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WARWICK RI: Diabetic cat on death row at shelter!!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:27 am
by RenaRF
This is DAKM, which stands for "Does Anybody Know Me?" He is a beautiful 8-9 year old Russian Blue mix. He was found in someone's backyard - no one has claimed him. He has only until FRIDAY AUGUST 31 to get out before he will be killed. His bloodwork shows he's diabetic. Diabetic Cats in Need (DCIN) can offer a ton of expertise and assistance on caring for diabetic cats - often, feline diabetes can be controlled through a low-carb wet only diet and there are a TON of totally affordable non-prescription foods that diabetic cats can eat and be happy and healthy. DCIN can also transport practically anywhere - so PLEASE don't let location stop you. A DCIN volunteer has met DAKM and assessed his personality. He's SWEET - friendly, and LOVES to eat. Can you save this beautiful guy?? Please contact me at if you can help.


Re: WARWICK RI: Diabetic cat on death row at shelter!!

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:08 am
by RenaRF
Can't edit - but RESCUED.

Re: WARWICK RI: Diabetic cat on death row at shelter!!

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:34 am
by Christine
Hi Rena.. Thanks for updating these little guys. I was just going through to see how things were going and found the ones you updated. If you go to your original post and click edit, you can then click on the green checkmark. I usually, do what you are doing - leaving a new reply with the update and then add the checkmark. If you are not able to make that edit, let us know.