Have to make the decision

Please post questions about pets who are expected to undergo amputation or who have already undergone amputation here, as well as pets born with missing or incomplete limbs.
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Have to make the decision

Post by Annenoe »

So, we've in $5000, including 3 MRIs and still not diagnosis. My oncologist (who I love) is stumped (no pun intended). But Mickey's leg continues to deteriorate. We purchased a splint that helps keep his paw from knuckling, but the leg is so weak, it just bangs around.

He's 13 years old, weighs 25 pounds, the leg is his right rear. We started prednisone on Friday and made the appt to amputate for next Thursday, but with the option to cancel if we thought the meds were helping.

I've seen the MRI - the sciatic nerve. up close to the spine is clearly abnormal. They think it's either a nerve sheath tumor that "crawled" up from one we've been dealing with since 2001 (two surgeries and one round of radiation from a tumor in same leg but lower down). Or neuritis.

Mickey is so depressed. He lays around all day. He's clearly frightened. The leg is like a noodle and he continues to try to walk on it, but of course, it's like walking on a noodle. He slips a lot, falls down. I went out yesterday and purchased tons of rugs to cover the mostly tile and hardwood we have in our house. He's already moving around more.

My husband and I are devastated and can't seem to get past it all - which I know is normal. Honestly, he can't walk on 4 legs but I know he could walk on 3 - if he is willing. He also suffers from severe separation anxiety and we can no longer leave him alone - ever. I work from home and when we need to get out, we have a wonderful place that does day care. I've ordered a dog stroller to help me be able to get out more. I'm assuming (and hoping) we'll be allowed in more places as long as he is confined.

I guess I'm looking for help here. I read a lot of stories of young dogs, but I have a senior dog. His appetite is still good, and when he gets around other dogs, he still has the drive to play. I keep thinking that it is the immobility that is the worst, and that if he can move around again, he'll perk up. But I'm also afraid that this will be worse for him. That he will not be able to adapt. We know we don't have too much more time with him. Do we just medicate and let him live out a few months in peace? Or, as the vet suggests, he may go another couple of years with no problems. I just don't want to start cutting him up, only to have him suffer his last year or two. But he still is our "old" dog and we still see life in his eyes. We don't think he's ready to be put down. Or are we holding on for all the wrong reasons.

Need some stories here. Anyone with an older dog that has come through this?
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by Harvey'sMom »

I am so sorry to hear this and what you are going through. Although my Harvey is a different story, he is a tripod who lost use of his only back leg. we are adjusting to life as it is.

All I can say, from a personal perspective, is that if there is life and a sparkle in his eyes, go for it! Dogs look at things a bit differently than we do. Dogs have the luxury of living in the MOMENT and never have to worry about what comes next. They live for now and today.

Harvey has a nerve problem from vertebreas that are fused together. He might walk again and then he might not.
I am sure he will adjust wonderful to having 3 legs, although, it will be tough on you.

Also, you might forgo surgery and just get a wheelchair. Wheelchairs do have drawbacks, as they are really not very good inside. I also bought many rug runners because I have tile.

I think he would have a full and happy life on 3 legs..but then this is my own opinion. I know you will make the right decision.

He is a lucky little guy to have you as a Mom......

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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by SandyNY »

Is the vet recommending surgery? If they do the surgery, will they be taking out what you are looking at in the xray - the sciatic nerve?
You and harvey have fought cancer - have been fighting it; so even tho upset, you probably have a better idea what is best than many of us.
If you do elect for the surgery, do you think they will allow Harvey to come home directly after? If, not, please make sure that they actually have awake staff on duty with him - at all times he is there.
May I ask, did you try aspirin? I understand the prednisone is for swelling etc but what about a short trial of ascriptin or aspirin?
As for right now, he will not towel walk? Or use a leash slung under him to walk? In the house, maybe you can teach him a command "Wait" then go to him and sling walk him - at least then he will be getting around and not aggravating the leg by whacking it about and upsetting himself with failure.
Have you tried a lick bottle with him? Lots of dogs will readily figure it out if you put a dollop of peanut butter on the end.
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by tessa »

i think that as long as he's got the leg, he will try to use it.
amputation is not the end of the world, in fact, it can be *immediate* pain relief.
i wouldn't be half as worried about the amputation, as i would be that whatever that is...is spreading.

xena is not old, old, but she was no spring chicken either when she had her amputation.
you can visit her blog at the link below.

if mickey is fit at the moment...i don't expect it will be difficult for him to manage.
good luck...and let us know what you choose to do.
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by Donna »


It has been almost two years since my dog had to have his left front leg amputated. He is doing well although it is harder for him to get around but he does run and jump and play just not as much. Your dog is small and you will be surprised how well he does. The best thing is after the enitial pain of the surgery he should do really well. If he still has that sparkle in his eye and wants to move and even play you will be amazed at what he will do. My dog is as happy as he ever was and each day I am so happy he is here with me. He had cancer so I had to amputate to save his life. The decision is a hard one so really have a heart to heart with the surgeon. I know you have special concerns because of his age. You sure do love him a lot and know him better than anyone, so think not from emotion but from his standpoint. Dogs just want to get up and move, they adjust so much better than us because they don't feel sorry for themselves. They move on because that is the way they are designed. Good luck with what ever you decide to do with Mickey. Remember what ever nasty thing brewing in that leg will be gone along with the leg.
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by Annenoe »

Thanks all. I'm pretty much resigned to the surgery. The vets do *not* know what's wrong. We do see an abnormal sciatic nerve, might be cancer - they're not sure.
But I do know he can no longer walk on 4 legs, so I guess we'll give him a chance on three.

On a lighter note, we bought a doggy stroller this weekend. First put him in this one: http://www.justpetstrollers.com/happy_t ... oller.html but he hated it. My husband noted that it was 'wobbly' and it was obvious that Mickey did not feel safe. So, then we put him in this one: http://www.justpetstrollers.com/AT3_all ... oller.html and he *loved* it. Immediately settled down and we walked him all over the store. Bought it and then we took him out "shopping". It's the first time in weeks I've been able to get out. And he clearly enjoyed it. And we had no issues in the stores we went to (Michael's, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond). Folks were all very nice - everyone wanted to come up and say hi. Mickey loved the attention and I think it really cheered him up. I took it out last night on our walk. Before, he'd walk long enough to do his business, then he just wanted to sit down. So, last night, I just put him in his stroller when he got tired. And when he caught a good smell, I let him out to sniff around, then put him back.

Also,Mickey is a therapy dog but I had to take him out of the program because he couldn't walk. So now with our stroller, I'll be able to put him back in, once he heals from his surgery. And now he'll be closer to the folks who can't get out of bed.

I will post our progress.
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by tessa »

thanks for letting us know.
this really sounds like no-brainer. if mickey is happy in the stroller...and it means he gets out and has social contact, then amputation will probably be a *gift* to him.
and since no one knows what is going on with that nerve...well...if it was me, i'd want to get rid of it. after the amputation, pathology will probably be able to figure out what it was. then you'll know for sure...and if it turns out to be not cancer...mickey's quality of life will probably still improve anyway so it won't be all for nothing.
we chose to amputate xena's leg before we were 100% sure it was actually cancer because she was in so much pain, we were afraid she wouldn't survive. if we amputated an non-cancerous leg...we were prepared to live with that decision. we made the best decision we could at the time, under the circumstances...and there's no doubt in our minds today that we made the right one, even tho we made it partially 'blind'...ie: without all the information.
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Re: Have to make the decision

Post by critters »

Annenoe wrote:Thanks all. I'm pretty much resigned to the surgery. The vets do *not* know what's wrong. We do see an abnormal sciatic nerve, might be cancer - they're not sure.
But I do know he can no longer walk on 4 legs, so I guess we'll give him a chance on three.

On a lighter note, we bought a doggy stroller this weekend. First put him in this one: http://www.justpetstrollers.com/happy_t ... oller.html but he hated it. My husband noted that it was 'wobbly' and it was obvious that Mickey did not feel safe. So, then we put him in this one: http://www.justpetstrollers.com/AT3_all ... oller.html and he *loved* it. Immediately settled down and we walked him all over the store. Bought it and then we took him out "shopping". It's the first time in weeks I've been able to get out. And he clearly enjoyed it. And we had no issues in the stores we went to (Michael's, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond). Folks were all very nice - everyone wanted to come up and say hi. Mickey loved the attention and I think it really cheered him up. I took it out last night on our walk. Before, he'd walk long enough to do his business, then he just wanted to sit down. So, last night, I just put him in his stroller when he got tired. And when he caught a good smell, I let him out to sniff around, then put him back.

Also,Mickey is a therapy dog but I had to take him out of the program because he couldn't walk. So now with our stroller, I'll be able to put him back in, once he heals from his surgery. And now he'll be closer to the folks who can't get out of bed.

I will post our progress.
Neat idea! Ari got a stroller for Xmas, but she hates it. :roll: The spoiled little pissant druthers to be slung over my shoulder like a sack of taters!! :twisted:
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