Diabetic Neuropathy

Several types of health problems can cause seizures including diabetes, epilepsy, and tumors.
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Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by crazyeyes »

My 12 year old border collie has had diabeties for 2 + years; she became unstable after a illness and our new vet changed her insulin ... long story short went back to old vet and returned to same insulin and dossage she was orginally on.

The problem is that it has taken her a while to adjust to all the change and now her back leg appears dead; took her the vets who says it may be diabetic neuropathy (given her age, length of time as a diabetic and she has been uncontrolled for a period of time), a slip disc or rehumatics. Has given her anti inflamatories for over the weekend and going to have a fructosimine next week. Any ideas in any case ? and has anyone got a dog with neuropathy who can give me some tips. Thanks :cry:
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by critters »

:gang: You will also want to see the neuro bb; neuropathy can come from many causes, and quite a few critters have had it.

What are her signs? Does she need a cart (wheelchair)? Splints? If you include more info, people will be able to make suggestions.
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by crazyeyes »


Thanks for reply. She has been struggling to get up because one of her back legs does not seem to bend and she is unsteady and falls onto her bottom; but then other times she is able to get up no trouble. She has only had these symptoms days. She changed diet to a high fibre meal recently and is going the toilet alot which the vet thinks maybe down to neuropathy (due to the fact she had an accident in the vets office) but I am hoping it is just a case of changed diet and it being high in fibre.

She has always had some problems with her hips but not to this extent her leg appears to be fused into a straight position.

I will look at the other page as suggested and will know more tomorrow, hopefully, as going back to the vets.

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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by janeiro »

My old dog with diabetes and neuropathy died last thursday. I did everything possible to prolong her life but sadly lost the battle. Her back legs went first, but they weren't fused into a straight position like you describe. She began by not sitting for a few months then her legs gave out. She would be given anti inflammatories and get slightly better for a few weeks or even months. In the end her paws began to knuckle under on one side first then the other. I would walk her with a towel for a while but in the end her back legs were completely dead and dragging behind. She was paralysed for around three months and then the front leg started knuckling under and making involutary movements. I read that neuropathy is very painful giving shooting pains they call zaps. She did exhibit signs of pain at times. I tried to obtain methyl cobalamina, which you should try. I live in Brazil and it is not available here. I ordered it from England but sadly the dog died and the medication still hasn't arrived. I did inject her with normal B12 up until she died and saw some slight improvements months ago. I wish you all the best in dealing with this difficult and heart breaking condition.
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by CarolC »

Oh, Jan, it sounds like you were doing full time care there at the end. Your dog was lucky to have someone to look after her like that. It is a job to constantly adjust to the changing needs, but brings you closer at the same time. I'm sorry for your loss.
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by Chestersmommy »


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dog, Chester is 13 and has been diabetic for 19 months. He's starting to lose function in his back legs. He has trouble getting up from sitting or lying down. Once he's up he walks very well.

I'm not sure if Chester's problem is Diabetic Neuropathy or Degenerative Myelopathy. I don't have the money to have him diagnosed.
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by seraulu1 »

:group: :confetti: how to hypnotize people :welcomepurple: :welcomeheart:

Hi all i am new here!!!!
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Re: Diabetic Neuropathy

Post by critters »

:whale: seraulu! Feel free to tell us about your critter(s)!
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