Hurting the "good leg"

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Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Phouka »

My Akita, Rukh, is five days post-surgery for a rear-leg amputation (for osteosarcoma). He's actually doing really well -- except this evening we noticed swelling on his hock. Maybe a sprain? I've seen him slip a little and he probably hyperextended it. We iced it as soon as we noticed -- but he's definitely tender.

He's just starting to get comfortable moving on three legs, and has been quite reluctant to get up -- now I am thinking it's because the other leg is hurting. Otherwise, he seems pretty perky. But we did the amputation to eliminate the pain of bone cancer and I am really, really hoping that we haven't replaced that with the pain of a sprain in his remaining leg.

So, I'm having a brief panic attack. We've iced his hock, but should I be freaking out? Is this a recoverable injury, given that he's only got one back leg now? I guess I just need a bit of reassurance that this can resolve -- or some experiences with other amputees who have transient injury to their "good " leg.

He's a big dog (over 100 pounds) and if he can't get out under his own power to pee, I'm not sure how we'll manage it.... help!
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by tessa »

hi phouka...welcome!

sorry to hear about your rukh....especially the good leg problem on top of the amputation. my xena has been having some trouble with her good leg (it's a front one) too...and while it's a drag having to keep her in and quiet, it *is* getting better and well on the mend now. i *can* lift her...but so far have not had to help her do the toilet thing, she has always managed to find the ability to do that on her own. it might be the same for your dog, but i think it's a good idea to call the vet who performed the amputation and find out what is the best thing to do.

it *will* be alright...but i think you'll have to take some action there.

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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Christine »

Welcome...if your vet agrees, there is a sling on this sight for rear end amputees that might help you and your baby. Prayers for you.
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Phouka »

He is defintely managing outside, although I can tell it hurts some. We've been supporting him with a sling (although not the amputee sling shown Must order that) when necessary, but he seems to be doing really well without it and tends to find it very annoying.

He's very quiet yet -- he'll get up when he's very motivated, but otherwise, is pretty much just lounging around. He's always been a big, lazy beast, so this is not too hard to enforce!

I'll call my vet and the CSU vet who did the amputation and see what they think. I just freaked out a bit that he was suddenly going to be unable to walk at all. Thanks all!
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Amy »

Hi Phouka,

Sorry to hear about your dog Rukh. My heart goes out to you. It took my Tyler a good couple weeks before he was stable and really moving a lot. Actulally it really wasn't until his stitches came out that he made the most progress. The first week was rough as his body adjusted and he gained strength in his other legs. And just recovering from the surgery itself was rough. I made Tyler get up as much as I could after about a week. Instead of bringing food to him, I made him come as far as he could to get the food. That seemed to help him adapt easier and keep moving so he didn't get too stiff. I hope that it ends up being nothing major for your Rukh and just his body adapting to the weight of only 3 legs. My thoughts are with you.
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Phouka »

My vet said to ice his hock (which is still pretty swollen) and keep him very quiet for a few days. He's getting up, but he's having a hard time staying stable, since I think he pulled ligaments in his hock, just from being unused to using it so much. I'm sure he popped it forward at least once trying to move around. Poor beastie. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and it will recover quickly.

When he's outside, he actually does pretty well -- and seems better the faster he goes, which scares the life out of me. It must be like riding a bicycle...the faster you go, the easier it is to stay upright.
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by tessa »

phouka...the vet usually says that dogs are up and around again the day after surgery. while this is true...what we get is not exactly what that sounds like. technically they get up, technically they get around...but what we hold in our own minds as to what up and around looks like seems majorly different. i would say: 10-14 days before they're up and around to our liking. so don't far, it all seems normal.
except for the hock. that's a problem, but it will heal in time.

it is way way easier for a three legged dog to run than it is for them to walk. you will have to take up jogging in the near future...i can assure you.
think about if it was you....and you had to hop on one leg. if you took one hop at a'd be spent in seconds. but if you got your momentum up and went'd get further without exerting as much energy. and energy is going to be short for rukh right now, this soon after general anesthesia. so let him run to go do his business.

bedrest and ice sounds good. he will work it out...and you'll be absolutely amazed and in awe of him.

hang in there.
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Phouka »

Well, despite the swollen hock, he's positively bouncing around the house today.

We cut down his tramadol to half a tab when needed (he started outon 2 tabs every eight hours) because he really doesn't seem to be in any pain. Out from under the narcs, he's perky and definitely ready to walk around. It's amazing.

We may have to put him back on a tab or so, just to keep him quiet enough to heal the sprain!!
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by miloshko »

Hi Phouka,
Just to give you reassurance, I've had the same recovery experience like Tessa and Amy, although my dog lost his leg when he was hit by a car. He is a five-year old labrador. Before the accident we was really heavy and because he lost his front leg we put him on a diet. The weight would not have been a great issue if he had lost his hind leg instead. It's not like we had a choice, right?

Like Amy mentioned, I saw a HUGE difference in his attitude the same day that the vet removed the staples. Another vet told me that it takes about 3 weeks for them to be back to normal. He is also a very passive dog when we're in the apartment so as long as I kept him close to me, he was very calm.

After about two days we started giving him the tramadol only at night to keep him drowsy so that he would not hurt himself while we were sleeping. We stopped the pills after probably the 4th or 5th day so that he would not become addicted!

Ever since then, we do pay closer attention to his good leg, which actually had a growth removed the same day as the amputation, but although we saw some bleeding, and it took a while to heal (more than 4 weeks) he still managed fine, I imagine thanks to the pain killers at the beginning.

Best of luck,
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by luvin mom »

Hello All,
I just found this site and all your stories sound so familiar. We have a 13 year old rott, that broke her hind leg in February on the ice unfortunately for us the vet said it was just a sprain. In April a large knot formed at the knee, so we took her to another vet who told us she had bone cancer, he gave us few choices, gave a script for Dermaxx for the pain and told us to keep her comfortable and love her she wouldn't last long. Well in July we took her back the knot was extremely large and very warm, he took her in the next day and amputated the leg. All was well until late Sept. when she (Sophie) decided to go after the neighbors cat, big mistake she blew out the acl on the the good leg. Back to the vet again he says it may heal on it's own (maybe) but that surgery can't be done. So here we are using a beach towel to support her on her few outside ventures, and I know the feeling of carrying her home from a walk that was to far.Sophie weighs 85lbs. We are not sure what is next but she sure looks sad in her eyes, when God is ready for her He will take her, but we don't have the heart to make that decision for Him....She is our baby... As soon as I figure out how to post a pic I will....Thanks..Lori
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by tessa »

hi lori, and welcome.
can this be right? we now have TWO three-legged rotties named sophie. i wonder if it's an omen?

sound like you have your hands full there, lori. how are you holding up? so so hard this is, hey? i really feel for you.

did sophie have chemo therapy after the amputation? she has gone quite well, it seems, time-wise. she must be a fighter. i look forward to seeing a pic of her, when you figure it out. in the meantime...know that my thoughts are with you.

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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by critters »

luvin mom wrote: So here we are using a beach towel to support her on her few outside ventures, and I know the feeling of carrying her home from a walk that was to far.Sophie weighs 85lbs. We are not sure what is next but she sure looks sad in her eyes, when God is ready for her He will take her, but we don't have the heart to make that decision for Him....She is our baby... As soon as I figure out how to post a pic I will....Thanks..Lori
Why not get her a wheelchair (cart)?

As for pics, CarolC has posted excellent, VERY detailed directions down in the Test Forum.
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Amy »

Hi Phouka just wanted to check on Rukh and see how everything is?

Hi Lori, welcome to you and Sophie. How is Sophie doing?
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by Phouka »

We popped into our vet's yesterday, just to check his hock -- no problems whatsoever, and he got to bask in the attention of everyone at the office!

He's still drinking too much/peeing too much (specific gravity on his urine is waaay low) but our vet isn't too worried yet. He's entirely off the narcotics, only on Rimadyl, and seems to be figuring out the tri-ped thing pretty well!

He certainly seems to feel better! And of course, all the attention doesn't hurt.

{edited to add that he's actually gained weight since the surgery -- he's back up at 110 pounds or so, but still pretty svelte and slim. Obviously his appetite returned when the pain stopped. }
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Re: Hurting the "good leg"

Post by luvin mom »

Hi all thanx for the warm welcome.....Things are so-so , don't think the pain meds are working as good as they were...somedays we eat good somedays we don't... I seem to be carrying all her weight when we go outside or just to move arms are hurting now I may need the pain meds before long...haha.... maybe it's just the cold weather that got things messed up ..only had a high of 37 or so here today....gonna go back to vet this week...may try to order at least the harness of the site ..I think the towel is beginning to hurt her stomach....thanks for all the concern...hang'n in there for now....don't I look so relaxed in my favorite spot....
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