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Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:55 pm
by Serenity
Hello friends, Tyger is having surgery this Thursday December 28th,(neuter)but I just noticed that he has a swollen leg, since he is an indoor/outdoor cat I have no idea what happened to him. That is another reason I am neutering him so he will be more calm and doesn't have the "need" to go out too far.

Do you think they are going to do the surgery despite the swollen leg? I hope so because I have been waiting for this for a long time. Any info. will be appreciated.

Have a nice a day!


Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:42 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
If it's infected, probably not. They would want to admin. antibiotics... Call them in a.m. and ask them what they think. Is there any evidence of injury?

Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:58 pm
by Serenity
Thanks for your reply, and no there isn't any sign of injury other than the swolling and it appears to be very tender because if I try to touch it he will bite me:) so I just let him sleep in peace. I would call tomorrow morning just to check.

My mom's friend told me to inmerse his leg in warm water, what do you think?


Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:43 pm
by Christine
If he tries to bite if you want to touch it, I doubt he would let you immerse it in warm water. Sounds like he has a bite from another animal or even an insect. The vet will probably give you antibiotics or maybe even lance it.

How are things going catching his baby?

Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:49 pm
by Serenity
Hi guys, well, Tyger is doing much better today. I believe that he got into a fight with another cat because found two tinny wunds, nothing open or infected.

So the surgery is on for tomorrow morning(7 AM)I will let you know how it went as soon as I bring him home. His baby kitty is nowhere to be found and that is worrying me. I hope he is ok. I am going around the neighborhood with my niece Crystal to see if we spot him.

Thanks very much for all your help.

Have a great day!

Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:01 pm
by Serenity
Hello all, Tyger had his surgery and is doing great. Thanks all for your help and suggestions.

Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:56 pm
by Christine
Did the swelling in his leg go down? Any sign of his baby? Happy New Year!

Re: Tyger has a swollen leg

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:49 pm
by Serenity
HI, well no there isn't any sign of his baby and I feel so bad, I think I could of done more to get him, I will keep on looking and see what I can do.

The swollen leg is much better now, the vet said that he must of got into a fight because he had bites any way he is doing much better.

The vet found that Tyger has a heart murmur and conjutivitis so he is in antibiotics. For the heart murmur I have to bring him in eight weeks for a follow up and check up with the cardiologist. Gee, pets are expensive but it is money well spent.

Now I have a question, Tyger likes to go out and I don't like that at all should I expect him to be more relax now after the neutering? I hope so.

Thanks and Happy 2007!