Paralyzed kitten needs good home ADOPTED!!!

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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by zippy96444 »

My friend has tried diapers, but because she has carpet, they would always come off. Maybe without carpet they would stay on? They named her "Legs". Their vet didn't like the name. She will need to be renamed. I am sure you don't want that name for her. They thought it was a cute name. It kind of is but... I wish I could of downloaded this one picture of her. As soon as you see her you will fall in love. I guarantee it! They say her legs twitch sometimes. If I had her, I would exercise her legs. They might not get better, but it is worth it. I do think it might help, if not just a little. Her legs don't have the muscle mass they should. Who knows, with a little work there might be some hope she might get some feeling out of them. I sure hope you decide to take her. I believe she will be like this the rest of her life, but she will make a loving kitty for you.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by zippy96444 »

Karen, I have read your posts about Whiskers. I am so sorry about your loss. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. I am so glad you gave him a good life. I know if you take this kitty, you will love her and take good care of her. I talked to my friend and they are going to call you this weekend. Her hubby even indicated that he would drive the kitty to you.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by Christine »

Awwww...this is going to have such a happy ending.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by zippy96444 »

I hope so. I just talked to my friend. She is so busy with her daughter and dance that she is not home to properly take care of the kitty. I just talked to her and she said that Legs has been in the kennel and has peed and pooped all over herself and she is a mess. She needs a bath and their house stinks. She needs someone to really take care of her and I know Karen will. She needs love and good care. My friend isn't home till late most nights and too busy on weekends. She loves this kitty but realizes she can't take care of her. Karen, please give this kitty a loving home! :thankyou:
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by MissWhiskers »

Thanks - I guess that 's understandable. And I guess it just takes practice to develop confidence at expressing a cat's bladder... I've checked out a couple of videos on it, but if anyone can provide links to relevant information - I would really appreciate it. I am hoping to see a photograph and to speak to the owner's husband and the vet's office.
thank you all,
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by MissWhiskers »

OOps. I wrote that last message in reply to Critters post saying that tile is probably better than carpet! that's what I meant was "understandable". I hadn't read Leslie's message yet. Thank you for your words about Whisker's - He was an angel! He was like having an infant and so we were very close - I miss him very much. Although I have other cats - he was very special - :angel:
I am off Sunday. I have a couple of things I have to go out to do, but should be home most of the day.
Yeah, "Legs" is different - I might change it, though in the past I have always left a pet's name as originally given. Like Whiskers, for example! That's what the coworker I took him from named him. I thought about changing it, but never did.

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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by critters »

Here's all the expressing info. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by Diana R. »

Hi Karen:

In answer to your question, the bladder should be expressed roughly every 8 hours. I express Simon and Harley in the morning between 6 - 8 a.m., during the noon hour or early afternoon and then in the late evening. And yes you will get the hang of this with practice and using some of the info from this forum. The bladder is like a slippery balloon and as you squeeze you can feel it deflating. I typically express them over the bathroom sink and have them sit on a towel with their butts hanging over the sink. That works fine. Yeah, it sounds like what Leslie says is accurate about the kitten needing someone to take proper care of it---I don't see why the house should smell because of a little kitten unless it is being left go. I am sure you can do this after what you did for Whiskers. I am sure the kitten will have a great home with you. Diana
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by zippy96444 »

the kitten is being left go. It has free use of the house all day, so therefore it pees and poops where ever it is. She is not expressed at all. My friend has no clue how to do it and nobody has taught her.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by critters »

Well, seldom, if ever, does anybody actually get taught; in my experience, you're lucky if a vet will even show you. It takes research and diligent practice of tiptoe-through-the-guts to figure out how to find and empty the water balloon. :smart:
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by MissWhiskers »

Thanks everyone. I am looking into learning about expressing - with all of your help. And while I would dearly miss him anyway, thinking about this is making me think about Whiskers and how amazingly "continent" he was - though he couldn't take himself to the catbox. I would come home after 8 hours or so and take and hold him over the box and then he would go. He waitted for me! Very few accidents! My amazing little guy - bless him!
Actually, since he's been gone (11/11/09) - I have felt a sense of freedom from that kind of obligation - which had I had my way - I would not have given up! But I didn't get to have my way - and so with mixed feelings I have slowly begun to appreciate it. So if I take this kitty, I guess that will be over. That's the biggest part of my decision. I know it won't be that difficult to actually do - especially when you get into the swing of it all.
Lately I have been checking out some of the other forums and I should probably be typing this stuff in the "Caretaker's Cafe" forum, but I guess it's relevant here...
Lastly, I wonder if the current owner has checked out some of these forums and videos - like on expressing a bladder - in order to be absolutely sure that they are not things that she can handle - with the help of her daughter & husband, maybe. I only say that because it does seem like she hates to part with the kitty... I hope that wasn't inappropriate - I can imagine it's a difficult decision and I hope everything ends up right for all - and that means me too.

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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by Christine »

My Bailey also waited for me and I would start tensing up if, for any reason, I was going to be later getting home and be a worried if she would not go before I had to leave, so I would come home a few hours later to let her go.

In my opinion, nothing you are saying is inappropriate. The whole intention of this thread is for the good of that little kitten and all options are being explored. I also think that talking about the options are best kept with the original topic...again in my opinion.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by CarolC »

There is information on keeping diapers on in the Diapers and Male Wraps article.
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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by MissWhiskers »

The people with the kitty in FL which Zippy first posted about, have photographs on their phone - but i don't have a phone they can send them to. Does anyone know of a way to get those transferred to this website? or any ideas?

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Re: Paralyzed kitten needs good home

Post by Christine »


They should be able to send them to an email address and then you can save and post them here. I am not knowlegeable about phones, I barely know how to answer mine, but I read that they can bring up the picture and go to Options where they can email the picture (s) to you.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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