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Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:17 pm
by duckgirl4
Hi I am a 9 yr old girl. I have 4 peking ducks who are almost a year old. Two nights ago one of them jumped up and flapped his wings as they often do. But when he landed he went flat down with his wings still open and had not been able to stand or walk since. I put him in his own pen and have been putting him in warmish water 3 times a day. Today I moved his legs a little when he was floating, he floats but does not use his legs. 3 Times he pushed himself off of his feet but coundnt move them back again. I am so worried I love him so much and I dont want to loose him. My mom says we will take care of him and keep him as long as he is not in pain . he doesnt seem to be in pain and we cant see anything bent or out of place. Any help or ideas would be great. Thank You all so much. DuckGirl4

Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:19 am
by CarolC
I think you would like this website. :D


Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:33 am
by Inmemoryofsebastian

It's hard to diagnose your ducks problem without seeing it, did you consider taking your duck to a vet for an examination that would be my best bet, maybe your duck hurt his spine, if he doesn't use his feet or legs be very careful of him being in the water he won't be able to get out without any help....he may be disable after this injury not sure but he will need your care if he can't walk I suggest he be an indoor duck kept in a playpen, sorry I wish I had more answers for you...he should see a vet.

Sebastian mom

Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:56 am
by duckgirl4
CarolC thanks I just went to lemons site and it is very sweet! Thank You

Sebastian's Mom, Thanks for replying. My mom and called around and we have not found a vet that will see him. One said "its just a duck" ! and even worse another said our best bet is to have him for sunday dinner! how sick is that? Anyway he is an inside duck all 4 are inside because it has been so cold here in VT. They are in our utility room in a pen and the injured duck is in a seperate pen. Thanks for taking the time to reply and I want to tell you that the I love the pics of sebastian he was a very lucky ducky! and my pop-pop is going to try to make a "duck truck" for chub chub :) This morning he was able to push off his feet in the water 4 times. Its more than he has done so im hoping and praying he will get better but if he doesnt we will do everything we can to keep him comfortable and happy. Still going to try to find a vet that will see him.Thanks again

Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:21 pm
by Inmemoryofsebastian
Hello it's Sebastian's Mom,

I'm sorry you can't find a vet that will look at your duck and it's even shameful that the vet made those stupid unprofessional comments it's unacceptable as far as I am concern, I would have told those vets a thing or two and give them a piece of my mind, I hope your duck continues to get better, but don't give up on looking for a vet that will look at birds look for an avian vet maybe if you can't find one in your city check other cities you never know if you need one in case of an emergency you will want to be me anytime if you want to talk.....

Sebastian's Mom

Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:39 pm
by duckgirl4
My Mom found a vet that saw Chub Chub today. She didnt realy want to see her but did. She said its seems to be a spine injury. She said that most likely Chub Chub will not get better and that she should be put to sleep. But she said that Chub Chub was not in pain. So I am not going to let her be put to sleep. The Vet said it is a lot of work to care for an injured animal. I know that but I love her too much to just let them kill her. It looks like sebastian and lemon both lived long happy lives so why not Chub Chub? it looks like she cant use her right leg but the left one seems to be getting a little stronger. Today for the first time since she was hurt she washed herself in the tub. I am so happy to see her doing that again. I have a question, did sebastian preen himself after being in the water? Chub Chub did almost no preening. I have been wrapping her in towels and holding her as long as she will let me. She is getting dry but dont ducks have to pick at their feathers to keep them oiled and that helps them float? It is amazing to see how much she has already figured out how to do things. She uses her beak and wings to swim around the tub! She pushes off the sides with her beak and flaps her wings in little flaps to steer. She is also using her beak to push herself up or back in her pen. Thanks for writing. :thankyou:

Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:33 pm
by LisainCAN
Hi there. As someone with ducks and other livestock, I have to tell you how much I admire you for caring for your duck and for standing by her when the vet said to put her down. I have had disabled chickens, with various leg problems, and taking care of them is not really that much more work. I have a Pekin duck and the only thing that I can add is that you need to remember that this breed is for meat usually and that they can get very heavy. It is good that this injury happened now when the duck is full grown and if you are seeing some improvement that is a good sign. Also if the left leg does get strong enough, you can "hobble" the legs together so that the right leg is pulled into line by the stronger leg. I would have to draw a diagram and explain the process better.

Please keep us posted and of course, welcome to our forum!


Re: Help! my duck fell and cannot stand or walk!

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:20 pm
by Inmemoryofsebastian
Hello from Sebastian's mom,

I'm glad that your mom was able to find a doctor that will see Chub Chub, I had a feeling it could be spine related but I am totally happy that you did not take the vets advice, they said the same thing to me about Sebastian when she was a baby had I not given Sebastian a chance at life I would never had known she would have almost another 13 years with me and I am thankful so much that I gave Sebastian the chance, thank you for giving Chub Chub the chance because I know how much Chub Chub means to you...

Sebastian did preen after a bath, I would wrap her in towels and she did her own preening it did take her a long time to dry off but that was ok, she wasn't very well oiled only parts of her body was well oiled and other parts weren't so she would get waterlogged if she stayed in the bath for too long she would start to sink so supervision is important...keep up the good work I know Chub Chub has a wonderful caring little mommy...

Sebastian's Mom

Sebastian's webpage

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:02 pm
by FYI