Need Prayer for my Little Fighter!!!!!!!!! PLEASE

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Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:31 pm

Post by Donna »

I just read about you little man Bear. He is one blessed pup to have a mom like you. I am soo happy he is doing well, you must tell us all how he has been doing the last few days. The pics of him and brother are so sweet, they are beautiful dogs. I will also pray for a swift recovery. You didn't let him down and you see your prayers were answered. The money is always a worry, last Christmas I went without to give my boy the surgery he needed. I always say if I have an extra 20 I will spend it on my dogs, that is how much we love them. Welcome to the forum.

Donna and Luke
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:58 pm

Post by ambert06 »

Hey Everyone,
Bear is recovering quite swiftly. He's thru with his meds & he goes to get his staples out sometime next week. [haven't made the appointment yet] but he acts like his leg isn't there anymore. .. i guess that's better than him trying to put weight on it. and his appeitite is WAY down..but on the up side, he is eating. i guess somethings just change after something that traumatic. thanks for checking up on him! I'll update after he comes home from staples being removed.

xoxo--> Amber, Dal & Little Bear <3
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:58 pm

Update: Staples Out!

Post by ambert06 »

Just wanted to update on my little prince. He has his staples out, finally, and it didn't cost anything additional..thank Goodness!!! The docs are now saying to bring him back in 4 wks as they want to do a check up to see if they can go in and remove the pin that they placed in his femur bone. I don't exactly know how I feel about that, as it cost soooo much money to get it in and I can't imagine they would want to open his wound back up for that. Is it just docs trying to make money? I know it irritates Bear, he still doesn't walk on that leg and he squeals if you pick him up the wrong way...but is this something he will learn to live with overtime? Of course, if it's necessary, I'll pay to get the pin out, but if he doesn't HAVE to have it out, I can't afford another $3,000 or whatever it will cost to get the pin removed. Once we do go to the docs office, I'll give everyone another update.
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