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Any alternative to phenabarbitone

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:44 pm
by hethmar
One of our customers knows how I care about dogs - she asked me recently about her 13 year old daschund who has epileptic fits. She says that he is on phenabarbitone but she believes one of the vets gave him much too much once and he was very ill. She is asking whether there is any alternative to this medication?

Any help please?

Re: Any alternative to phenabarbitone

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:28 pm
by Bobbie
There are a few alternatives. KBr is the most common. Then there are some human meds that work for dogs (many do not because dogs metabolize them too fast.) Zonisamide, Keppra, and Gabapentin are three I can think of offhand.
One of my dogs is on Zonisamide and Phenobarbital.

With Pb they should check liver panels and also check the blood for a therapeutic level of the drug. It can have a strong sedating effect initially and your dog may be "drunken" but this tends to wear off.

Re: Any alternative to phenabarbitone

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:30 pm
by critters
Potassium bromide, KBr, is a valid anti-seizure drug in critters. The newer human ones might be, too. She should ask a vet or vet neurologist. If he's doing fine with phenobarb now, personally, I wouldn't mess with it. :)