
Please post any questions here about problems that are specific to birds or exotic pets, such as llamas and reptiles.
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Post by Chickadee101 »

I have a chicken with what looks like a major birth defect. He has one complete leg but the other is only partially there, He has the leg up where it is feathered but he dosen't have a shank or foot on that leg. He has had it as long as I have had him and I got him as a baby chick.

Lightning seems to get along okay with the other chickens. He hops around on his one leg and can get to food and water alright. One of the things he can't do is perch. So he used to sleep on the ground by himself, but one of the other chickens (Thunder) noticed that and keeps him company.

Does anyone have any idea on what could have caused this?
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Re: Lightning

Post by critters »

How NICE that he has a friend and protector!! How about a pic of both of them?? :)
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