Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Several types of health problems can cause seizures including diabetes, epilepsy, and tumors.
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Barbara O

Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Barbara O »

Some of you may still remember me - I haven't forgotten all of you, I never will, I have been here, reading what you all have been up to, I just haven't been participating - don't know that I can really contribute or help in any way. July 17th was 5 months - 5 long painful deafeningly silent months since we have been without our beloved Rudy. We miss him awfully. My husband visits often just to see Rudy's picture on the web and read what I wrote about him. We had Rudy cremated and I wear a small portion of his cremains in a heart shaped locket with a 4-leaf clover on it. We used to look for 4-leaf clovers together all the time on our walks. The rest of his cremains have a place of honor in our home. I'm considering writing a children's book with Rudy as the main character. Considering.

I have to ask you all if any of you can help my neighbors with thier kitty. She is a 4 year old that suffers with epileptic seizures. The vet has prescribed phenobarbitol, 5 mg every 24 hours. There are days she is fine and days that she might have 3 or 4 seizures. The vet can't really offer additional advise as there's not really a lot of research or info available on feline epilepsy. I thought I'd turn to the pros and see if anyone out there can offer advise or alternatives. Before her seizures - she is very affectionate, and her pupils grow very large. She loses bladder control, jerks violently, spins in circles and drools pretty badly during seizures then after - she seems to want to so straight for food, then during recovery, she is very off, probably from all the brain swelling - they suspect brain damage from all the seizing. She's a great kitty, playful and sweet when she's not sick, not overly affectionate - but not shy or standoffish either. Anyone that can help - your input would be greatly appreciated. They love her too much to put her down, but also love her too much to let her suffer needlessly. She only suffers during her seizures. There are 3 other kitties and a dog in the household. These animals and neighbors have been my saving grace since losing Rudy. I want to help them any way I can. Thank you, everyone AGAIN.
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Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures *LINK*

Post by Christy Mullady »

Barbara, this has got to be terrifying - to feel helpless while watching. Here's some websites I've found. Maybe there's something here that could help. Best of luck to your neighbors - and I think a book about Rudy would be magnificent! That's something I've always been interested in doing myself. Good luck! "The aim of this group is to provide support and educational information for owners whose cats suffer from seizures of any type." "Epilepsy In Your Dog Or Cat" Discusses the Epilepsy and the seizures, what to do during them, why they occur, how to treat. Looks pretty informative. ... -can-help/ "Natural Pet Health Blog" "Epilepsy and pets - epilepsy and cats and dogs" Article courtesy of Dr. Bernier
Montreal West Veterinary Hospital.
Barbara O

Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Barbara O »

Thank you so much, Christy, I passed all the info on to our neighbor in hopes that somewhere in all that good info, we can find something that will help PumpkinCat. Her real name is Lil Shitz but I call her PumpkinCat because she is white with big pumpkin colored spots all over her. I check on her several times a day while they are at work in case she does have a seizure. I can at least sooth her and make sure she isn't hurt. She sometimes cuts her pads or her face when she thrashes around and she'll bleed and scare herself and the other cats.

As for my book - I'm going to try. I'm a good writer, but I don't know if I can handle it emotionally right now. I have a best friend who has agreed to illustrate it for me, which will mean even more to me when it's done.

Thanks again for caring and for your input - all the info you sent is much more than we have been able to find.
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thinking hard here

Post by Bendy Kitty »

Mimosa doesn't have epilepsy, but does have seizures from her brain damage. We knew a tiger who was epileptic.
for both of them, there were often some kind of triggering mechanism for the seizures.
If Mimosa is overstimulated, even if there is just too much going on around here like several cats playing and raising a rucus, or too much patting, she could start to seize. The tiger would have seizures tripped by reflections in water (poor thing always wanted to be hosed down but couldn't be) or light reflecting brightly.

In both caes, trying to limit their exposure to whatever the cause is helped a lot. Isabella (the tiger) didn't get hosed off anymore or have a big pool. Mimosa seems to have figured some of it out herself and has different cave like spots she will go when the world is getting busy.
Putting a blanket over her, or putting her in a playpen also helps calm her down.

Have they run any blood panels or done any scans for Pumpkin Cat? there might be an underlying cause to all this, tho I don't know what it would be specifically. Hopefully all those links will have some info.

wishing your friend and Pumpkin Cat the best

p.s. i'm sure shrimpies will help, too.
Barbara O

Re: thinking hard here

Post by Barbara O »

Bendy - forgive me for being naive here, what are shrimpies? In general, I've only had dogs in my own home and I babysit for my neighbors' kitties and haven't heard of shrimpies - I can kinda guess, but would rather that you clarify. How will they help her?

The links do hold a lot of good info, now to find something other than/in additon to the pheno that will work for her. Thanks so much for your info too, we're looking for anything and everything that might help her right now.
Cody's Mom
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Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Cody's Mom »

Hi Barbara,

I'm very sorry about your loss of Rudy. I know it's really tough. I am struggling to keep going without Cody, my beloved Australian Shepherd, who I lost on April 16th to brain cancer.

I have lots of experience with seizures due to Cody's brain cancer. However, of course, Cody was a dog and the problem at hand is your neighbor's cat. So I have NO idea how dogs and cats differ regarding seizures. So I can only tell you what I know from Cody, so don't take anything as the truth for cats, but maybe it would give some ideas as to what to ask the vet. Cody was also on Phenobarbital. He got that twice a day (12 hours apart). It is very important to give it at the prescribed intervals to keep a constant level in the bloodstream at all times to prevent seizures. Later, he began having seizures despite the Phenobarb. The vet added Potassium Bromide in a liquid form. I gave this twice a day also 12 hours apart. In the beginning, I had to give a loading dose which is about 4 times the regular dose. It takes a LONG time for KBR to take effect. They said if we did not do a loading dose for 4-5 days that it would take 4-5 months to be beneficial. Cody was VERY drunk, sedated and unable to stand or walk during the loading dose phase, but he improved several days after he was switched to the regular dose. I have NO idea if KBR is used in cats, but I can tell you it was HIGHLY effective for Cody, much more so than the phenobarb. It is not as big an issue as the phenobarb if it is a couple of hours early or late due to its' long half-life. Cody's last seizure was a couple of hours before I started the KBR until the last week when his tired, cancer-ridden body succumbed to status epilepticus.

What I can tell you from Cody is that no matter the cause of the seizures, it is EXTREMELY important to get them stopped. Any time an animal is seizing, they are unconscious and they are not getting oxygen to the brain. Any time the brain is not getting oxygen, brain cells are dying. Brain cells DO NOT regenerate. When they're gone, they're gone. The seizures look scary and people worry about them hitting their head or something else. That is obviously a concern, but the far bigger issue is that brain cells are dying all the while the seizures are occurring. I think you said the cat may have 3-4 seizures a day sometimes. That is WAY too many. Permanent brain damage is occurring and it can not be reversed. It is imperative to try to get the cat on additional anti-convulsants or possibly increase the dose of the Phenobarb. Long-term phenobarb use DOES cause liver damage, but I assure you that the seizures will do far worse than that. Potassium Bromide does not cause liver damage. Phenobarb and KBR are usually used together to control seizures. Phenobarb is cheap, KBR is more expensive, but not outrageous as it is a small dose. The KBR for Cody was $50 for a pint I think, but he only got one-sixth of a cc twice daily for his regular dose, so a bottle last a long time.

Whether or not your neighbor wants to have further diagnostics done to determine the cause of the seizures is up to them, but I strongly suggest IMMEDIATE attention to trying to control the seizures. By immediate, I mean getting the cat to the vet tomorrow or Friday. I have been told numerous times that the actual process of having a seizure creates more of them. It was described to me as mowing a path through the woods. Each time someone clears a path, it becomes easier to walk down that path. They say it is the same for seizures. Seizures are an electrical thunderstorm in the brain, sort of like a wiring malfunction. They are very serious.

I hope that they can get the kitty on additional anti-convulsants soon. Seizures are a terrible thing and they are the reason my Code Man is not by my side as I type this letter.

I wish your neighbor much luck in getting to the bottom of this and I send you, your neighbor and the kitty much love.

Please update when you can.

Good Luck,

Cody's FOREVER proud Mom
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Post by critters »

Potassium Bromide (KBr) is used with puppers, but I don't know about kitties. You, or they, might want to join some of the kitty seizure groups like .
Barbara O

Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Barbara O »

Cody's Mom, You have my heart with you. Nothing can replace our treasured pets when they are gone and nothing can replace the unconditional love we felt with them. The love is still there - you just feel it differently. I am so very sorry for your loss. It's so odd that I would hear from you today and learn that you had a dog named Cody -as I have lived in my current home for over 4 years and as I was taking a walk last night, I met a neighbor I had never met before and she introduced herself as Peg and her dog as Cody - perhaps it is fated that you and I meet.

The information that you provided about seizures is very useful and I have forwarded it on to my neighbor. We did know that PumpkinCat was losing brain cells with each seizure and we were aware that she was not getting oxygen to her brain during her seizures. Her seizures are particularly short, sometimes just 15-20 seconds and we gently talk her through them, sometimes, we can actually talk her out of one, if we can recognize all the preliminary signs in time. I did it myself one day while my neighbors were at work and I was checking in on her. After it was all over and I was walking home, I about passed out from the lack of blood draining into my own brain, as I was scared but relieved to have done what I did. Right now, Pumkin has not had a seizure in over 2 weeks. When she does have them she'll have them a few a day for a few weeks at a time. Thanks again for all the additional info you provided. I'm sure my neighbor will read it word for word and store and use ever bit of info to try to make PumkinCat's life better. Thanks again. You can see our majstic Rudy in the Gallery pages under Remember me. He was one in a million.
Barbara O

Re: KBr

Post by Barbara O »

Thanks so much, I've had a lot of people suggest Potassium Bromaide and I passed that info on to them - I'm hoping it works.
Cody's Mom
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Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Cody's Mom »

Hi Barbara,

I just saw the picture of your majestic Rudy in the gallery. Wow, what a handsome guy!!! I know you miss him terribly. I have a really soft spot for Dobbies after working at a training center for several summers when I was in high school. We had a lot of Rotties, Dobbies, and German Shepherds. I loved them all, but it was the Dobes that really took hold of my heart. The guy that I worked for had said he would breed a special litter of Dobes for me and I could have the pick of the litter when I was ready. I had Cody and was going to college, so it wasn't a good time so I never got one. I think his business dwindled and he either closed or has little business now. I always hoped to get one, but now that I read more it seems that they are prone to a lot of health problems so I don't think I will get one. I don't mind tending to the health problems, but I am afraid of getting one and it dying on me young. I see your Rudy was almost 15. WOW!!! That's a really great long life for a big dog. His long life must have had a lot to do with being cared for so well.

Losing Cody has been so traumatic that I'm not sure when and if I will ever get another one. Cody lived a nice, long life also. We had to send him on 3 days before his 17th birthday. However, I realize that he and I were blessed with his excellent health up until the last couple of years. There is no guarantee that I would be so lucky next time and my heart will have to be a LOT stronger than it is now to be willing to chance getting another. If I ever do give in, it will be quite a while away. There is much healing to be done before I could open my heart again. I know you understand after losing your beautiful Rudy. Most people think Dobes are big, bad watchdogs, which they are great for protection, but what most people don't realize is that they are big, mushy couch potatoes also!!! :) I bet your Rudy was.

I like the story about meeting your neighbor with the dog named Cody. Thanks for sharing that.

That is great that PumpkinCat's seizures are so short. Cody's shortest one was about 2 minutes and they ranged up to 5 1/2 minutes. That was before the last four days in which he fell into the constant seizure cycle which they could not break. When I found him having a seizure on that fateful day, I grabbed the video camera and started recording so I could show the vet. I knew they wouldn't believe he had another seizure after being seizure-free for nearly 3 months and just finishing radiation 13 days prior. I looked at the counter on the camcorder and realized I was nearing 10 minutes. I knew then that we were in trouble as it was twice as long as any seizure he had before. I grabbed him up and loaded him to go to the vet, but he had been seizing nearly 40 minutes when we reached the vet. I didn't immediately load him up to go to the vet because I kept thinking it would stop anytime. Previously, I had taken him to the vet for every seizure and the vets almost got snippy with me, saying he didn't need to come for every seizure. I hope they can get some extra help for PumpkinCat. My thoughts are with him.

You can feel free to e-mail me anytime at

Take care,

Cody's FOREVER proud Mom
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Re: thinking hard here

Post by Bendy Kitty »

what are shrimpies?
they are the bestest things ever
freeze dried shrimp treats are my favorite
tho shrimp flavored treats are ok too

they always make kitties feel better
at least, they do for little bendy kitties.

Hoping you can help Pumkin Cat

headbonks and purrrs

Barbara O

Re: thinking hard here

Post by Barbara O »

Thank you! We're getting some TODAY!
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Re: Help Needed: Rudy's Mom/kitty w/seizures

Post by Gingerjo »

I'd like to tell you Zephyr's story when I have more time to write, but for now, I will tell you aobut her seizures. She started having seizures in mid May of this year, probably due to a tumor in her forebrain. Her vet believes the seizures are due to pressure (edema) on the brain. She is on a regimen of prednisone and valium (diazepam). Once she stabilizes, I try to reduce the amount of medicine until she has another seizure, then I know to increase the dosage. I wish it weren't a guessing game, but she went 65 days without a seizure during the last "trial". The steroid has some other positive effects: her congestion cleared up, her ears cleared up and she stopped circling. The circling was particularly bothersome since Zephyr is blind. She went blind about 3-1/2 years ago from high blood pressure due to a heart condition. The vet that diagnosed the enlarged heart gave Zephyr one month to live. That's when I knew it was time to change vets. Her current vet calls her the "Wonder Kitty"!! She is so sweet and loving and despite all the health problems, seems to have a good quality of life. Of course, the household revolves around her and her needs. The furniture is arranged for her convenience, there are lots of pillow and blankets everywhere and she is confined to certain rooms where she won't get lost. Her water bowl has a pump and cascading water so she can hear where it is and her food is nearby. I put litter boxes in multiple locations and she has yet to have an accident. Whenever she becomes disoriented, I use the water bowl as "home base", so she knows where she is. When she has a seizure and I'm around, I hold her on a blanket until she recovers, then it's food time. While she is getting her bearings, I warm a small can of wet food to give her. She is usually a starvin marvin!! If there has been at least four hours since her last valium, I will give her a little more so she can rest. I am writing this to give hope and support to anyone out there who has a special pet with needs. Zephyr is getting old and I know that she will let me know when it is her time. Until then, I will do everything I can for her to keep her comfortable and happy.
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