seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - RESCUED!!!

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by LisainCAN »

NH? Not far from me at all. Would I take him? I'd go and get him tomorrow. I am serious.

Here is where I see the problem: I would be refused I think on an official adoption form.

1. I have five other dogs (4 senior-1 failing rapidly and one puppy).
2. I have limited income though I provide my animals what they need. It would cost to get the pooch across the border though that procedure in and of itself is simple as we have no quarantine. I know some rescue groups charge high adoption rates. I would need to be considered a compassionate placement since up to $400 up front (rates in Canada to adopt) is A LOT of chicken feed/cat snacks/"tunas" as Bendy would say.
3. I would not get the surgery for the dog, even if I had two million dollars because I do not think that there is anything "wrong" with a blind dog. I have one who is 75% blind and she is perfect. The same goes for my deaf Pyr mix. I would not want to subject the little dog to an unnecessary procedure that probably would not work anyway and that could cause more harm than good. I also know of a human (not furry!) who has severe eye problems and who has been offered a similar surgery. He refused as he feels he is fine with his status quo.

Send me the application form anyway, please. I would like to apply.
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

Hi Lisa....OMG.....!!!!! Seriously???? I just posted an update to the forum and then this popped into my mailbox. YAY!!!

OK....I don't think you would be turned down - I have known of dogs who've been adopted out into multiple dog homes (5+ dogs). The fact that you already have a blind dog is a plus - they will see that as someone who is knowledgeable about the disability. If I could adopt Buddy, I would not do the surgery either. It is completely unnecessary - especially in light of his other health issues.

Now....given what I just posted about his elevated AlkP values, and knowing that you are dealing with another dog who is rapidly declining, do you still feel you can/want to adopt Buddy?

Here is a link to the online adoption form/survey (see below) - it's the only way I can get it to you. I could probably get a hard copy and scan it at work tomorrow and email it to you - but am not sure that is any more efficient than doing it through the shelter's website. You can also call Nicole Proctor, the Adoption Coordinator at 603.352.9011 x101 and ask for details about the best way to go about this (tell that Jennifer - the volunteer who takes photos - told you about Buddy)....or I could do it for you given how far away you are. I will do anything to help this dog get into a home. I would even be happy to transport him up to you!

So...feel free to contact me via this forum or to call me directly at home to talk about it. 802.254.0144 I know we aren't supposed to give out personal info on the forum, but the shelter is closed Mondays and Tuesdays so I'd like to get the ball rolling if you are still interested.

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

It appears my update post got lost in cyberspace. My reply to LisainCan posted - but the reply to Christine didn't. Any way to retrieve/find it, or do I need to re-post???
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

It appears my previous post is lost so I will do my best to recreate it.

I contacted several rescue groups on Friday - Russell Refuge, Russell Rescue, and Blind Dog Rescue Alliance. BDRA contacted me and is pretty sure they do not have any foster homes but was going to post to the group, as well as to other groups (but she did not say which ones). I will contact the Maine rescue group today.

I was at the shelter yesterday and spent some time with Buddy. I don't think he is getting much attention or exercise as he was a total nut when I went into his kennel...bouncing off the walls from being cooped up. Poor boy. So I leashed him up and went to the outside kennel with him where I tossed his tennis ball for a good 10 minutes and wore him out. We hung outside for a bit and I eventually brought him back to his kennel after a good walk around the building.

I asked the Adoption Coordinator if anyone has shown any interest in him in the past week and she said no. When I was exclaiming how great a dog Buddy is, the Volunteer Coordinator who was standing there said "yeah, but he has SO many health issues, it's going to be impossible to adopt him." Long story short, I went through his file before leaving and it turns out his Alk P (alkaline phosphatase) values are elevated. I did some research when I got home and those elevated values could be anything from gastrointestinal issues to Cushings to liver or bone disease. Because he is at a shelter, they will only monitor his lab values, they will not do additional tests to determine what is going on. more than ever, Buddy needs to be pulled from that shelter. Not only is he not getting the attention and exercise that he needs and deserves, but I am worried for his life. If his Alk P levels continue to increase and no one shows any interest in adopting him, he is most certainly going to be euthanized. I know of several cats who were euthanized for elevated kidney values.

I know LisainCan is interest in adopting, but in the meantime, I will send out emails to the other rescue groups that were listed by Jane in Christine's email.

Christine - thank you so much for moving the posts to the rescue forums!

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by Christine »

All I can say is that Buddy would be in Heaven on Earth as part of Lisa's crew! Buddy is on my Facebook page now, too.
Thanks for what you are doing, Jennifer.
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by LisainCAN »

From what I read the fee is $125 USD? Is that correct? Dern. If I need to put money into him to monitor his levels, which I would happily do, I am not sure I can afford that adoption fee and transport cost. I wonder if they could work out a deal with me....

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

Hi Lisa,

Yes, $125 adoption fee for a senior dog....not sure if he falls in the senior category he is around 8 yrs old. However, considering how long he has been at the shelter and his medical issues (and that someone would be taking on that expense) and that there is not much interest in him, they may work out a deal. I would happily transport at no cost - I just want more than anything for Buddy to be out of the shelter and in a good home. I wonder if there is a rescue group who would consider covering his adoption fees. It's something I would be happy to look into.

It is now 5pm EST - the shelter is open for another hour. I was there again today for an animal blessing and then walked dogs, etc. When I left an hour ago it was pretty quiet. My recommendation would be to start with a phone call to Nicole - the Adoption Coordinator and go from there. Honestly, they would be nuts not to work out a deal with you.

Let me know how I can help, including transporting him.

Keep me posted...
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by LisainCAN »

Missed the 5 PM closing.

Will have to call tomorrow or when they reopen.

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

Hi Lisa,

They are open Weds-Sun 12-6. I don't know Nicole's schedule, but ask for her when you call. If she's not there, they will find someone for you to talk with about Buddy.

Keep me posted....

Good Luck!
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by Diana R. »


I guess I am wondering why the shelter is saying Buddy has so many health issues. When you say the Alk phosphate is high, how high are you talking about---most ALKP is found in the cells of the heptobiliary tract so it could indicate some kind of obstruction there or inflammation. The ALKP could also be high if there was a bone injury or if the dog is on steroids. I was wondering what his glucose levels are since sometimes diabetics have cataracts. I was also wondering why the shelter was insisting on the eye surgery. My dog Quincy had cataracts removed over 10 years ago (he passed in 2002). It would first have to be determined if Buddy is even a candidate for this surgery which would involve the eye doctor examining him first not the regular vet. I was under the impression that there is a window of time to do this after the cataracts develop and I don't know if you have much history on Buddy. The surgery is very delicate and requires a deep plane of anesthesia. Even if he goes through the surgery there are months of aftercare which includes the dog wearing an e-collar, drops in the eye several times a day, pills to take and the animal has to be kept quiet with reduced activity. When I would take Quincy in for rechecks I was told to lift him into the car. Even excessive barking by a dog could cause retinal detachment after this surgery. I am glad I had it done for Quincy but it is no small deal and certainly could not be done while the dog is at the shelter. This should be a decision the owner makes not the shelter.

He is very cute and I hope they give you some deal on the adoption fee, Lisa, so you can take him. Diana
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

Hi Diana,

While I don't recall the exact number, the Alk P was well over 200 (with the cutoff being somewhere around 140). I would have to look at his chart again to get the exact numbers. I am pretty certain he is not diabetic - all other lab values appeared to be within normal range. While I don't know why/how the shelter vet determined he needed surgery, a local vet specialist did do a consult and she is the one who said she would do the surgery for cost of supplies (see previous post). I still cannot wrap my brain around all of it, given his elevated lab values (and age)....he is not a good candidate for surgery. And I absolutely agree Diana - surgery should be at the discretion of whoever adopts him, the shelter should not be making it a condition of adoption. It is clear that he is not in pain nor is he suffering as he is.

Honestly, I don't see how Buddy could be kept calm after surgery. He is by no means a spaz....but he is a JRT with lots of spunk left in him. Of course being confined to a small kennel all day every day does not help him any. Buddy is a good boy. He's not a barker, he is GREAT on leash (even after being cooped up all day, he is not a puller....he just does this cute zig-zag thing as he tries to find his way to the door leading outside), and he LOVES his tennis balls. After spending more time with him this afternoon, I am comfortable in stating that he is mostly blind - he retrieves his tennis balls by sound and smell. And if I am not talking to him and/or clapping, he runs right past me and drops the tennis ball out of my reach. I also watched him walk or run into several things - a wall, a chair, plants....but he just keeps plugging along.

I am normally sound asleep right now - yet was wide awake obsessing about got online and hear I am. I too hope that something can be worked out so that Lisa can adopt him.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by Christine »

Just one more question before we all turn in for the your knowledge, Jennifer, is $125 all that is required from the shelter if they approve the adoption? I am so thrilled that you are offering to transport him.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »

Senior dogs (12+) are $125. Not sure if he qualifies for senior as about 8ish. However, given his medical conditions, in my opinion his adoption fee should be $125. But I am just a silly volunteer - what do I know. :)

So yes.....the $125 (or $225 for adult dogs...which by their framework is what he is) is all the shelter would my knowledge. Most (all) adoptions require an application, a fee, and I often overhear an "educational" component either about training or medicines or personality, etc.

Ok....going to go try to get some sleep...
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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by maxwells mama »


Ok....I cannot hold it in any longer. I was going to wait until all the details had been settled, but I am going to bust wide open if I don't share my wonderful news!!!

Buddy is going to Russell Refuge in Rhinebeck, NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After sending out about a half dozen emails to various contacts with various JRT rescue groups, I got a call from Dale Mountain at Russell Rescue. After playing a bit of phone tag, we finally connected early last week - and talked for 2 hours on the phone. Dale is an amazing person - kind, compassionate, funny - and knows a TON about JRTs. She initially offered to do a courtesy listing (as the refuge is quite full right now). So I put together a write-up and emailed it along with some photos of Buddy (the same photos that are posted in this forum). As soon as she saw him, she fell in love with him....just like I did....and she offered to take him into the rescue. Dale will have his eyes checked again, and if the prognosis is good, they have the resources to do the surgery. She also said that several people are already interested in him.

The next step was to talk to folks at the shelter (which I did on Friday) - as everything has to go through a chain of command. By Saturday afternoon, they agreed to let Buddy go to NY and asked if another JRT who has been at the shelter for quite a while (and who needs extra TLC and good medical workup) could go too. As of this posting, the shelter manager and Dale are playing email tag - attempting to determine who can transport to Rhinebeck and when it will happen. I have offered to transport at no cost.

I have fallen deeply in love with this dog. The more time I have spent with him, the more amazed I am by him. He is smart and funny and spunky and sweet. I have learned so much about JRTs through this process, and have come to believe that they are for the most part, a totally misunderstood breed. And I believe the same is true for blind dogs - misunderstood. Even if Buddy doesn't get the surgery, he is going to be just fine......his sweet, happy, cutie-pa-tootie self. My heart is so filled with joy right now - and yet there is a heaviness too because I have gotten incredibly attached to him - going to the shelter each week won't be quite the same. But I know he is going to a wonderful rescue that is going to do right by him, and that he will end up in a very loving home (Dale is incredibly particular about who she adopts to). soon as I have the rest of the details, I will share them. Thank you everyone for all of your help. And if I can ever figure out how to post images to this forum, I will post the newest pictures of Buddy playing in the doggie pool on Saturday.

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Re: seeking help/advice for blind JRT mix - New Hampshire

Post by Christine »

Jennifer!!!! :trophy:

You are wonderful! I felt every emotion reading your wonderful update. You saved his life and you are absolutely right, he will be fine, even if he is blind - just ask our Karen about that, but you already know it.

If you will email those new pictures to me, I will post them here to complete this happy ending. I hope you will stick are our kind of people!

You never know what Divine Order has in store....that sweet little two legged kitten listed on Craigs List brought us all together. I pray it was givcn to a loving home, I wonder if we will ever know?
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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