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doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:08 pm
by Christine
I am posting this for someone else who I hope will be signing up soon. Please take a look and give any suggestions you might have. Once you read all the things this little one has been given - I wonder if they may have overloaded him and the cure is actually the cause?? Until his owner gets here, I will make sure she gets all replies. Thanks, guys!

I am wondering about the Maluka Honey and/or aloe baths.
From: Donna Erdman []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: Flippy

I am writing to you because I've exhausted every other avenue for help I can think of. I don't know if you can help me either, but I don't know what else to do.

It's about Flippy. He's a four-year-old, neutered Dachshund who is up to date on all his shots (including kennel cough). He has a smooth coat and is black with tan feet. We've had him since the age of seven weeks. About 20 months ago, he started developing a rash on his chest. It wasn't too bad at first. We took him to our veterinarian, who took some skin scrapings, and diagnosed him with an allergy to grass. Being so low to the ground, we worried about this, and made sure our grass was cut as low as possible, and we started giving him meds that the vet had prescribed (some sort of steroid). The rash cleared up.

Ten days later it came back worse than before. We took Flippy back to the vet, who prescribed an antibiotic and more steroids, Chlorhexidine microbial shampoo with instructions to bathe him weekly, more antibiotics, more steroids...

After that it was Atopica weekly, then twice weekly, then daily. Then it was a series of shots. Then back on steroids, antibiotics and more Atopica. In the meantime, poor Flippy just gets worse and worse. Things seem to get better for a couple of days, then it's back worse than before, often leading to secondary infections. I don't know how much more he can take.

He is losing his appetite and is markedly more lethargic. He has scratched himself raw, he hasn't had any hair on his chest/belly for over a year, and it continues to spread up the sides of his body, and onto his neck and ears. After countless visits to the vet, we have been advised that Flippy is allergic to "everything" in the environment, and there is nothing more they can do for him. They think it will help him considerably to get him out of the southeast.

I can't bear to see him suffer so much anymore, and tears are streaming down my face as I type this. I bathe him DAILY with the special shampoo, walk him in the street rather than let him out in the backyard, and spray canine hydrocortisone spray on him. We have given him Benadryl, and even put some Bactine on him. Nothing is helping and he is just getting worse. The vet told us there's really nothing else they can do to help him and that maybe we should consider putting him out of his misery.

He's FOUR years old!! He is healthy and vibrant in every other way, and absolutely the most loving, affectionate, adoring dog you'll ever see. All he wants is to please and be loved. I have done absolutely everything I can think of and everything the vet has advised, with the exception of putting him down. I won't put him down as long as there's any glimmer of hope left. You are my glimmer. We don't have no-kill shelters in this area and if I surrender him because I can't manage his medical condition anymore, he is sure to be put down.

I can't bear to see Flippy suffering so. He is clearly miserable and I cry every time I look at him. I have even prayed over him. I have sent some photos so you can see for yourself. I tried to attach more photos, but the e-mail bounced back as too large. I am prepared to give him up if I must, if it will give him a comfortable, pain/itch-free life. He's such a happy, loving dog when he doesn't feel so terrible. I don't want to give him up because we all love him so very much, but keeping him in this kind of misery is unfair to him and he shouldn't have to be put down over something like this when he has so much more living to do.

To make matters even worse, I lost my job two months ago, so trying to keep up with his expensive medications and shampoo has become a critical situation. I will soon have to stop all of his medications due to the cost factor, and I can't imagine what will happen to him then. Maybe you can help him get well, and another family will love him the way we do. Maybe it's because we live in Florida. Maybe if he were in a drier climate. I just don't know what to do for him anymore, and his ongoing suffering is breaking my heart. I have nowhere else to turn.

If you can't help him, maybe you will know of another place that can.

Please, please, please help Flippy!


Donna Erdman

259 Avens Rd. NE

Palm Bay, FL 32907


Re: doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:53 pm
by cricketsmom
Did they actually send blood in for an allergy panel or did they just call it allergies? That looks suspiciously like mange to me. I saw that scrapings were done, which is how you find mange, but the little boogers can be hard to find... It looks like he's had a lot of other drugs thrown at him, so did they treat for that..? A protocol of ivomec injectable and the topical product Revolution for dogs is what my clinic uses if that helps.
Have you gotten a second opinion? His skin doesn't look great, but trust me I've seen worse. Sounds like your vet has just given up.

Re: doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:46 am
by Christine
Thanks, Betsey. I just sent her your answer. I have not heard anything back and I am concerned my email to her might have gone to her junk mail so I will make a quick call later today to make sure she is getting them. I thought the same thing about her vet seeming to give up. If she could go to another vet, can she get a copy of all Flippy's files, test results, etc. without any problem or is it something each office does differently?

Re: doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:01 am
by cricketsmom
Every office is different due to different billing and record-keeping systems, but yes all of them should agree to give copies or do a transfer of information at an owner's request. Sometimes you have to ask specifically for full lab reports, but it can definitely be done.

Re: doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:50 pm
by Christine
I wanted to share some encouraging news about Flippy and his owner. The best part is that she actually has hope and a more positive outlook for her baby. The outpouring of help is amazing.
Dear Friends of Flippy,

I've been trying to answer all the e-mails and phone messages I've received since my plea for help for Flippy went viral (all 216 of them and the number continues to grow!). I'm sorry I haven't responded to you sooner. My letter somehow got posted on the Oregon Dachshund Rescue page on Facebook (I didn't post it there). I'm not exactly sure how it ended up there, since I live in Florida, although I did give my permission to several rescue groups to forward my letter to anyone that might be able to help me. Apparently, it ended up on dozens of Facebook pages. There have been an enormous number of posts on the Oregon Dachshund Rescue page, so that's where I've been putting my updates about the compassionate, knowledgeable people with whom I've consulted, the changes I've been advised to make (after several long discussions with vets, animal dermatologists and holistic experts) and Flippy's overall condition thus far. Food change was the number one suggestion, and we have already started the change (in additional to vitamins, holistic and herbal products). It's been much easier to post updates in one place, rather than sending individual e-mails to all the wonderful, caring people who responded to my plea.

I'm very sorry I haven't written back sooner; several people are 'mad' at me because I haven't been able to answer them yet. As you can imagine, my inbox (and my answering machine) have been inundated with so many messages from such wonderful people, sharing similar stories and what worked for them, in addition to lots of suggestions and general support and compassion.

Please feel free to follow my updates on the Facebook page mentioned above. In addition to all the e-mails I'm trying to answer, I have received 26 telephone messages that I'm also trying to respond to. Unfortunately, I won't be able to answer most of them because I do not have long distance capability on my phone (I disabled it two years ago because I have teenagers...).

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart and please follow my updates about my sweet Flippy on Facebook (Oregon Dachshund Rescue). I will post new photos in three or four more days.

Warmest regards,

Re: doxie with severe skin issues - PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:16 am
by critters
We've been doing the same thing with my Georgie. He came from the pound with severe food allergies, baldness, and an almost burned look to his skin. He had fungal and bacterial infections and had had ear mites and "walking dandruff." He, too, takes Atopica and pred and has improved greatly. Personally, I'd be resistant to using herbal stuff because of what might be in it to trigger allergies.