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My goat got kicked in the head

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:30 pm
by BethWeeble's:o~mom
Hi everyone,just 'lil 'ol me here.
Want to say 1st that Weebs is doing great & sends licks & wags to everyone!
Now onto the big problem. I got back from Xmas in Az. to find my goat Bee having seizures. :( Called my vet, he came out. We figured he had been kicked in the head by my mare. He gave him a shot of Valium IV to help stop the seizures. He recomended I put a heat lamp in the goat house (which I wasn't too crazy about cuz of the fire danger) so had a couple of friends come over & we managed to get him into the mudroom via a wheelbarrow where he could keep warm. My vet said his temp was normal (which was good cuz it has been cold here) & figured he hadn't been that way for long. The next day went to my vet & got a bottle of Manatol & a couple more shots of Valium.Got the bottle of Manatol into him & gave him another shot of Valium (about 12:30 PM) to help contrrol the seizures.The seizures have stopped but it seems he is in a coma now. Have managed to get water down him via siringe & some yogert(which will help keep his gut moving).
Just don't know where to go from here. I feel so helpless(you guys here know that feeling all too well)I'm afraid there was alot of brain damage done as he was having seizures every 5 minutes even after getting Valium IV.
Any thoughts here are needed, picking everyone's brain here.
Love all of you here!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:24 pm
by critters
Aww. I love goats! Are you continuing mannitol and valium? Is phenobarb a possibility? Pred? Other than that, I doubt there's anything to do but supportive care and hope for the best. Glad you got him in the house; I would've, too. :D

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:41 pm
by Christine
Hi Beth,

I never even thought about goats until today when I went to a friend's house for dinner and she had the most adorable three week old little girl goat in the house as the mother refused to care for her. I held and cuddled her nearly the whole time I was there. At one week old, she would cry to let her know she had to go so my friend was able to train her to pee in a little pot that she holds under her! I was so hooked when I left there.

I wish I knew what to tell you to help your little guy, but I am sending prayers for him. Maybe we have an expert reading who will send some more help. Take care.

I am so sorry for your goat!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:02 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
And for you! Seizures are so frightening. My cousin is the farm animal expert, and she is in Ohio for a few weeks, unfortunately.

I have a ton of seizure info on my harddrive, if you would like me to email it to you.

One thing is as you are doing, keep her warm, and safe from obstacles, and if you can pad a small room, that would be good, or a small area that you could confine her to.

My AllicksBlindPup's post ictal is where I feared the most, banging in to things, walking into things, quite quickly and with no purpose whatsoever.

If I can reach Christy, I will post her advice.

I am so sorry!


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:24 pm
by BethWeeble's:o~mom
guys! I always know I can count on all of you here!!!!!! :D As I said the seizures have stopped but am afraid there was ALOT of brain damage done. :( Am having a friend come over in a while to help me move him (he probably weighs around #250, just a tad bit too big for me to move by myself) so that I can sweep & mop.Hopefully there will be some improvement overnite.
Love all of you guys,


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:14 pm
by BethWeeble's:o~mom
sorry Critters, nope doc doesn't want Bee to have any more Manatol & nhe doesn't needany pheno cuz the seizures have at this point it's a wait & see game.
To tell you all a little bit about my Bee(his brother is Gee...yup the Bee Gees! :D )He is my bad boy ALWAYS into some kind of mischift(sp? sorry I've had no sleep) 1st about 4 years ago he was stung over a hundred times by wasps(yours truly was stung over 30 times trying to save him) thast he gotten into. Then I went out to feed one nite (about a year later) to find he had somehow put a 12 inch rip in his side. So as you can tell he has always gotten himself into trouble He & his brother had been allowed in the yard until he discovered he could tear off the skirting around the trailer & get underneath to rip up the insulation! Then they were both banished to the horse pen (where they have a cozy goat house full of straw) & my 'lil dare devil when he was allowed in the yard LOVED to climb up on the railing of the deck (which is about 8 ft. off the ground) & walk back & forth :wow:
Have got a call into my vet now. Gonna try to see if we can get him hauled over to the clinic & put him in a sling as he is starting to get urine burns & he needs to be supported somehow so he doesn't pee on himself.
Will let you all know how it goes.....