Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

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Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

Post by lovesonny »

:cry: Could Someone please help us urgently regarding our beautiful, precious Sonny. Male cat 5.5yrs old. He has been in hospital since August 16th after being hit by a car & suffering nerve trauma to tail, meaning he can't pee by himself at the moment. The vet phoned earlier & said he wanted to put Sonny to sleep cos he doesn't like having his bladder emptied & kept pulling their catheter out. He now has a water infection. His back legs are fine & he is very well apart from the pee problem. He has definately got depressed being stuck in hospital for so long, which i'm sure hasn't helped at all. We are all devastated & he is now coming home. Please, please, can anyone give us some advice? I'm more than happy to learn how to empty his bladder & want to try homeopathy. He is not in pain so we want to give him every chance. Has anyone had similar? Any ideas what I can give him for the infection? My daughter is distraght - he is her soulmate - please help if you can we are devastated. :cry:
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Re: Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

Post by critters »

:whale: He needs antibiotics for the infection, and they'll help prevent further infection while you're learning to express him (which usually involves squeezing his belly to get him to pee). You should see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4 for info on helping him to poop and pee. In my experience with 4 spinal cord injured boys, one of whom was hit by a car, he'll probably get better if he's given time. There are also meds that can help, including phenoxybenzamine and bethanechol, depending on the type of bladder difficulties he's having.
Diana R.
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Re: Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

Post by Diana R. »

As Critters said, Sonny can get better but needs time. It is probably best that you are taking him home and you can learn to express the bladder which you should try to do every 8 hours or so or 3 times a day. Many of us here have animals with permanent paralysis and who are incontinent. I have two I express their bladders 3 times a day and having been doing this for Simon for over 8 years now. He is a very happy little boy and a therapy animal.

Please read the posts on expressing. It takes practice but you will get the hang of it. The bladder feels like a baloon between the legs and when you are squeezing it you can feel it deflating (besides seeing urine come out.).

My other cat Glory who was born with some kind of spinal compression injury eventually regained full use of her bladder---her back legs are paralyzed but she can still pee.

You should probably ask the vet to help you learn to express---if he or she won't then find another vet. Good luck to you and Sonny. Diana
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Re: Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

Post by lovesonny »

Hello and thank you both so much for your replies. It's really good to know we are not alone and this can be a managable problem. I will look up the medications that you have quoted - obviously this is all new to me but there's a lot of helpful stuff here for me to learn. We are in the UK and I don't think it's as popular over here to fight on against vet advice, although I could be completely wrong with that, maybe I just haven't found them yet. We have Sonny on antibiotics and some homeopathic liquid mixture, made up as an emergency case last night. We have been to a local vet today for a lesson in expressing his bladder & will return again tomorrow for another. He managed to empty it really well earlier so that we can muddle through tonight. The improvement in Sonny's whole personality since he's been home is huge. He is very happy & agile, eating like a horse & obviously very comfortable (except for the expressing) which he moans about but then very quickly starts purring again after. If love and happiness could fix him, he'd live to be a hundred so we will keep going all the time he is happy for us to do so. It would be a huge help to stay in touch if that's ok - your experience and successes are really inspirational to us and if anyone has any other advice or suggestions, we would love to hear them. Thank you so much for being there and hope to speak soon.
Love from Michelle, Savannah & Sonny Boy. :thankyou:
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Re: Urgent Advice For Our Poor Cat Sonny Please Please Help!

Post by critters »

:lol: Only moaning some? :lol: Buddy was SO bad about being expressed that I learned to do it with him scruffed and lying on his back on a towel pad on the floor! Believe it or not, Koi's even worse. Moaning is livable!! :mrgreen:
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