Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. Help?

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Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. Help?

Post by elizabeths. »

I came back from a holiday trip to find my dog ( who was with a friend) totally altered. Her posture was weird, and she started leaning and veering to the left. I noticed she appeared to be blind in her left eye (since been verified by the vet.) I went to one vet who did blood work and xrays and kept her overnight ($700 total) only to tell me they couldn't really determine anything. Another vet in the same office told me it seemed like a sore back and might disappear with rest. Since then, her condition has worsened dramatically. She crashes into everything to her left when she can walk, but lately she can't walk at all. Her rear legs have become nearly useless, and the front ones are weak too. She seems to be completely off-balance and constantly falls, (she looks like Bambi-on-ice when she's on hardwood flooring) but resists laying down and staying still. I took her to another vet, who after putting her paw upside-down (Lily didn't put it back upright for like a minute) told me her problem is almost certainly neurological. I have an appointment in 6 days for a neurologist, but Lily gets worse by the hour. And at 60 lbs, carrying her up and down the stairs several times a day is taking a toll on MY back too. Any suggestions on what I can do to help her until Tuesday? I'm so worried and I love her so much...I haven't slept much because she's so restless. And she wimpers when I'm not petting her, so I pet her half the night until she falls asleep. I'm so afraid I'll have to put her down, I can't bear it. She's never seemed so miserable in the ten years I've had her. And I don't the money or even a credit card for expensive tests or treatments. This is came so much harder and faster than I ever thought it would. Last September she climbed a mountain with me! ANY thoughts or suggestions on what might be wrong, or how to take care of her/make her more comfortable until the next doc visit are greatly appreciated!
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by CarolC »

Hi Elizabeth,

I am not sure what is going on either, but it doesn't sound like it should wait till Tuesday. I think you might want to call the neurologist's office early tomorrow and describe what is going on and see if they can get you in tomorrow. Here is a link which shows sources of financial aid. The one called Care Credit is a loan that is accepted by many veterinary hospitals. The terms are very reasonable.

http://www.handicappedpets.com/help/vie ... php?t=5748

I think you need to keep her as quiet as you can and watch all her bodily functions right now. Ensure she is urinating and that the urine looks and smells normal. You may want to let her urinate onto a puppytraining pad or paper towel so you can check the urine. If she starts to have any trouble swallowing or breathing, call the vet right away. I am sorry she is having such a rough time, I hope you will post an update on what you find out.
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

I have nothing to add to CarolC's message, but know that we are all waiting to hear. Once you have an idea of what is going on, we can proceed. I am so very sorry for this place you find yourself in. The fear alone is staggering, we know. You can come here and find comfort while waiting for a diagnosis, and we can help you. Welcome, Elizabeth.
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by elizabeths. »

Thanks for the advice. I called and got her an appointment this afternoon. I'll ask them about Carecredit too. They have MRI and other stuff there but it all costs tons of money. They said they can tell a lot just from the consult exam though, so I'll see what they say. Thanks for your support. Lily has been with me through a lot -- relationships, jobs and five years of architecture school! I hate to see her in such sad shape and it helped me to find other pet lovers who've been through it too. I'm still hoping she'll recover somewhat (and I'm cursing the day I took a second floor apartment!)

Thanks again -- I'll keep you posted.
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I'm glad that you have an earlier appt. I agree with Carol. Right now just concentrate on her in's and out's...make sure she is drinking/eating...urinating and pooping.

Lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way. Please update us when you have a diagnosis!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by Christine »

I am so sorry about Lily, but you've gotten good advice and glad to hear you are going right back to the vet. You mentioned that blood tests were done - did those tests include thyroid and liver levels? Did the vet mention any possibility of vestibular syndrome (like an inner ear infection in humans)?
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by elizabeths. »

I took Lily into the Neurologist's office today. He was kind of a jerk--had very little to say when I explained I couldn't afford the MRI. (At $1350 I can't be the first person who ever said that.) After looking her over a bit and asking some questions, he said she probably has a brain tumor (right frontal) that is either pressing on something or causing inflammation of her brain. I'm starting her on Prednisone tonight and keeping my fingers crossed. I met someone else whose dog had a brain tumor that responded really well to steroids, so I am hopeful.

I asked the neuro if there was anything non-medical, like naturopathic treatments, herbal or accupressure--anything that I personally could do to help her. He offered no advice (in spite of the fact that he is supposedly famous for naturopathic dog stuff too.) Does anyone know of supplements or other treatments, or even websites that can help me deal with the tumor? I want to do as much as I can.

Thanks to everbody for your supportive words and advice. This forum has been a great comfort during this difficult time. And Lily thanks you too!

warmly, elizabeth
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by Toni »

I hope they also put your dog on antibiotics if he is on a high dose of steriods. Or at least discuss the matter seriously with your vet. Steroids can suppress the immune system to the point that bacteria can grow like crazy with very adverse effects...sometimes even death (if you want, PM me and I'll give you my personal experience with specialist, pred and systemic infection causing death in one of my older beloved dogs years ago).

I agree to ask about vestibular syndrome..also, has anyone considered a stroke as a possibility? What all did they X-ray? Just her head and neck? She might have more than just one thing giong on (eg...mild stroke causing her to "fall" and the trauma is causing swelling around the spinal cord that keeps getting worse causing the neurological symptoms to get worse...). Did they give you a probable cause for her blindness (lose lens, detached retina., etc.)? These could all be important pieces in the puzzle.
Perhaps you could contact your state veterinary board and ask what vets are certified in acupuncture in your area or state (New York?). I have found acupuncture to work some for different neurological problems....more for pain relief and mobility issues.
I know in Minnesota there are more veterinarians opening holisitic clinics to complement "western medicine" veterinary clinics. Perhaps you could call Cornell and ask if they know of any in your area.

Please keep us posted...
And keep up your spirits..it will help Lily keep up her spirits.
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by elizabeths. »

Thank you for the links! I found nothing on google last night, and this gave me somewhere to start. Lily is hanging in there. Mostly sleeping today. Her orignial vet called today to say the radiologist consult from her chest xrays (two weeks ago) came back with abnormalities. At this point, while I'm still hoping for a bounce from the prednisone, I'm also steeling myself up for the possiblility that she will need to be put down. Her quality of life is too low right now. I'm going to give the meds a few days and see what happens.

She is on antibiotics (not from the neurologist who never mentioned it, but from the second vet who thought there was a tiny chance it could be infection causing all this.) After reading posts, I know to keep her on them.

Thank you again to everyone who sent well wishes, words of support, and advice. I really appreciate it.

many thanks, elizabeth
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I'm sorry the news hasn't been more encouraging. Let us know how she is doing today. Hang in there and know we are here for you.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

elizabeth, hoping hoping for some good news for you. I am so sorry for this place you are in. We will be holding our collective breath until you find something out ...
Thoughts of you and your precious Lily
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by Christine »

Something I learned from this site and I don't think anyone mentioned it here is to give a Pepcid 30 minutes before the prednisone to protect her stomach. You can check with your vet in regard to doing that with the other medications. Sending healing prayers to your Lily and support to you both.
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Re: Rapid Decline in my 11yo Shep Mix --Can't really walk. H

Post by elizabeths. »

Sadly, Lily has not recovered. After two days with no improvements on the meds we got from the neurologist, we took her back to our vet who upped her prednisone to the limit, and two days later she hs shown no improvement physically. She is listless and crying a lot, unable to walk without falling. We have decided to free her from her failing body, and will be putting her down tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my postings. Your advice and support gave me hope and helped me provide better care for her in these last days. Bless you all.

Many, many thanks--
Elizabeth and Lily
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