8yr old pit mix down

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8yr old pit mix down

Post by elderlypit »

I'm new here but I have been doing some searching for possible answers. I have an 8 yr old pit mix , trained from a pup as a watch dog. Suddennly he has become inmobile as he scoots around on his front legs. He is leaking urine with a (pnemoniaoxyde??) smell to it. I have tryed to "releive" him but where I thought his bladder should be I found about a quarter dollar size hard knot.

He is eating kibble & bits and drinking lots of water, with no obvious exxesive pain. He will not allow me to pick him up without a muzzle which is odd ( this dog may be territorial but has NEVER bitten anyone, that is until I rubbed my hand from his paw to his spine - even then it was a soft bite ) I hate useing the muzzle and it seems so odd that he is protecting his front area - arms & chest .

This dog was pushing around concrete blocks just last week for the #### of it, so he "was" healthy and strong.

My first thought was that some ******* walked by and kicked him through the fence, but I found nothing that stood out when examining the fence. He also has sores on his joints where he has been nibbling at them that were not there previously.

I am just a disabled poor man with a sick dog and dont know how to help or whats wrong :/
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Post by Cindidoxiemom »

It could be any number of things.
First and foremost, you need to get your dog's urine problem under control.
Leaking and smell are very strong signs of a UTI. Your going to HAVE to get your dog some antibiotics for this. If it moves into the kidneys, it can be fatal.

You also need to learn to express. Our pages on expressing are helpful for refreashers, but you need a vet or vet tech to teach you.

Next...don't let your dog scoot around. You need to confine him to a small bathroom with a baby gate, or in crate. If this is a disc issue, allowing him to scoot could make things worse.

Any time a dog is down and incontinent, you need to see a vet.


Links that might help : http://www.handicappedpets.com/Articles/express/
http://users.cyberport.net/~milnerwm/da ... anchor4304
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Post by elderlypit »

Thanks, I'll muzzle him in the morning and take him in the morning.

To bad there isn't medicaid for pets though :/

At first I was afriad to take an injured pit to a vet , From what I have seen/heard when it comes to seriously injured pits they just wanna put them down instead of dealing with them...

Since he bit me he has scooted to a shady corner of the yard and not moved ( of course I muzzled him and carried him to the dog house, gave food &water ) To my knowledge he has not moved other then to sit in a plastic flower pot for bowel movements ( which I loled at unentitionaly) I am guesing the flower pot helped hold his hind quarters up.......

I am guesing I should save his next sample for the vet to examine?

I havent quite figured out how to , without harming him or causeing disconfort, bath him - He definiatly needs a sponge bath . I have a semi large watering tub which should be a cozy jacuzi (of course without the hot water) for him, just the right hight for him to lye in with head on the side -- has anyone else tryed thiis? if so did or does the pet look/feel/ seem to enjoy it? Once again I ask a question before searching...... dont slap to hard if theres a post on bathing i'm sure to find it next
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Post by Cindidoxiemom »

You might want to just use some baby wipes or towels. The less you move him right now the better.

Many vets just want to put down dogs with paralysis...not just pits I assure you. Just remember...you are in control.

The reason he is biting is the pain. I'm sure the vet will give you something in the morning to help control that.

I'll be honest..this sounds like IVDD.
http://www.artreality.com/portfolio/wdw ... isease.htm


This reading may help
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Post by pmilner »

I agree with Cindi, that it is best to assume your dog has disc disease and restrict his movements, no scooting, resting in a small area such as a crate just enough space to turn around in. In case it turns out he does have a disc problem, we don't want any more damage being done to the spinal cord. Best to be cautious til the vet makes a diagnosis tomorrow morn.

Your vet will show you how to express your dog first. You can read up on it ahead of time and make sure you get a hands on demo so you know the right amount of pressure to use. Here are some tips. http://users.cyberport.net/~milnerwm/Expressing.html

You may have an interest in Credit Care, find out on-line if you are approved, #10 is to get your vet signed up if he is not. http://www.carecredit.com/faqs.html

Cindi is right, there are some vets that think any dog that is paralyzed needs to be put to sleep. Stand firm on what you want the vet you hire to do or not do! You are the paying customer. Should your dog remain paralyzed, he can lead the same happy life as others are doing now.

Keep us updated, please.

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Please visit the Financial Aid links at the top of this foru

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Also contact your local humane and ask for financial aid resources. Best of luck to you and let us know how your boy is doing.
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Post by critters »

I'm reading that he's an outside dog; is that right? If so, I'd bring him in, then use the confinement ideas you've already seen. I'm concerned about maggots getting to him if he's living outside since he might be (or get) poopy, peedy, or scraped from dragging.
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Post by elderlypit »


diagnoses from Vet, sever trama to the spinal cord
he has been placed on high dose of hydrocortozone (shots)
and put under crate rest.

I put him in a wire pet cage with some towels and padding

the vet said his odds of recovery were low but because he is a pit he has a strong will to fight so he might make it.

a follow up has been scedualed for monday.

yes Jaz is an outside dog.
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Post by BethT »

I have a pitbull mix that has been paralysed for 3 years from a ruptured disk. He uses a cart and gets around just like any other dog. Everyone here has given you great advice. The one thing I can really resond to is what your vet said about the strong will of a pit. My pitbull (Waffles) is a living example of that wil. When he was 4 months old he was rescued by animal control. Waffles was found hung upside down and had been ripped apart by dogs that were being trained to fight (he was a "bait dog"). The hospital he was taken to named him "Waffles" because he was so full of holes. No one every thought he would survive his injuries, but he did. When Waffles ruptured his disk (he also bit me because of his pain) and had emergency surgery I was told that he was probably going to die, but he didn't. He has come back from the dead two times, his will to live and his love of life is amazing. Don't give up on your dog and give him time to heal. Also remember that many vets are quick to recommend euthanasia for these spinal issues. Many of us have gone through that here. Keep coming back for help. Keep us posted. BethT
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Post by elderlypit »

thank you all for the support

The vet said that because of his size it would be hard to express him, but said the best way would be to use my fits to squeez the sides of his abdomen down where the blader is, does that sound right?

And yes he did say that if he haddnt shown improvment by monday........... but I'm not going to put him down. He saved my life once, and I want to do the same for him.

by the way he loved his sponge bath , just hated to get dryed off..... should I use a blow dryer next time ?

As far as the surgery goes, anyone in texas know of an inexpensive hostpital to contact ? Although the vet said surgery would be a shot in the dark and expensive I think its worth at least checking into.
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Post by Cindidoxiemom »

elderlypit wrote:thank you all for the support

The vet said that because of his size it would be hard to express him, but said the best way would be to use my fits to squeez the sides of his abdomen down where the blader is, does that sound right?

And yes he did say that if he haddnt shown improvment by monday........... but I'm not going to put him down. He saved my life once, and I want to do the same for him.

by the way he loved his sponge bath , just hated to get dryed off..... should I use a blow dryer next time ?

As far as the surgery goes, anyone in texas know of an inexpensive hostpital to contact ? Although the vet said surgery would be a shot in the dark and expensive I think its worth at least checking into.
Yes...Texas A&M Vet School. It isn't cheap, but it is cheaper than others I have seen here.

Oscar...one of my IVDD dachshunds had surgery there.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Post by CarolC »

Here are some financial aid links:

This one is for pit mixes:


This one is for elderly or disabled people with pets:


This is a loan the majority of people qualify for:


Here is a comprehensive list of financial aid links:

http://www.handicappedpet.net/helppets/ ... php?t=8162

As for expressing the bladder, I hope Beth will be back to tell you how she cares for Waffles, who is also expressed. Here is an article with lots of information on expressing. You will see a chocolate brown dog in the wheelchair--that is Waffles being expressed. Beth found it more efficient to catheterize him in the beginning.


Also, here is some information on helping a down dog to move his bowels on your schedule, not his (no surprises this way).


Glad he enjoyed his bath! :)
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Post by elderlypit »

thanks for those links, I have taken down the phone numbers and information, although none will be helpfull till monday :/

I hate weekends, I cant even get estimates :/

Cindidoxiemom, do you remember how much MRI, X rays and the surgery where on your pet? it seems no one posts prices on their webbys anymore :/

if you are wondering I am conducting a what is needed list for applications to various aid groups ^^
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Post by Cindidoxiemom »

They don't have an MRI at Texas A&M ...they do meylograms...or at least that was the case in Nov. '05 when Oscar went down.
I have to leave for the day, but if you would like...I can try to find Oscar's paperwork.
You might want to call A&M and tell them your situation...I'm sure they can give you a rough estimate.
Oscar's TOTAL bill for Myelogram...exams...PT...ICU care...surgery...and hospital stay for over 2 weeks was around 3500.
Most dogs only have to be in the hospital 2-3 days
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Post by elderlypit »

just an update here,

Jaz has realized that I am here to help, and has allowed me to pick him up without muzzle, bath him without muzzle and even hold him up in a makeshift sling for several minutes ( was trying to see if he would attempt walking but no luck there :/ ( EDIT this evening after his injection he thought he was mighty dog and could run again, good thing he was slinged or he might have gotten hurt)

He is talking again (barking, and the wimper when being talked to) ... so thats a sign of improvment right?

Anyway he seems happy and well content on living through this ordeal so I am prepared to do what ever it takes to keep him that way, even if it means standing outside walmart with a cup and photo.

Photo of him in cage

He is getting spoiled with his daily sponge baths, but concidering his previous fear of water I think thats a good thing, today I was able to sit him a small tub with about 4 inches of luke warm water - I should gotten a photo of this but didnt think about it. I am thinking of converting this plastic storage tub into a regular bathing center, with a sling and saddle etc to be used when I get the vets approval to bath him normaly again.

It is saturday and I am about to make a couple flyers and gather some plastic containers and head to the local shops , a few of them who I spoke with this morning while gathering supplys for his wheelchair have already agreed to help with the donation cans. I was thinking of a catch phrase to use, something like " Can you spare a leg ; I cant find mine" with photo of him in a sling and bandaged if you think of any let me know, i'm open to sugestive phrases :)

I am happy that is showing signs of improvment as far as mental awarness - I have been able to tell the vet was partially incorrect in stating he could not feel "anything" from his tail down. He knows when his tail is picked up, and he knows when his legs move, or at least he moves his head and gives emotional facial expressions when certian areas are reached or extended. so he is aware of his injury. He is begining to get used to the wire cage, I still have not been able to move him inside the house as he is to afraid and tryed to break out . so I put his cage inside his dog house and made it where he could see the yard around him. But I am taking care that he stays clean and bug free.
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