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Post by catsrmylife »

I can't believe I'm here again,Luna has been through so much already.

To cut a long story short,Luna was adopted with hind limb paralysis,I've had her for just over 18 months and has just gone 2 years old.

She's already been hospitalised a few times with dehydration and water infections, then her tail was amputated due to urine scald not clearing up, then she had Assn emergency spay as she had pyometra (neither the vet nor myself thought to spay her when she had the amputation) & 3 weeks ago this coming Monday,Luna was hospitalised when she suddenly went off her food and was severely dehydrated. She was discharged the next day with antibiotics for 10 days. Luna is regularly treated for internal and external parasites. She is a happy little girl and such a fighter.

I have been on holiday abroad for the last week and a relative has been looking after my cats.

They panicked a bit over whether Luna's bladder was emptying enough when expressing her bladder so they took her to the vet. The vet said her bladder was fine but she had a bit of diarrhoea. They said to bring her back if any concerns. I was told Luna was bright and eating very well which indicated to me that she was fine.

This morning,I received a message to call urgently & speak to the vet. My relative was washing Luna and noticed a gaping hole in her flank underneath and then a load of maggots fell out :(

They rushed her to the vets who said it was fly strike and that he was unsure if anything could be done as the maggots may have eaten their way into Luna's abdomen :( Luna is a fighter and up until today was eating great so there is no way I was going to agree to euthanise and begged the vet to do what he could.

I have just landed back in the UK and told Luna is,back at home waiting for me :) She is apparently very groggy and we have to be very careful to keep her warm enough. I haven't spoken to the vet yet,no doubt will do tomorrow when I take Luna for a check up. I gather they have cleaned as many of the maggots out as they can along with any infected tissue.

The reason I have put this under emergency as I need to know everything that I must do to get Luna well again. If the maggots have penetrated her bladder or bowel,surely there must be something they can have to kill the maggots from inside?

I bought a diaper cover and a drag sack which arrived before I went on holiday but hadn't tried them yet.

Should I ask for a referral to a skin specialist given that Luna's urine scald has never healed properly despite the use of various creams etc? We have never got on top of it and it is always a source for infection. I think my vet is ready to throw in the towel if this doesn't work as they don't want to put Luna through anything else.

Please,all advice welcome. Should I be bathing Luna more frequently? Diapers or not? What should I use to heal her skin?

Thank you. Xxx
Luna,taken on 15.05.14
Luna,taken on 15.05.14
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Post by CarolC »

I remember this happened to Debbie's cat, too, but like Luna they cleaned it and her cat was OK. Here is that story.


I think I would try diapers. I have used them with my bunny and with my dog and they have been helpful, no problems at all.

I hope Luna will be OK. Since the spot was on her flank, hopefully they were contained in the area. Best wishes to both of you!

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Post by critters »

Depending on the kind of flies, maggots can be a good thing, I understand. If they're the kind that only eat dead tissue, they can help clean the wound. Some larvae, though, are invasive and eat good tissue, too.

You know, quite a few people have used honey or sugar to heal recalcitrant wounds, even open cancers. It's cheap and unlikely to hurt anything, so I think I'd give it a try if you haven't already. I second trying diapers, especially if she's a leaker. You might have to do more butt baths for awhile, although I'd do most of them without soap or shampoo, and you'd have to be careful about getting her dry.

Either Frontline or Advantage kills maggots; I forget which, but I don't know if they can get to internal sites or not...

You might want to join VetPet and see what the vets think.
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