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wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:19 pm
by Msgeewee
Hello everyone ... new to the forums, and thrilled to have found you all

I'm looking for suggestions on how to manage the mobility and urination of a elderly tripod cat. Sandy had his rear leg removed when he was a 3 year old. Now at 13, he is having trouble supporting his body weight if he is fatigued. I give him glucosomine, and probiotics daily in his food, and because he is so sedentary, his weight is a a pound to pound and 1/2 over for his size. His litter box is now an 1" edged oil pan, and still he either completely sits when peeing, or is peeing on the rug right outside of the pan. Does anybody have a cat that will pee on absorbant pads? If so any suggestions on how to make that work? The poor guy is either ending up soaked with urine and/or covered with coarse sand.

Also, any tips on how to help him stay as mobile as possible? I fear we will be looking at an end of life scenario more because he can't get around, than because of ill health. I am just head over heels with this orange brute, and want him to have the best quality of life I can possibly give him.

thank you so very much ... Gianna :thankyou:

Re: wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:51 pm
by CarolC

My Betsy was not a tripod but she was arthritic and became weak in her old age and would sit in the litter, which was a problem with clumping litter because she was long haired and the wet clumping clay would glob onto her fur or feet and make a horrible mess and upset her. She had a low box but often she would pee on the carpet next to the box. 2 things helped. One was switching to Yesterday's News litter (PetsMart, Wal-Mart, etc.), it does not stick to the fur when they sit in in. The other was putting incontinence pads on the floor around the box. The box was still there to use, so she would go to the spot she was accustomed to, but if she went on the floor instead of climbing in the box, all I had to do was put down a fresh pad.

One thing I am wondering about with your cat is the cause of the weakness. it does make sense it might have something to do with 10 years as a tripod, but it could be other things, too. When a cat is that age, they can develop chronic kidney problems which cause weakness if untreated. You might consider having that checked. I'm jsut thinking it wouldn't hurt to rule that out to be sure the mobility problem really is due to being 3-legged. If your kitty has any arthritis, a heating pad with a cover, set on low, can help make him comfortable. ... f=3&t=7922

Re: wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:38 pm
by Msgeewee
Thanks Carol ... the newspaper product is a great idea. Sandy also has a heart murmur which we treat, but still affects his overall energy as it's quite advanced. He is due for his checkup soon, so I'll get in this week and see if anything else is up, but he isn't urinating often, or having pain urinating ... I think he gets frisky, and aggravates his arthritis, which then makes standing on that back leg shakey. I so appreciate the feed back ... thanks :D

Re: wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:13 am
by critters
My old Tripod is still pretty mobile, but we like pine pellets for litter. It doesn't stick to hair or clump.

Re: wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:24 pm
by Msgeewee
Thanks Critter. Giving the newspaper pellets and the pine a try. He just gets all wet then comes into the bedroom for cuddles. Which means a wash down and a dry at 3 in the morning
Oh well. I do love the furbaby

Re: wanted: tricks and tips w/ elderly tripod cat

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:15 am
by critters
How about using butt wipes instead of a whole bath and dry?