My Kitty's Broken Leg?

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My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by TheBestGirlsLoadedGun »

I have a flame point Siamese I have raised since birth. He's a non neutered male who is deeply attached to me. In spite of my best efforts to keep him inside, he managed to get out a few days ago. (I have my suspicions that he was PUT out, but that's another story.)

I searched the neighborhood for three days, calling and shaking his food dish. Dorian's gotten out before, but normally doesn't leave our yard, and certainly comes when I call. I began to fear the worst when today he came limping up to my house. He was filthy, skinny, and as mentioned, limping.

It's almost ten at night and I've gotten him cleaned up and fed. He has a few scratches, but the big thing is the limp. My mother is driving me to the vet in the morning, but is there anything I can do for him tonight? He doesn't cry, eats and drinks just fine, he's just got this limp. I've looked at the leg, and I'm pretty sure it is broken, but he didn't even cry when I was touching it. Is this normal for cats?

I feel godawful. I know he must be in pain. I've got him on my bed now (he loves sleeping with me). We tried to keep him downstairs with my two other cats, but he cried whenever I went upstairs.

What can I do to make sure he's okay tonight?
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by cricketsmom »

Hi there!
Okay just logged on so you may or may not get this tonight... Best thing you can do for your kitty until you can get him checked at the vet is to keep him quiet, preferably in a small area so it's less likely that he will make his injury worse. Like in a big dog crate or just in one room if he's being calm.
It's great that he's eating and drinking, but just in case he needs surgery, I would take his food away before you go to sleep. Let him have water though.
It's pretty normal for a cat to hide their pain, so the fact he didn't cry doesn't surprise me. Best of luck and hopefully it's just a minor injury!
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by TheBestGirlsLoadedGun »

I'm a bit too anxious to sleep tonight.

I've got Dorian in my room with me, on my bed. I tried settling him on the floor, but he REALLY wanted up with me. He's calm and sleeping so I guess it's okay that he's up here.

He's a pretty melodramatic cat because he knows if he's hurting, I'll fuss over him, and give him extra super special attention, so I was kind of surprised that he wasn't crying. It makes it hard to gauge how badly he's hurting if he won't cry. :( At least I know that's normal for kitties.

Anyway, he's on my bed on his blanket and snuggling my stuffed unicorn, so I guess he's okay tonight. Whenever he gets up I set him down to get a drink/snack, and then I put him back on my bed so he doesn't jump.

Thank you!
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by cricketsmom »

Sounds like you're doing a good job of watching him and keeping him calm and taken care of. :) If you're afraid he'll jump down when you go to sleep, you can put blankets on the floor and make yourself a nest and sleep down there with him. I've done that a time or two with my critters for different things. :)
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by TheBestGirlsLoadedGun »

I might do that. I really don't think I'm sleeping anyway but I mighty lay us both down so we can watch a movie and be calm together. Thank you. :)
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by cricketsmom »

You're welcome. Enjoy your cuddle time with your kitty and try to make the best of it. Have a good night!
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by critters »

So how did it turn out?
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by TheBestGirlsLoadedGun »

Sorry, it's been a hectic couple of days.

My Dorian broke his femur. The break was a particularly bad one and would not heal on its own. Our choices were; amputation, surgery to pin him, or put him to sleep.

As soon as I saw the X-Ray I stood in the office and cried and let my mother do all the talking. She agreed to pay for the surgery (money we really don't have). We wouldn't have saved that much by an amputation, and the doctor said it wasn't strictly needed. And in her words; "There is no way I am putting your cat to sleep."

They let me see him and hug him and kiss him before surgery. I cried when I had to leave without him. I am a wimp.

I'll have him home Monday, and I've already asked if we can buy a set of pet steps for him to get on and off my bed without jumping/me having to pick him up.

I miss my kitty. I know he'll be okay, but I feel like the worst mommy ever.
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Re: My Kitty's Broken Leg?

Post by cricketsmom »

Yeah, femur fractures are usually too high to heal correctly on their own... I'm glad surgery was an option for you guys and I hope it went well.
You're not a wimp. lol. I work at a vet clinic, but I had some treatments done on my cat at another clinic because they were more specialized in what she needed. I cried when I left her for surgery too. And that's supposed to be the kind of stuff I'm used to! So don't feel bad.
Good idea with the ramp so he doesn't do any jumping off furniture. Let us know if you have any questions when you bring him home.
vet tech and pet mom
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