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3rd Eyesight - The Reveal

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:38 pm
by drpedromancini
Ladies and Gentlemen,
first of all, I'd like to thank you all that helped us on the last survey.
I know, as many of you told us, it's difficult trying to help having no clue at all about it.
Well, as I promised, patent is on so we are good to go!
We designed and developed to help blind dogs go around in a safer and easier way. Either in or outdoors!
It is at its final development steps, and to tune it to the best, your opinion is everything!
There's a short video on youtube ( ).
And if it's not asking too much, another survey, four little quick questions, is on, at .
As usual, personal data are confidential.
It is not for sale yet, ok?
We hope you like it and that it gets as usual and handy as we think!
Dr. Pedro and Gustavo