I need a duck wheelchair!

Please post any questions here about problems that are specific to birds or exotic pets, such as llamas and reptiles.
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by Slystav »

Hi, thanks for your reply. Our idea is to use the splints for the majority of the waking day as it seems it's the thigh muscles that need the most work. We are continuing however to bath the duck at least five times per day for around ten minutes each to keep the flexibility and strength. We also remove the splints at night so it can lie comfortably. Aero does walk like this all of the time too, so she's not just getting waterlogged. Because all of her feathers aren't quite in we often take her out of the bath and blow dry her as she's often shivering after 10 minutes! As for the feed I can't find a supplier anywhere in the UK except for one company which sells it at about five times the price of chicken feed. I don't have the confidence or experience yet to mix my own feed yet so I'm relying on the crumbs, wheat and yeast. By the way can anyone tell me more about using yeast as I had to work that one out by myself! I'll be checking out the forum soon...
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by Inmemoryofsebastian »

Hi I didn't know you were from the UK I guess it can be difficult to get duck food there, here is another yahoo duck site where you can join and ask questions about feed and maybe even making your own there are tons of smart people on this site that can help you out......it takes a special person to do what your doing for your duck, thank you for caring so much.....Sharon

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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by willyducky »

my lil baby duck is struggling to get around, he has 2 bad feet. The right foot curls up a little but he can kick with it and he spins with it, the left foot is real bad its curls under and he can not open it. This causes him to fall to the left side and then on his back, I have been massaging his feet but I really think he needs his little wheelchair. If you do not have duck wheelchairs available I am very creative and might just come up with one but if there is a blue print available it would be much better for my ducky. Please help my baby ducky.
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by Inmemoryofsebastian »

Hello sorry to hear about your baby duck, your little duck will need lots of care and supervision with this kind of disability, what kind of food are you feeding him, some ducks have leg and feet problems if not fed the right kind of food, but to answer your question you can certainly make a wheelchair for your baby duck, he most likely will only be able to sit in it and not walk in it, but I am so glad you are willing to help him...I don't know how to attach a photo to show you what you can make, but I will try to explain, get 4 pvc pipes from homedepot and cut them to size with 4 end connectors you can attach castor wheels and for the middle you can sew material around it and cut out holes for the feet, if you email me privately with you email address I will send some photos to you....

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Post by FYI »

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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by Inmemoryofsebastian »

Would you like to join my group who are caring for ducks with disabilities, the link is below, someone who has more experience then me could help you with your question about yeast, you can also view pictures of home made wheelchairs....
don't forget to feed some green to your duck just chop romanine lettuce, some peas and put it in the water they usually love eating it that way...

http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Duck ... dir&slk=33

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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by sarbird9 »

hi im new to the whole bloging thing but i have a simular problem with a 2 month old mallard he is very sweet and was in a pin with his sister when i think he may have slipped of a slick surface after playig i there water bowl and now both his legs are a little of and he cant walk or stand real well i have been trying to find someone to help me build a wheelchair for him but have no idea where to look does anyone have any ideas
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by critters »

:slant: I suggest joining Sebastian's group for ideas because I think that's where you'll find the highest concentration of people experienced with this very unique handicapper population.
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by Inmemoryofsebastian »

Hi sorry to hear about your duck if you like to join my group with other people who are caring for ducks with similar problems and see pictures of wheelchair where you will be able to make one yourself, in the meantime ducks have to have proper nutrition or they will suffer leg problems and have difficulty walking....

http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Duck ... dir&slk=33

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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by featherfarmer »

I've seen many people ask about wheelchairs for ducks and I have created one! If anyone is interested I can show you pictures of the one I made using PVC pipe and the joint attachments to customize it to fit my Crested Duck with neurological problems. Still working on a better harness to keep her in it as she likes to jump over the front of it when she gets excited. But if she's just following her Cayuga buddy around the room she does really well in it so far. I also created a hanging sling for her to walk back in forth off of a hanging pipe so she can get some exercise outside. As long as she's with her buddy she stays calm and content. So my first suggestion to anyone with a disabled duck is to get them a friend to cuddle with and give them company! Definitely makes a difference! :D
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by critters »

:whale: featherfarmer! Could you post a pic?
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by featherfarmer »

Just saw your message. Haven't been on computer for a bit because I've been extremely busy doing all the coops and duck houses. (8 total) getting them ready for the harsh winter heading our way this year! With all the rain we've gotten it's like working in a swamp! Let me take some pics, get them downloaded and see if I can get them on here. Not sure how to add pics yet. All my attempts have failed so far! But I'll try my best! :D
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by CarolC »

This link gives tips on uploading photos.


Is it possible the photos are just too big? If that's the problem you can resize them on places like

I'd like to see them, too.
Harsh winter? Last year was bad enough! :cold:
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by featherfarmer »

Well I got some pictures finally downloaded onto computer! (Out here the cell service is horrible. Takes days for pictures to show up in my emails so that I can download them.) Now how do I add them to my messages here??? Not sure how to add them. I thought clicking on the box with IMG would do something but all I get is the word "IMG" showing up.

I also took pictures of her in her harness which is attached to 2 dog leashes which hang from a pulley on a cable across the yard from fence to fence. This gives her the freedom to run across the yard. WEEBLES really doesn't walk much. She prefers to run. But when she stops she topples over. Now if her Cayuga buddy (WOBBLEZNOT) is with her she'll try to walk next to him when she's in her walker. I came up with a really easy way to make a harness.....and the hanging leashes.....

#1 Put a small cat collar around her neck
#2 Put a collar one size bigger around her butt (just behind her legs)
#3 I attached 2 elastic straps (I used the waist band from some old pj bottoms) Take one strap and attach to neck collar w/leash loop exposed and then attach it to the collar on her butt so it runs down her back. Make sure the leash loop is on top of her butt/back. Do the same w/the 2nd strap starting at neck...then mark off how long you need it down her belly between her legs to the butt strap. Its real easy to sew the straps to the dog collars.
#4 Once you have the harness made you can attach 2 skinny dog leashes to the 2 loops at neck and butt. This gives her more stability.
#5 I added a 6" PCV pipe between the 2 leashes about 6" above her back and then tied the 2 leashes together about 6" higher (about 1 foot above her back) so the leashes can now be hung from a pulley on a cable. The pcv pipe keeps the leashes from getting twisted up next to her body.

She spends the day outside on her cable running back and forth and using the pool with no problem. She just follows Wobbleznot where ever he goes. I made it long enough that she can almost lay down in the middle of the yard. But this way if she does fall over she never lands on her side and she can get right back up. At night they sleep in the house. Weebles can never be left outside with the other ducks. Without her leash and cable she'd flip on her back and the other ducks would pick on her. It's hard for her to flip back onto her feet but she does at times, but sometimes she needs help. If I separate Weebles from Wobbleznot they both start quacking and squawking up a storm. So I decided to keep them together. They are now a bonded pair. For now I can deal with the daily cleanup of their bins they sleep in at night because they go out every day. But Lord help me this winter when they are inside 24/7. Just can't put them through the temp changes from the house to the snow every day. That would make them sick. Some people say I'm crazy. But I love my animals. I'll do what it takes to make them comfortable and healthy. Just need to create new harnesses for both of them with detachable diapers. OH BOY! Sounds like fun!
And Weebles is the most adorable little Crested duck. When I give her baths she just snuggles up inside her towel afterwards. And once she's dried she likes to play. She gives kisses and plays with my hair. Or she'll hide her head in the crook of my arm or on my shoulder and take a nap. She loves to be petted, especially her head, face and neck. No other duck here has been as friendly. Not even Wobbleznot. He'll tolerate sitting on my lap and have his back petted while we watch tv. But he's not a lovey duck like Weebles. She's a jem!
Last edited by featherfarmer on Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I need a duck wheelchair!

Post by CarolC »

Excellent! If you've got them on your computer, here is a step by step to attach them in a post.


This is sure to help somebody later, when they see how you did it!
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