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4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:42 am
by SheliaO
Our kitten from (the other thread RE: neurological problems) is having a hard time breathing today. It's like he's gulping for air.

There is nothing blocking his air passage.

HELP! Anyone know anything that could help?

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:44 am
by CarolC
I don't know but I just emailed half a dozen people who are cat experts so hopefully one will see your message.

You might see if they have any ideas at

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:44 pm
by critters
This is NOT good. Could you get him to a dr today? How is he now?

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:47 pm
by SheliaO
He still has labored breathing, but he has had spurts of activity. Activity meaning, he has eaten a little (not as much as the days previous, and has been restlesss, not actually moving a whole lot).

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:28 pm
by CarolC
Hi Sheila,

You have been hand-feeding him. Are you feeding him some kind of liquid formula like KMR? The reason I'm asking it possible he inhaled some of it in the past couple of days and now maybe he is developing pneumonia? Do you see any other signs of a respiratory illness, such as gunky eyes or a runny nose?

Also, I was curious how many days ago you brought the litter in the house. Has he been eliminating (number one and number two) OK--for sure?

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:49 pm
by CarolC
Hi Sheila,

This is the reply from Mumpkees about your kitten:

My first thought with a kitten this young, especially one who is motor
challenged, would be aspiration pneumonia. Kitten needs to get to vet ASAP
and be put on something like baytril for anaerobic bacteria.

With motor challenged kittens, even if they are on solid food, you have to
watch them very closely because with the head bobbing or collapse of their
legs while eating they can nose dive into their food or water and risk
inhaling food or water. Aspiration pneumonia is very common and a real
danger for kittens with mobility issues.

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:52 pm
by CarolC
Here is the reply from Ackfulball about your kitten:

My thought was pneumonia as well...but would go with a tiny amount of Zithromax to knock it down fast. I've had babies layed out gasping and a chip of Zith has helped them recover in less than 24 hours.

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:09 pm
by CarolC
Here is a reply from Susan Regts, Founder, Director, President
Cat Haven, Inc., A No-Kill, Non-Profit 501(C)3 Cat Rescue Organization, Houston, Texas She is replying to the two messages above.

I really prefer Baytril OR Zithromax but also some Lasix or theophylline/aminophylline to get that gunk out of their lungs.

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:30 pm
by Toni
How did the kitten do? Did you find out what the problem was?

We had a few kittens that had similar issue. They got rather distended abdomens (not FIP...3 or 4 others that had distended abdomens got better) and had trouble breathing...almost gasping/gulping air. The first one the vet thought it was because the kitten had gulped air while nursing from a mom that perhaps wasn't producing enough milk. That one died within 48 hours. Then a second one got sick with the same symptoms. We lost that one as well. The other vet at the clinic finally had us throw everything at them...Baytril, Interferon, Metacam, subcutaneous fluids and force feeding and the rest all survived. We had 5 or 6 kittens come down with this in the spring. We still don't know what it was. If any more had died we were going to do necropsy...I'm glad it was not necessary.

Re: 4 Week Old Kitten Breathing problems

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:41 pm
by LisainCAN
I recently had a kitten (about 3 months) develop laboured breathing. She had a slightly runny nose, but mostly was lethargic. X-rays at the vet confirmed serious pneumonia. One of her lobes was consolidated. Thanks to antibiotics and a great vet, Stormy is now 100% better.

I am just sharing a story. Basically what I am saying is that laboured breathing is NOT a good sign and should be checked by a vet ASAP.

Keep us posted.