Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

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Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by kathryn »

Hi everyone.. my name is Kathryn and I live in NJ. In 2007 I found a pair of stray/semi feral kittens in my backyard. They were both born each missing part of one of their back legs. Tripod, the boy, was missing about 90% of his back LEFT leg, with his sister Three Legged Missy missing about 90% of her back RIGHT leg. We were able to catch Tripod and bring him into the house and socialize him. His nub of a leg kept bothering him so we had it amputated and he has been happy ever since.

For Three Legged Missy, we were unable to catch her and she was really skittish. Before we had a chance to get a humane trap and get her she ended up having kittens (a whole 'nother story) but finally we were able to catch her and take her to get spayed. But by then she was still really skittish and we tried to keep her in and work with her but she got out the door and we were never able to get her to stay inside. So she lived in my backyard up until now.

Well about 6 weeks ago, she suddenly disappeared and was gone almost a month. We searched everywhere, called her microchip company etc... but one day she just showed up back at home, all beat up. While she was off on her adventure she was attacked by some sort of fox or other ground critter.. i live near about 10 acres of woods so who knows. Whatever got her chewed her back left leg up good. It was fractured in several places and severely infected. My vet put her on some strong antibiotics and it cleared up nicely. I work at an animal shelter as well as a vet tech so I brought her in with me to get an opinion from one of the vets I work with and we ended up putting a cast on her in the hopes we could save the leg.

Well, the infection came back big time. We took the cast off yesterday to check her out and it was filled with blood and pus. So really the only option to save her from becoming septic is to do an emergency amputation..and I really need to decide by tomorrow.


She is getting around just fine.... she is using the litter box, eating and everything else. I'd really prefer to not give up on her. I have alot of experience with special needs animals but this was a bit more complicated because she would be a double amputee. Does anyone have any advice??
Diana R.
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by Diana R. »

Please don't give up on her. She can have a happy life too with you and her brother Tripod as a double amputee. I have two cats with paralyzed back legs who are incontinent and I very well could have had the back legs amputated but chose not to. They do fine pulling themselves around and Harley is very fast and can climb up cat trees and go up and down steps. My other cat Simon is a registered therapy animal with American Humane in Colorado. Also there is a Sheltie named Dare who also is a registered therapy animal thru American Humane who was a puppy mill rescue and he is missing one front leg and also a back leg, I believe on opposite sides. I also have two feral cats living in my home---unfortunately I was not able to catch them until they were about 3 months old. They do fine with my other cats. I am so glad you rescued these two kittens---Missy will do fine as a double amputee. Diana
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by kathryn »

Thanks so much for your reply. I actually have a total of 11 cats- all rescues... and basically all of which are special needs in one way or another (I call them my defective kitties :P )... I figure she deserves a chance. She is not used to my other cats yet other than her brother but considering her condition I'm not surprised she's a little afraid of them. We still have her quarantined regardless because we want to make sure there's no cross contamination either way..from her getting them sick or them getting her sick since she is already in such bad shape.

I suppose I am going to go ahead and take the leg off then. I've been online for hours reading stories and searching on various forums and everyone seems to have the same opinion that she should adapt just fine.

Suppose I have to rename her now to Two Legged Missy? :roll:
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by critters »

:strobe: Bipods usually do fine inside, although that's one disability configuration of very few that has never been here. Bendy has a bipod or 2 and will be along at some point; I know she has bipod Two-Bit. Like Diana, I have several paraplegics from mild to moderately severe and a mega-severe CHer, so I well know that cats typically want to do things their own way. You could try making a cart for her, but, like me, you'll probably end up with a cart that nobody wants to use. :twisted:

PS--You did an EXCELLENT job of posting the x-rays; I've never been able to work them so well. :lol:
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by kathryn »

Well we took the leg off yesterday because it was all rotten and gross.

I'm hoping she has a fast recovery. She tried to pull her stitches out so she's stuck with a cone for now. I'm going to go give her morning medications to her shortly and hoping that she is doing alright.
Diana R.
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by Diana R. »


Thanks very much for the update on Missy. I am sure she feels much better. Diana
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Re: Three legged cat needing emergency amputation

Post by kathryn »

Here is a video of her- ... 618mp4.mp4

She is still nervous about everything but is doing well otherwise. She's eating and she peed in her litterbox. She's had two plates of wet food today and is eating her dry food as well. She is alot happier without the mangled leg.
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