I am going to go to the store tomorrow to get some canned cat food to mix in with his food to get him to eat some. I also read where people get the chicken from Walmart, so I may try that to.

Keep us posted, hugs to Diesel.
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by kristiqhall »

ok..we r NOT doing so good here!!! i dont know what else to do they have my poor baby so drugged up and he is still crying ALOT i dont understand why this is JUST happening, its 2 weeks and one day!!! from accident i understand he is still healing but the first 10 days were good!! He moves his nub around ALOT and also sucks it that normal???
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Re: boxer lost his leg today

Post by SydneyBeans Mom »

I might not have the right advise because my experience has been with my cat Oliver who lost his right rear leg about seven weeks ago (today.) He does move his stump around when he is walk/hopping. Also, he still tries to scratch his right ear with it which is so irritating for him. I think he's finally learning that his front paw can do that too, just not the same way. As far as his personality goes, he has been chasing my little dog around, so I have to be protective over the dog! He didn't like Zeta before and now he's got something to prove.
I hope someone here has some good advise on the behavioral issues. I've watched the Dog Whisperer shows before and he's always saying how dogs pick up on our energy. I can imagine that you are probably worn out and constantly worried. Perhaps, he's really sensitive to this, plus doesn't understand why he can't go back to the way things used to be.
It's hard for us 'humans' to look at our babies (animals) after something harmful has happened to them, especially a disfigurement.
I love this quote:
critters wrote:I consider tripods disfigured, not disabled.
Also, I read another person say, they have three legs and a spare! Sorry I'm not quoting the original author name on that one, I'm sure it's here somewhere.
I'm not sure if you have any help that can come in and give you a little break, even if it's just for an hour. I know when I had a really sick cat about 4 years ago, I did this thing where I spent nearly every waking minute with him. Finally, my husband said that it wasn't good for me and not good for my sick baby cat. It's so easy to lose yourself in a routine when it comes to a loved one being sick or injured.
If you can try to give yourself a break and try to go back to some of the 'old routine' that Diesel is used to. If you have a friend that could come over that Diesel is familiar with and see how he is alone with that person and if he's still crying out or acting like his old-self. Might be a good test.
I hope the vet has ruled out any internal injuries. I know with my cat, Oliver, after his amputation surgery they noticed that his breathing wasn't right and they did another xray which showed a diaphragmatic hernia which they repaired with a second surgery. He's fine now which is great.
The 'crying out' that you described bothers me. When my little dog did that, turned out she had a pancreas problem and they did a blood test and found the liver enzymes extremely high. This was diet related, which we were able to correct immediately.
I don't want to scare you with any of these ideas, but I'm just trying to think of anything that might help.
I know you're doing everything to help your little guy, but don't forget to take care of yourself too:)
~Shauna 'SydneyBeans Mom'
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