Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

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Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by 1432maddy »

I am new to the forum. I appreciate any advice anyone can offer. My 6yo Golden boy Max torn his left ACL 1/10/13. We were planning on surgery but on 2/13 he tore his other ACL. He is 110 lbs. He can not put any weight on his hind quarters. Out vet said to keep him on the Carprofen and see how he does. She did say that we may have to put him down but that would be a last resort. He has not peed in over 24hrs and he has not pooped since 2/13. He has been housetrained for years and won't pee in the house and he can't squat or hold the position. When he walks 3 or 4 steps he starts shaking. He is panting alot. He is vomiting occasionally - not sure if it is the meds, the bowels or the pain. I am sure he has to pee but how do I get him to go?

My heart is broken! He has no quality of life right now but I am torn about what to do. I don't want to cause more pain. My immediate problem is getting him to pee. Anyone have any ideas?

I would do anything for my Max. He had hip surgery at 11 months and we got him through that. I really need to get him a cart pre surg but now facing 2 surgeries I don't know how I can. Is there a loaner program? I am willing to drive to Nashua if needed. Many thanks and please pray for us.
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by CarolC »

The vomiting concerns me but I'm not sure what is going on. It could very well be the medication and you may want to try a stomach protectant like Pepcid a/c (available at Walgreens or Wal-Mart) but ask the vet about the dosage for a dog that size, or whether you need to switch to another pain med. A dog under stress could begin to bloat, also, and that is life-threatening. I think if it was my dog I would call the weekend emergency vet and describe what's going on.

Here is information on the possible side effects of carprofen.

Have you tried taking him outside to his favorite potty spot to see if he will pee? You can use something to help him go out, such as holding a towel under his abdomen to support him. It may take 2 people because of his weight. If it has been 24 hours, lifting him with a towel under his abdomen may cause him to empty his bladder during the lift or while helping him out the door, so be prepared for that. Possibly if you let him lie in the grass for a while, he may finally go.

There are methods to stimulate them to empty the bowel. Here are some methods, the ice cube is a good place to start.

I tried calling the HandicappedPets office to ask if they have loaners but they are closed, you could try tomorrow morning, it will be Monday

East Coast Phone 888-811-7387
West Coast Phone:(818) 698-7387

Many vet hospitals accept Care Credit, which is a loan for veterinary care. Some vets have the application at their reception desk. You can also apply at

The terms are very good and most people I know of have been accepted. Sometimes you do not have to start payments for several months.
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by 1432maddy »

Thank you for your reply. Max finally pooped. We realized that he will not do either pee or poop if we are there with him. He pooped when we left him alone The page on bowel management was great. Is there one on expressing urine?

No further vomiting. Giving carafate. Unfortunately it is snowing and blizzard like here. He never liked that weather when he could walk! Just need to get him to pee.

Had a friend who's Great Dane bloated so I have been on the lookout for that. He is much less anxious with less panting since he pooped.

thanks again. I have the emergency vet's number out and ready. Hoping to get a surgical date soon.

If you think of anything else please post.
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by Sparrow »

If you are able to fund TPLO surgery in any way I would highly suggest it. It saved my 85lb Pit Bull/Great Dane over five years ago. I used Care Credit.

He would need a cart to help withy recovery since it is both sides. If this is not an option, there are some special braces you can get custom made that may help.
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by 1432maddy »

Thank you. Happy to hear things worked out well for you. I will use Care Credit and get the first one done and think about the second one when I have to. I am going to ask if there are any loaner carts available. And I will keep praying ...
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by FYI » wrote:Recycled used carts subsidize our donations to rescue groups and provide us with loaner and rental carts for animals with short-term needs for help.
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Re: Help! 6 yr old golden with 2 torn ACLs

Post by 1432maddy »

thank you so much for this lead. I will call tomorrow. Consult with surgeon on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.
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