Cleveland, GA-Broken Spirit on her own too long-RIP Reva

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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by troopersmommy »

Well, I'm still putting the word out for the sweet Georgia doggie I'm calling "Spirit" until a name is decided upon. I wanted to share with all of you the beautiful portrait my twin sister (artist, JacquiFaye) painted of "Spirit", which she posted on several international art sites this morning to spread the word and encourage interest and donations. One of the sites was set up by an artist interested in animal rescues. I'll post the URL for that one as well. Jacqui attached a link to the story posted here and stated that if the portrait is purchased, 100% of the proceeds will go toward care for "Spirit" (free shipping to anywhere in the world).

Did I mention that my sister is as much a rescuer as we are? Well, this story touched her heart as much as it did ours. :wub: She is truly an angel for the tender loving care she puts into these portraits. :angel:

(Two other international art sites will post the portrait in the morning.) I'll update tomorrow.
entitled "Spirit needs your help"
entitled "Spirit needs your help"
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
"Sometimes..When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

The painting has sold - thank you Pam and Jacqui! Our girl has a name - Reva "a return to health - a return to life"

Here are more details: ... -painting/
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA Broken Spirit on her own too long UPDATE

Post by Christine »

I wanted to bring everyone up to speed about this on-going rescue recapping the beginning:

Thanks to Diane West’s vigilance, she noticed that Reva needed help after being on her own for a year. Diane and Bobby and Nicole Turner painstakingly and carefully moved her to the safety and shelter of their home where they cared for her until Susan Harris volunteered to be her new temporary foster home due to other obligations the Turners have. Diane’s heartfelt story about the Turner’s Corner Dog got the ball rolling. Within a week, we knew that this precious soul needed a name befitting her brave and patient spirit and loving presence. The name actually presented itself and means “a return to health; a return to life.”

Reva has been seen by a vet and it has been determined that she has several different worms in addition to an abdominal tumor which might be associated with all the poisons from the intestinal worms or could be cancer. One of the most heartbreaking things the vet has ascertained is that she has been shot at numerous times. Her treatment protocol includes pain pills, worming medication and healthy cooked food Susan is making for her. Susan is following a diet suggested by the vet and is giving her ‘round the clock attention and care. Can you imagine the relief that Reva must be feeling right now as she hesitantly learns to trust and believe in us humans once again?

Susan mentioned that she seems to react in an ever-so-slightly different way to the sound of a man’s voice as though an important part of her previous life has returned. Her hips are weak, but she insists on going outside to do her business. She will not go in her crate or even in the garage. Several have asked how she is with other animals. In the short time we have known about her, we know that she shared a pen with other dogs at the Turners’ home. Susan has two smaller dogs who would love to interact and play with her, but she has kept them separated for Reva’s healing. She says that Reva has little reaction to other dogs and is very calm about their presence. As her strength returns, we will have more information about this.

Jane Lenzen, owner of Helen Health House has offered to donate additional supplements and valuable knowlege as she has worked with animals with cancer in the past.

Reva’s story has been posted on several Facebook pages. Diane has submitted her story to the local newspaper in the hope of spreading the word about Reva and the impact of any rescue effort and the residual positive effect of this shared mission. If people would only realize how doing one small thing …as little as forwarding an email, saying a prayer, donating time, materials or money or as much as fostering or ultimately adopting a pet in need – everything is important and anything can make the difference between life and death.

Jacqui Faye, twin sister of Pam (troopersmommy), a talented artist and painter, created a painting of her and posted it on and offering it for sale for $150.00 and donating all proceeds to Reva’s rescue and medical care. Jacqui has offered to do some more paintings to help Reva. Diane and I are going to visit her at Susan’s in the morning and will take some more pictures for her.

Daniela Caride, creator of the Daily Tail, purchased the painting and did a story about her which included an opportunity for donations which you can see here ... -painting/

A fund has been created should you wish to make a donation.
Via PayPal to

By check/mail to Doggie Harmony, P.O. Box 191362, Atlanta, GA 31119.
In either case, please specify that your donation is for REVA.

I have already provided Betsy (Ed's rescuer) with contact information on Susan, who is temporarily fostering Reva. If anyone else is interested in contacting her, please pm me.

Reva still needs a permanent home, but she also needs to regain her strength so keep the prayers and good thoughts and advice coming.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

I went to visit Reva yesterday. She is beautiful...much thinner than her pictures show. So glad the worms are being taken care of so she can get some weight back on her. You can feel that she knows we are trying to help her as she allows Susan to stand her up, steady her and sling walk when necessary. Yesterday was the first time she needed that kind of assistance and we feel that the worm meds are somewhat responsible. She drank water each time it was offered and lets Susan wipe her face and each of us (4) to stroke her and talk to her.

The worm meds were administered on Thursday evening and she had not had a bowel movement as of Saturday. I tried some gentle Poop on Demand with an ice cube wrapped in a wet paper towel. Saw some contractions, but no results. we got to thinking that the meds might have caused some constipation. I know that stress can also cause it and that constipation can cause difficulty walking too. I know we wore her out yesterday taking her out to bathroom. The last trip, we decided to give her a break and carry her back to her pen. I am sure she was glad to see us go!

This morning, Diane (her original rescuer) called me from the emergency clinic where she and Susan had taken her because they were concerned about the constipation. I just received this email from Diane with the most recent update:

Just got home for some short outside work and will be going back by 4;00--so Susan can have a break and meet some folks for a meal--

Reva is having a real Restful afternoon--the vet gave her hydration under the skin and an enema--at first nothing but some small turds and worms--he used a catheter----because the lower colon was fairly clear--so he hydrated up higher and used some stool softner in the last round--once we got Revie home--soon--she was ready to walk--took a nice tee tee--and then a Real nice bowel evacuation--no wonder she was toxic--strong stuff!

Still--we have only bought a day or so--if she doesn't manage to Primarily stay better hydrated--and we will keep adding some stool softner pills --not to exceed recc dose--

She drank water really well this afternoon too--and is actually sleeping pretty sound and deep--she was real Hungry for the mackeral--and ate a good cup and 1/2

One friend suggested gatorade or pedialyte--to help keep hydrated once this under the skin stuff is dispersed
Also--put her in the kiddie pool --water--will help hydrate too from the bath

Is there something we can add to her water?--Vet said her liver and kidney looked great and that she was Built to survive--but it looked llike her O2 carrying capacity was just about 50%--and thus the labored breathing---Other Vet suggested the size of the tumor pressing on the diaphragm--probably both

This girl is a fighter. If you have any suggestions, are interested in giving her that permanent home once she is back on her feet and/or wish to donate to her medical care, let us know. In the meantime, please send her good thoughts and healing prayers.
sweet girl.jpg
nice pink gums.jpg
another walk.jpg
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by CarolC »

What a difference, she's smiling in 2 of the photos. If she is not staying hydrated, I'd do sub-Q fluids at home. I expect her bowels will move when she has eaten more. This might be one dog where canned pumpkin would be worth a try if she'll eat it.
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

We discussed pumpkin yesterday and Susan will be adding that to her food. Last word from Diane is that she had another good bowel movement this evening and was able to walk better, so hopefully she'll get rid of those toxins.

When I was preparing these pictures, I noticed how nice and pink her gums are in spite of all this. That and the good news about her liver and kidneys is very encouraging.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by troopersmommy »

I'm so glad she is doing better. I'm also glad y'all are trying the pumpkin. It works so well with my babies. So does the pediolyte. I'll repost her story on facebook. I wish so much that I could take her. I'm saying prayers every night that something will work out soon for her. When I get paid Friday I'll be sending money with the prayers.
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

It is with great sadness that I share the news that this sweet soul has gone to the Bridge. I have only known her for a few weeks, but this has hit me as hard as losing Bailey - I think I actually saw Bailey in her face. I just received this from Diane, her original rescuer:
Thanks for circulating updates and good intentions!!!-- You know yesterday; Reva got the O2 machine and Jane's nutritional supports--I stayed about 4 hours last night--Reva had eaten earlier in the day but not supper--tho she did drink with some gusto--but still weaker---I too woke several times last night and finally got up at 4;00am

Spoke with Susan right after my bus route this morning about 7;45 and we agreed to call the mobile vet in Murrayville; Dr Shelton; to see if she could come out to the house--if there was a miracle to work we were willing but we did get Reva's signal of no interest in food last night---The Vet was working us in ; between 12---1;30; --I called in and my boss got someone to fill in for me on the afternoon route--which was a great thing because it was 3;30 before they arrived.

Reva was dressed in her gorgeous red fur. We had given her those green tabs and enzymes crushed and liquified and on several different occassions; she eased into a quieter sleep but mostly, it was that labored breathing. She wasn't too thrilled with the Gatorade at first; several days of that, but again after some hydrating orally which wasn't a lot--she rested some more. She was getting ready and we were anxious everytime a car turned in the cul de sac. Then we remembered there was nothing we could do about TIME--and all time is Present--if you make it so--and Reva was great at that.

She watched us a lot; followed Susans voice especially and each time her head was helped to the bowl--she drank like a champion. Yes; she was getting ready for the jumping off place.

Dr Becky was very gentle and a soft assuring tone to our Lovely Lady in Gorgeous red fur. First, the soft lay me down to sleepy town easy shot; a pause and then the one that opened the gate and that Girl Flew Home--where water is endless for the pleasure of drinking; and the Big Dogs Run--and we know it's the Heart that makes a dog big!!!!

So, today about 3;48 pm if you felt something near and dear; a slight breeze, a sweet thought; then our Girl in Gorgeous Red Fur was opening the sky. She wasn't Just a Noble Soul; she Is a Noble Soul-- She had grace---Undeniable!

She is buried in the place that became her home; Susan's backyard--and it was a lovely thing and when Susan is ready; she might want to share that. She has been up checking on the Girl many nights--she needs a rest--

It's Hard--but we just experienced a great love from a rare creature--everyone got it!
If you donated to help her, thank you very much. If you prayed for her or cross posted for her, none of it was in vain as everything to bring awareness and action will help another in the future. Hopefully, the donations we have received so far will be enough to reimburse Susan and Diane for their personal payments for Reva's vet visits. If there is anything beyond that, it will go to help other rescues.

Run like the wind, sweet Reva...thank you for giving us your trust and allowing us to love you.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by troopersmommy »

Oh, how hard this is to write. I have tears streaming down my face. I'm sobbing for a loss that feels so close to home. I know now why I've been blue this afternoon because I too began to feel like Reva was part of my family. I'd check on her progress every day. My sister and I would talk about her like a child of ours. We were discussing what photos she was going to use for the next portrait.

I'm glad she's no longer in pain, how wonderfully free she must feel right now. I'm so glad she knew love and care before she left. Oh, sweet girl, I know we'll all see you again one day and it will be such a great reunion! You had more "mommies" than most.

Please let me know if I can still help clear up some of the debt. As I said before, I get paid Friday and I would like to help in any way I can. Even if it's just to put flowers on her "resting spot". If it's okay with you, I'm going to talk to Jacqui about painting one more portrait that we can send to Susan, whom I'm sure is very broken hearted. I know she and Diane gave her so much personal time, love and care. I envy them that they knew what it felt like to hold her and hug her and give her one last kiss, that "sweet Girl in Gorgeous Red Fur".

troopersmommy - Pam
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by cricketsmom »

I am so sad to hear this news :'( She was such a special dog... She was very lucky to have spent her last days with all the incredible love and support of so many people around her. I know she was happy...
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

I just got this email from Susan (the last foster) in response to me asking how much we needed in donations. I am only sharing this so you can see all the things that were done for Reva. I have to say after reading about the final day, I am more at peace with the decision as her condition seems to have worsened and the vet said she was in pain.

My heart felt thanks to each of you for your support, advise, concern and now the determination to continue to help financially with Reva. She not only gave each of us that love her a touch of joy, she also brought a host of caring people together or closer together for her sake and the sake of others to come! I'm so thankful for that, to now know you ladies and to have the opportunity to share deeper in the world of rescue because I now know you!

You have asked for the total on Reva's medical bills, it is as follows ~ Final total is $830.72 with break down below

5/5/10 First visit to vet. Dr. Lance

Deworm ~ Panacur Susp $28.00
Tramadol HCL - Pain $13.00
Cell advance 880 caps $42.40
Fastrack Microbial supplement $29.89
Wellness Exam $42.00
X-Ray on view $55.00
Laser and V.O.M treatment N/C
$100.00 ~ Nina in Ca. donated
$110.29 + $7.93(tax)= $118.22
Diane wrote check for $118.22
Susan debit for $35.00 for additional Deworm 1 Drontal plus

5/9/10 An-Emerge- Reva's breathing had slowed down, she appeard to have declined. I have a print-out of Dr. Mosely's exam and thoughts if any of you would like to read it.

Fluids $44.00
Enema $38.00
Chemistry profile Comp. Diagnositic $165.00
CBC (complete blood count) $56.50
Radiograph two views $189.00
Emergency fee $50.00
Examination $35.00
Total $577.50 Susan put total on Care Credit

5/11/10 Dr. Becky Shelton (mobile vet.) came to my home and did an assessment of Reva and determined that she was in lots of pain. She did a rectal exam to remove any feces she could with her hand in hopes to empty the upper intestines...she stated that she didn't think the intestines were blocked and it was my understanding that the tumor was the most significant issue in that it was large (Dr. Becky stated it appeared that most of the spleen was affected and could have ruptured at anytime resulting in a horrible death for Reva). It was determined after the exam that euthanasia was the only true way to treat our Reva. Dr. Becky administered a mild sedative to calm her and then the lethal injection shortly after. It was a relief to see Reva not have to struggle for another breath, but to be at peace and know that she was with all of our sweet furbabies from our past in fields of green with all the chew bones, treats and toys they can handle!

Total for Dr. Becky Shelton's service = $100 Diane wrote her a check to the total
(Jacqui's $150 donation of the proceeds of her painting :wub: and another $30 from Daily Tail readers are being processed.)
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by MissWhiskers »

Thank you Ladies for doing all you did for her. And thank you for those last photos - she was a beautiful, sweet girl. Odd that I feel like I knew her and almost as if I even touched her... she certainly touched me! :angel:

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Re: Cleveland, GA - Broken Spirit on her own too long

Post by Christine »

This very special homeless dog touched the hearts of uncounted individuals. She brought together a group of strangers bonded by a common heal the physical and mental wounds of this brave girl who lived on her own for more than a year; never asking for or accepting help from anyone; never giving an indication of the gunshots she carried. We named her Reva; she bravely fought the malnutrition and the pain, allowing us to poke, prod and, yes, love her. She gave us sighs and smiles through the pain she endured and let us know that she felt the immense love and caring showered on her in the final two weeks of her life.

Her foster mom and original rescuer paid for her medical expenses, vet vists and her final journey to the Bridge out of their own pockets even though neither had the funds to spare. Half of the expenses have been reimbursed through generous donations, but there is still a balance of $400.00 they are paying back. Neither of these caring ladies has asked for the money and both are still grieving Reva's loss, as we all are. Also, both are still trying to help in other rescue efforts.

I would like to propose a collaborative effort to raise this final amount. If you are moved to donate toward this effort, I will match your donation in the product (s) of your choice from my website (I have more photographs on my Facebook page (Christine Hubal) in my Butterfly Mornings & Wildflower Afternoons Photo Album) ... 788&ref=mf
You will not be charged any shipping charges. All you have to do is make your donation in the following manner:

Via PayPal to

By check/mail to Doggie Harmony, P.O. Box 191362, Atlanta, GA 31119.
In either case, please specify that your donation is for REVA.

Send me a copy of your receipt with your order and I will make it and send within two weeks. This donation would be a "double coupon" for you because your receipt will be tax deductible and you will have an item or items for yourself or to give as gifts. Once the $400 has been donated, this offer will be closed. Thanks for anything you can do
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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