Bailey Girl Update

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Bailey Girl Update

Post by Christine »

Good morning, everyone...and thanks for your prayers and support yesterday during my meltdown. Last night, while I was out picking up the Pred and the Pepcid, I left Bailey in with my husband and she finally had a bowel movement on the bath mat I had under her. Since it had been Tuesday early, I knew it was coming. This is the first time Glen has ever had to deal with this and he was a trooper about it. Everything was all cleaned and calm when I got back and his biggest concern was that she was embarrassed.

Now, for the best news...this morning at 5:00 am, I heard her tags jingle (my Pavlov bell which brings me to my feet before my eyes are open), and guess who was STANDING outside our door! That usually means she needs to go out so I got her ready and took her for a walk in which she did her canter again. She did not have to go - I think she just wanted to show me that she was feeling better and show off for me.

A few minutes ago, I was getting ready for work, came back out to the living room and she was not in her normal spot, but over in the dining room walking around again - this time to let me know it was time to go out.

My heart is soaring and I can't thank you all enough for helping me through this. I had a grateful prayer to God this morning and continue to ask for Divine Order in all things.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by tessa »

oh what relief!
hang in there, christine. we all have our bad days.
when xena has hers...i totally freak. i'm so afraid all the time, you know? but when she has a good day...i'm walking on clouds. it's a hard balancing act, eh?
much strength and courage to you and your bailey.
hugs, tessa.
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Jane Scott »

I just finished reading the conversation thread about your Bailey and thought I must send my encouragement,when I noticed your next post! Hurray for Bailey, like others said trust that she will tell you when it's time! Hope every day dawns with more improvement, wishing you all the best.
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

(((Christine))) You are breathing again... So are we.. Your Bailey Girl is precious to us all.
Thank you for this oh-so-meaningful post :)
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

First....YAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! What wonderful news.
You know we are here for you and Bailey! Now go give Bailey a big ole' nose kiss from me please....
Oscar, Sage, Hunter and Misty all send lickies!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Christine »

Good morning everyone...

Just wanted to give you the last chapter of Bailey's recent saga.

The latest update is affecting me in a strange way. I faxed the holistic vet back with an update after receiving a phone message asking how she is now after everything. I wrote her back explaining everything in my posts and also that I would continue giving her all the supplements and medications she had prescribed and letting her know that one bottle of drops was almost gone. I wanted to know if she needs more of those drops.

I received a phone message from her assistant that said Bailey did not need to continue on anymore holistic supplements and to let them know if I needed anything else. The feeling I got was that I was dismissed. I know it should not matter as Bailey is doing so much better, but it leaves me with such an odd feeling. I wonder if she just felt uncomfortable with me because I wanted to try one more thing before PTS; was she insulted that I wanted to try pred and mentioned that the antibiotic's side affects were dizziness and loss of appetitie; was she embarrassed that she jumped to the wrong conclusion?

I spent over $300 in the two visits I had with here - the last one took my whole paycheck and I have followed her treatment until that happened.

As I said, it should not matter, but that's just my personality. I believe that everyone we meet is for a reason and the information she gave me about Sentinel is the biggest reason. The nutritional supplements she suggested must be wonderful because those and Boost were basically all Bailey would ingest for the past two weeks and she has not lost an ounce. Here diagnosis of protozoa confirmed some of the treatment the original holistic prescribed which resulted in the return of Bailey's sight. My husband said that possibly our paths crossed to give her a reason to do some more research for her other patients.

Now, I am back at the beginning and will continue my research on the best way to keep her liver levels normal. I will also search the internet for the nutritional supplements she gave me. I still have my original holistic vet who treated Bailey by phone consultation and my two traditional vets locally that I can call or see whenever I need to in addition to my friends here who give so much help and support. This board is what gave me the idea and the strength to request the pred so you all saved Bailey's life.

Thanks again to everyone for being here.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by tessa »

i want to say something really profound about all of this, but christine, sometimes things just make no sense.
i suppose that the bottom line is exactly where the bottom line should be: with bailey.
how is she now, christine? how are you? and how's your heart holding up?
bailey is famous in our household. we ran out of cream cheese today but xena will not let me forget to buy more tomorrow. it is the loveliest (and loviest) time of the day here. we all love fish pill time now. you have given us something special...and we hope you get it back tenfold.
many hugs (and licks)
tess and xena
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by CarolC »

Hi Christine,

That is odd about the brush-off. You'd think she'd want to keep her good customers. :shock:

For my part I have not said anything until now, but I sure would like to know the name of the protozoa she was suspecting. I think there are different illnesses in different areas of the country (not to mention different countries), and whatever she is suspecting may be something they don't have much of here in Texas, because it doesn't ring any bells. Did she ever put a name on it, or say anything about coonhound paralysis maybe? ... &Private=0

Isn't it great that dogs can just keep being happy while you are scrambling to get things arranged for them in the background? :)
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by ems736336 »

Christine and Bailey,
Keep up the good work and stay positive for Bailey. Never doubt that she will let you know when it is time for anything to be done for her. If the Pred helped her to feel better, then that is what she needs. The pain meds all seem to have a tendancy to make one a slight bit dizzy and certainly can make you wobbly.
We are suffering with you in the bad times, commiserating in the sad times, and joyous in the good times. We will never give up.
Hugs and kisses with many blessings to Bailey and you and your husband.
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Well darn it...I don't quite understand that vet's response hon. If you think she needs more drops, why not just say...GIVE ME MORE!

If you saw an improvement on the pred...ask to continue it for a bit longer....

I'll tell you...Bailey is one lucky girl to have you as a mom. Christine, you have done an amazing job with Bailey. PLEASE don't let this vet get you down! Stay strong!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Christine »

Wow, Carole...everything in that diagnosis sounds really familiar except that the prednisone really helps and during the time I have had her, she has not been exposed to racoons, etc. I have printed it out and added it to my Big Book of What's Going on With Bailey.

I have decided that I am going to send one more note to the vet to get some more specific information about what she has based her diagnosis and I will ask if she identified the protozoa and what exactly each of the drops is for. Her favorite and specialization is treating horses holistically and she mentioned that what she feels Bailey has the same kind she has seen in many horses. Even if she does not want to treat her anymore, I want to document what we have so far.

Thanks so much for your concern.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by Christine »

Hi Tessa,

Bailey is 500% better. She trots when we go for our walks again. This time last week, I was nearly carrying her up and down the ramp and holding her up with a hip sling. Strangely, though, she still is very careful in the house - taking her time and lowering herself into a sit, but I think she is not dealing with the blindness as well as many dogs do.

I am back to feeling like a human being with hope again and so grateful that I did not have to make that decision for her last week.

So glad the cream cheese is a hit wth Xena - she deserves every big and little joy you can give do you. Bailey has added a protein drink called Boost to her favorite things. I went to the store to get Ensure and they were out, but had this. It smells and tastes like a vanilla milkshake. I put all of her supplements and powders in it and she laps it up. When she was not eating, I found comfort in the fact that she was getting nourishment. Now, I give her just enough to mix up the other things. Her appetitie is back in full force and even better than before, so mornings are a lot easier and I don't go to work worrying about the fact that she did not really eat. Some mornings, it would take an hour of coaxing and pleading just to get her to take a little. Right now, in less than 10 minutes, breakfast is done!

Let Xena know that she definitely lives up to her name of a warrior princess and she is looking beautiful. I love reading her daily blog.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Bailey Girl Update

Post by connie »

never met your vet, but i didn't like the brush off approach she gave you. good thing is, you can always fire them and get another. you do and ask for whatever you think bailey needs.
you pay them, they don't pay you!! poor baby, i pray she gets better soon. you have to hope sweetie, sometimes that is all that keeps us owners sane. miracles do happen, we see it on this site all the time.
give bailey a big country hug from arkansas and cricket sends one of his special wet slurpies.( they are wet, yuck) lol
connie and cricket
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