Help with a newly blind dog

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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Help with a newly blind dog

Post by shutterbuginaz »

My 3 year old Chinese Crested recently went completely blind in just a few days time. She has adapted extremely well, but I do have a couple of questions.

She occasionally cries out for what would appear to be no reason. Sometimes when she is just laying on the bed. The vet assured me that she is not in any pain. Is crying out common?

She used to spend a lot of time on my bed. Now it is too high for her to jump onto. Can she learn to use a ramp that was never there when she had her sight? She only lost her sight 3 days ago...should I give her more time to adjust before introducing something new? I have no problem making her a cozy bed on the floor, but my other two dogs sleep on my bed and she paces around wanting to join them. Of course when I am not at home I have to put her on the floor...and she is alone down there. That saddens me more than anything.
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Post by critters »

:pastel: Critter stairs are practically everywhere these days, and I'd try to get a set pronto; your baby has enough to deal with without adding "lonely" to it. :) Stairs also take up less space than a ramp. I wonder if she's crying out so everybody (especially YOU!) will reply and she'll know where you are? Just a comfort thing? She's practically a baby, so she might already be more adjusted to the blindness than you think.
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Blind little pup

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Why did she go blind? Please read the stickies on this forum, and the most important thing is to baby gate all stairs. As critters says, critters stairs are very helpful. I have a cedar chest my dogs use. I have 3 blinds, 2 of whom are deaf as well.
She may be crying out of fear and wanting comfort level. A blinddog in the wild is a dead dog in the wild. You set the tone and be happy, silly, make up songs with her name in it every other word. They LOVE to hear us sing song and they LOVE to hear their names. Don't move furniture, scent things if you need to (I don't need to :) ) and after you read the stickies, let me know if you have more questions. So delighted to be of assistance.
And, most importantly,
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Post by shutterbuginaz »

Thanks for such quick replies. I will be picking up a set of stairs today so that she can access my bed on her own. I live in a ranch style house (no worries about stairs) and she has it completely mapped out. I actually thought she had some sight, but oncologist assured me that she is completely blind. She has used the dog door from day one. The crying out and the bed were my only concerns (at this time). If she is this well adjusted after just a few days I believe her life with be a very happy one with tons of quality. The first day I wanted to carry her room to room (she is a little 5 lb. baby) , but read here how bad that is. Of course once I read the tips posted here it made perfect sense. If I do need to carry her I always put her down on the dog bed and say "dog bed" in hopes she will learn the name. Thanks again for all your help. I am sure that this forum will be a daily read for me! Oh by the way, she was diagnosed with SARDS.
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Be sure you put up guardrails

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

The mapping never ceases to amaze me. No one believes Allicks& Gabriel are blind. Now Possum,,,, when when she goes in to her frantic CCD bumps in to everything. But she somehow keeps her map when she comes out of it.
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Helpful words:

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

AND GET A BELL! Bell yourself so she can always find you.
First of all, with her on short lead, sit on floor, and give come command. Draw her gently toward you if needed. High praise and treat when she does. Do it with bell. Over and Over.
She will be bell-trained in NO TIME. My Allicks got lost in the house, and could find me with the bell on my ankle. For yucks, I belled AmbrrNanaDog. Nearly wet my pants laughing. Ambrr could not BREATHE with out Allicks all over her.
Also, Allicks words:
DANGER! (get her to stop in her tracks)
OWIE! (get her to stop in her tracks)
STOP! (get her to stop in her tracks)
GOOD GIRL! (get her to wiggle in delight)
AWWICKS!! (that ALWAYS gets her attention) (again, get her to wiggle in delight)
They can learn words. Oh, yes they can! :) :)

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Re: Help with a newly blind dog

Post by Beau & bijou's mom »

Hi my 11 yr old bichon beau just went blind. As he was quickly losing his site he became extremely anxious. Now for past few weeks he I completely blind and is very depressed. Nothing we people do or his 2 yr old brother bijou makes him happy. It breaks our hearts. He is banging into a lot and so we have Him on a lead to help him learn. And now we gated the steps. But the down mood is what we want to help especially. I hope it's just as he adapts but thought maybe you all had some tips for us. Thanks. Sharon
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Re: Help with a newly blind dog

Post by Beau & bijou's mom »

Also my email is Thanks
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Re: Help with a newly blind dog

Post by blinddogs »

i have 2 blind from birth malformed eyes chi s- they got to bed every night with us- they go between us- and have never gone off the bed. in the middle of night i check if anybody needs to go on wee papers,most times not but i offer. they are now 3 years and 6 years old and have never gone off the bed not did anything in the bed.but i believe a blind dog will not use dogsteps or a ramp unless they used when when they were sighted. the poor dog is more distressed suddenly blind and not in bed with you and your other 2 dogs.but blind dogs do go on and live very good lives with the help of there seeing eye person.when barney my first came tome as a infant pup very sick and blind- i said to my husband how am i going to helphim-but barney s spirit- his will to live- guided me day to day till we had it all worked out. good luck to both od you.
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