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sudden loss of use of rear legs

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:53 am
by jennyblu
I see may of you having the same problems as I am having. My 2 year old Xolo, altho a bit overweight but otherwise healthy, has suddenly lost use of her back legs. Had xrays, showed nothing abnormal. I'm about to get a blood test for specifically Valley Fever or Menengitis. She started out a bit clumsy, right leg useless, mostly. Now, after vet and prednisone, she is worse and can barely walk, incontinent, eating and drinking a lot which keeps her full and miserable as well. I really can't imagine what could bring this on so suddenly but I can't afford thousands of dollars worth of testing to find out either. I will sell everything I own to fix her, but I would prefer not to, Anyone who has suggestions, please suggest away...

Re: sudden loss of use of rear legs

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:15 am
by Bobbie
She's probably need an MRI for you to know for sure- and if you are going to treat it you have to know. If it is a disk rupture (which may not show up on X-ray) it needs surgery. At that age I'd be suspicious of disk disease except that yours shouldn't be a breed at much risk for it. Fibrocartilagenous embolism (FCE) is another possibility. Tumor, valley fever, or tick paralysis- have you checked for ticks or for a sore left where a tick dropped off?

FCE more or less resolves on its own. IVDD (Disk disease) does not though sometimes rest and medication will help. If Prednisone didn't help though, that may not be it. At any rate, MRI shows these things whereas Xrays won't.

Re: sudden loss of use of rear legs

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:07 am
How is your dog doing? Our 3 year old bernese mountain dog had an FCE stroke 14 days ago, who lost the use of her back legs, is walking and getting up on her own and even seen some improvements in peeing! She is on her last day of prednisone taper (2 weeks). Let us know and keep us posted on what is happening...

Re: sudden loss of use of rear legs

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:47 pm
by jennyblu
Thank you so much for your interest and I am so happy that your baby is improving! Our baby girl is not getting any worse, however, we spent ALOT of money getting Myleogram (sp) spinal tap fluid test, etc....all tests showed a blockage in spinal cord but the blockage is in a place that can't be operated on and they can't get a sample of it so we don't know what the blockage IS!! They suspect it could be cancer or maybe Valley Fever????? We got 4 cancer treatments and we are giving Fluconozole (valley fever meds), and she's still on Pred in hopes that something works. She still won't walk, however, she WILL move her legs when she's in the water!!!! :) So, for now, she's wearing diapers, we made her a little wheelchair and I am ordering a sling to see if she will try to walk! Besides not being able to get around, she is totally happy and healthy. Thank you for your concern and I am so happy for you and your baby's improvement!