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One-legged parakeet

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:08 pm
by Xenia
I thought some of you may be interested in knowing how well parakeets can do with one leg.

I have attached some photos of my bird “Sky”. Sky had a very unlucky start in life- her mother died two days after she hatched and her father refused to feed her or her brother, Jolly, who was 4 days old. I hand fed Sky and Jolly using Harrison’s Bird Diets formula and both did very well and were weaned at about 6 weeks of age. Four weeks later disaster struck. Sky got her leg caught in the space between the side and floor of her cage and actually ripped it right off at mid-thigh. Miraculously, it stopped bleeding by itself and Sky survived with only a few stitches to the stump.

Within days Sky learned to balance herself using her tail against a nearby perch. She preens by hanging upside down from a perch where she can reach all her body parts without falling. She is now 3 ½ years old and lives happily with her mate, “Puny” who is also handicapped. He has “French Molt”, a viral disease which stunted his growth and damaged his feather follicles, leaving him without primary wing or tail feathers and unable to fly. Although they are unable to mate because of balance problems, Sky lays infertile eggs and broods them with Puny at her side, perfectly happy with their pretend family.

I want to encourage anyone with a bird that loses a leg not to give up hope- they do just fine without it!

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:18 am
by critters
:strobe: She's certainly a resourceful little girl, isn't she?! Just like other disabled critters she works with what she has rather than worrying about what she doesn't!

Sky is beautiful!

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:46 pm
by Zorro
What a beautiful parakeet! Sky's a testimony to so many wonderful things animals teach us by example: perseverance, adaptability, optimism, patience with oneself and joy of life despite difficulties. You, Xenia, are a testimony to the loving bond between person and animal that makes all things possible!

Thanks so much for sharing these delightful photos! :wub:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:15 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
What an amazing story!

Wow! :welcomepurple:

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:09 pm
by LisainCAN
My story is kind of similar in that I did not give up on my bird. One of my laying hens was attacked by a dog a year and a half ago. The dog must have dislocated her leg at the knee because the bottom part just dangled. When I called one of my neighbours to come and help me hold the bird, she laughed at me for wanting to save a chicken! I didn't care so I wrapped the leg with medical tape and made a cast of sorts. I kept it on for three weeks and when I took it off, the knee joint was still compromised but she could use the leg for balance, kind of like a peg ... hence I named her Peggy. I was warned by everyone "in the know" that a disabled chicken would never survive in the flock. Well, she did for another year and then died of natural causes. I have never been so sad to lose a chicken. Just as a note, none of mine are ever killed and live out their natural lives with me even when they stop laying.

So good for you for not giving up on your bird!
