can blind dog chase squirrels from scent?

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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can blind dog chase squirrels from scent?

Post by JaynTinks »

I'm curious if anyone has a dog that they know is totally blind or severely limited sight that can still manages to both know there is a squirrel (or cat) near and chase it (or attempt to), even though it can't see it?

'I'm just wondering if its the sounds (rustling of squirrel running through leaves combined with its scent) as my dog has walked past a (bigger) cat sat absolutely still, and walked smack into a clearly visible large wooden pole yet on the same walk managed to realise there was squirrel (further away to the left) and want to chase it.

Just curious as to where my dog is getting most of his cues from as he'll walk into big obvious but stationary things but appear to detect much smaller things as long as they moving.
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Re: can blind dog chase squirrels from scent?

Post by critters »

I would think they could, and you're right that movement has a lot to do with whether or not they perceive something. The first indication I had that Spunk, my blind punk, actually has a little vision was when I was coming up the stairs and she cringed. I don't know why she was so fearful, although she was very young at the time, and maybe the enlarging silhouette spooked her.
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