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Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:22 pm
by Sherynr
Any idea how much a surgery at Auburn would cost us? Is there any type of help to cover the expense for this surgery.

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:27 pm
by CarolC
There is a program called Care Credit, that gives loans for emergency veterinary care. The terms are very good, and they let you know right away if you are accepted. Most people I know have been accepted.

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:12 pm
by Christine
I've used it twice over the years and the terms used to be 0% interest for the first 12 months. Many vet and medical offices will even help you apply.

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:22 pm
by Sherynr
Great thanks for the info on the care credit, We just may have to use it. I spoke with my pops a little bit ago and he said she is wagging her tail and eating like crazy today!!! I have a lot of faith and just know she will be walking again soon! She is such a fighter!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:47 pm
by theservs
Christine and gang,
I've been working with Lucie's mom all day and was able to get the films in front of an Auburn doc with the help of a "peep" it's 11PM and the doc is looking at them now. I've asked Lucie's mom to keep us in the loop.

I'll post separately our pics of the infamous uretherostomy tube tomorrow or over the weekend! I could have used these when I was dealing with it all, so I agree it is educational (while not her better side for photos.. :P ).

Ok, my work here is done...

Judy :D

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:14 pm
by Christine
Good that's the kind of help she needed! :trophy:

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:30 am
by Sherynr
Thanks so much to everyone that is helping me try to get some answers on what to do. I will keep everyone posted on what the doc says as soon as I get the info. Lucy looked really depressed this morning made my heart hurt!!! Its been right at a week since it happend so Im guessing she is just a little sore and tired of just laying there. She did wiggle her tail when she first saw me this morning so I thought that was a good sign, or at least was hoping it was. Thanks again and will talk to everyone soon! Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:52 am
by jazzybaby
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about your baby, we all here know how you feel and what you are going through. I have a 5 year cocker spaniel who had spinal cord surgery about 16 months ago and was paralyzed in the back end. We did therapy with her and she still goes once a month to use the underwater treadmill. She is now able to stand and she does spinal walking it is a wobbly and she does still drag her self when she is sleepy or wants to get somewhere fast. But trust me we had days after her surgery were she just looked so sad and I was so worried that we had not made the right choice. But then she started to come around she wagged her tail about 3 months in to her recovery and she stood for the first time about 5 months in to her recovery. So what ever you do don't give up hope yet, things will get better they may not go back to the way they were but that is okay dogs do very well handling their disablties. There are so many miracle stories on here and everyone w=on here is here for you. I do agree with everyone that if you feel she is not ready to give up then go to a third or four vet until you get the answers and the help you want. We were very lucky as far as that goes Jasmine's vet's are very good and they told us it would be long and hard road but never give up. I will say a little prayer for lucy and you. Keep us posted on how she is doing.

Stacy & Jasmine

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:02 am
by Sherynr
Thank you so much for the prayer, that is what will help the most! She is such a fighter I know she will make it just fine. I dont have any kids but I could only imagine if I did and something happend to one of them how it would feel with this hurting me so bad to see her like she is, but she has her good days where she if very chipper so im figuring she just isnt feeling real good today! Thanks again and you will be hearing from me soon hopefully with good news. Have a great day!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:41 am
by Sherynr
Kind of Good News, I guess you could say. I spoke to The Vet in Auburn this morning he told me all of our options and wanted to know if my vet did the pain test if so was she responsive to the pain. I contacted my vet and she said yes she did the test on Tuesday and then again yesterday and she was responsive both times, so she is now on the phone with Auburn getting us a referal to take Lucy there. Not 100% guarantee that whatever they do will work but a better chance with us taking her then just waiting and seeing if she will heal on her own. The vet in Auburn was VERY helpful and friendly. Im so grateful to have met each and everyone of you on here. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a full or partial recovery for our Angel Lucy!!! I will post the update of our appt and our trip to Auburn very soon! Thanks again to all!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:45 pm
by Christine
Wonderful news....the first vet not advising you to PTS. We are right here with you, cheering that baby on!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:07 pm
by Sherynr
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have an appointment Wednesday at 11 in Auburn, AL. They asked us to take her to the vet here at home today to have a body wrap put on her and they increased the amount of pain med to give her. Well since they put the wrap on her I guess she has more feeling now than she has she has gotten up a couple times and just about walked to our chair, I have a lot of hope seeing her do that maybe the body wrap is taking the pressure off the nerves. Hopefully the med will keep her sediated to where she wont keep trying to walk. she seems to have most of the pain releaved now more than ever. I will update everyone daily on how she is doing and definately tell you what the outcome of our trip to Auburn is. Thanks again for all of your prayers and help in this time it has sure been a ton of help. Talk to ya soon!

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:09 am
by Shaz
I hold you and your Baby in my Prayers. I have read through your thread and would like to say that things look promising, everything crossed for you. :)

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:42 pm
by theservs
Glad you got the opportunity to post the update and hey, if you can, how about a pic. I'll bet Lucy looks stylin' in that body wrap! HA!

I, like everyone else, will be pulling for her and anxious to see what Wednesday brings! Keep her quiet and good luck! Then come on back here. You'll need the support on this challenging and rewarding journey!

Good luck!
Judy and Dolcezza Mia

Re: URGENT help, dog hit by car cant move back end

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:16 am
by theservs
Hi everyone,
Well, three more days till Lucy's appointment and Sherynr sent me this pic. I just had to share! Lucy is most definately stylin' in her cutie-patootie brace! This is a the face of a fighter! Isn't she cute?

Best of luck, Lucy!

Judy and Dolcezza Mia