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Epilepsy Hints

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:14 pm
by westminster pet sanctuary
A list of epi hints..

Keep a diary of seizure activity..we have "journals" for each in our care

As to
Time of seizure (eg 10:45AM)
length of seizure
length of recovery time
behaviour afterwards (large appetites, running frantically into walls etc)
Before a meal/after a meal
weather conditions
changes in the home/food

That way you can tell in WRITING if there is a change in the seizure activity and do not have to rely on memory and present it to your Vet if you notice the pattern changing or the seizures getting closer together.

Also I cannot stress this enough (sorry if you already all know this..I do not know the level of expertise on this forum)

1.Block access to all stairways if you have a dog prone to seizures
2. SEAL heating Vents (trust me..learned the hard way)
3. If you have more than one dog..never leave a dog prone to seizures or with epilepsy alone together. The non seizuring/epi dog will see the dog that is seizing as "a weakness in the pack" and MAY attack (it is by instinct..even if they are best buds, when a seizure hits the other dogs see this as a weakness in their pack and by instinct will react) If you must leave the two alone together for work etc..crate one..seperate in different rooms etc..
4. If you must leave your epi alone while you work, ensure all dangers are removed from the home. A post seizure dog can do electrical cords, try to climb on tables, run into things repeatedly..we either crate if we have to leave (in the plastic large crates only called vari kennels..the wire ones if seizing, they can hurt themselves in, getting a paw stuck, hitting head etc) or put in a safe room (we have a room with NOTHING in it..only dog pillows, otherwise completely bare (except for water bowls, and some toys)

as well after seizures we give the dogs all natural vanilla ice cream...used to bring blood sugars back up (seizures do play a huge factor on blood sugar levels and other things..think of it as your dog running around the block 100 is exhaustive on their bodies) as well as acting as a cooling agent, as dogs are considered "hot" after seizure. we also use cooling ice blankets to cool their bodies.

Never panic..ignore the old rule "STAY AWAY THE DOG MAY BITE YOU" feathers..I have NEVER been bit by a seizing dog during a seizure. What we do (and this is just us..everyone has their own routine)

Dog Bell seizure goes ding ding (we have a different toned brass bell attached to each of our epi's collars so we KNOW who is seizing and where!!)

1.I go and start gently stroking the dog and whispering to the dog his name, reassuring everything will be fine/
2.My oldest daughter goes to get the "epi pillow for the seizing dogs head
3. youngest daughter goes to get ice cream and cooling blanket
4.husband holds back other dogs, or lets them outside for a fun romp in the dog park to keep them away from the seizing dog.
5. As the dog comes out of seizure, I gently hook he/she up to a leash so I have control where they go, offer up the ice cream, and put on the cooling blanket..then take the dog for a walk.
(give additional meds if some rectal valium if having cluster seizures..during onset of second other dogs we give an extra half dose of phenobarb..or Keppra as per your Vet's recommendations)

Just some hints learned over the years of life with epi's..