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Re: Brian, BELIEVE

Post by brian.f »

Thank you all for your kind thoughts - this really is a unique and caring forum. I am going through the guilt stage at the moment, asking myself if I should have insisted on some form of treatment and thinking I made some mistakes. I think Taffy died from the weakness brought on by the Ecoli infection, and there is a lesson there for all owners of disabled dogs. You have to be able to expire the bladder - it is vital. In Taffy's case he would not let me. I pushed and squeezed, but all I got was a dribble. Back indoors he would urinate on his pad. What I was seeing was overflow - the rest was fermenting away in his bladder and the anti-biotics could not cope with that. The vet should have fitted a catheter - but they don't care. They make out they do, but it is too much trouble. More interesting to go searching for cancer that wasn't there.
Another mistake was having the myelogram - there was no point and he worsened after that. Don't listen to vets telling you there are no after effects from such an invasive operation.
I may eventually have another dog - it will have to be a corgi. For the moment all I have is a mound of earth in the garden and a lot of memories. God bless you all. Brian
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Re: Brian, BELIEVE

Post by CarolC »

Dear Brian,

I know Taffy did not get the care you wanted for him, and I agree a catheter would have ensured he was emptying, which might have helped with the infection. I wish you could know for sure what happened. What I want to say is that I just looked up marboflaxacin (Marbocyl) again in my professional veterinary drug reference and it does not say anything about swollen lymph glands being a side effect. However, I have a mini-dachshund who had oral melanoma removed, and the oncologist taught me how to feel around her jaw for swollen lymph glands. I have a chihuahua who had mammary cancer removed, and I have to do bre*st exams on her looking for swollen glands or "a grain of sand" and she has to go back every 6 months for the vet to feel her, too. What I am saying is, I know Taffy was diagnosed with a UTI and that was part of it, and it probably did put a strain on his system, but it really does sound like there was more than that going on. If he did have a spinal tumor, which you do not know for sure, he could have developed cancer other places as well when it metastasized, that would be normal and fits with his downward trend. I am sorry, I only wish for your sake you could know for sure. I think some of what you were seeing, like the not eating, could have been caused by the medication and the vet shouldn't have ignored you on that or attributed it automatically to cancer when it could have been the medication. But the swollen lymph glands are something else. It really sounds like Taffy had a complex health profile, and more than one health condition. I am like you, I will let myself or my pet put up with whatever misery it takes if there is any shred of hope we can pull out of it. I think that in a week or a few weeks or a month, you will go back and read your message announcing Taffy's passing and realize, he wasn't eating, he couldn't stand up, he was miserable, he had swollen lymph glands. He wasn't getting better. I look at nature and see what happens to animals that are sick. They do not suffer long because another animal comes along and dispatches them. Those living under the human contract have the option of suffering if it will get them to a place where they can recover. Otherwise, nature is kinder. You are bound to feel uncertainty, but I don't think you should feel guilt. I have never yet had an ideal death with a sick animal, including all of those who have died naturally at home. You have cause for feeling guilt over those, too. Wishing you well, I'm so sorry.
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Re: Brian, BELIEVE

Post by brian.f »

Thank you Carol. On reflection, I think you are right and your views are in line with those of my wife. She is not a "doggy" person, so she could stand back and look at the problem with a more rational view than I could. I will have to admit that at the end of the day some of these "experts" who have seen Taffy were probably correct in their diagnosis. I just would not accept that my little fella had cancer. None of the tests proved positive, but then, they didn't give him many. I obviously need time to let all of this go by. Apart from the troubles with Taffy I have a 91 year old mother who is also refusing to eat, and it all puts the pressure on. One day the sun will shine again. Brian
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Re: Taffy

Post by Susan54 »

Hi Brian,

You don't know me but I am Chloe's mom. My Chloe passed October 9th and I am still grieving. She was fighting Cancer and had none anywhere else when the doctor ordered 3 more treatments to keep her in remission. She ended up urinating blood and getting a antibotic and I was told by her vet that she had a UTI. Like you Taffy.....she did not make it and would not even walk. I still believe it had something to do with the last chemo treatment of cisplatian. I should have used my gut feeling and not put her though the remission treatments.

But rest assure that you did the best you could possibly do to keep him/her dignity and give Taffy rest.

My prayers and heart goes out to you.

God Bless.....

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Re: Taffy

Post by BethT »

Oh Brian,

I am so, so, sorry about Taffy. You truly did everthing that you could. I know it is easy to say but try not to second guess yourself. You did the best that you could with the information that you were given.

When ever I would read your posts they would make me think of this great little minature poodle that I had when I was a kid named "Taffy". Her favorite thing was to find big rocks in the yard and drag them around digging holes all around.

We all are familiar with your feelings of loss right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Re: Taffy

Post by brian.f »

Thank you all for your help. I was just coming to terms with Taffy's loss when my Mother died this morning. There is just so much you can take at one go, so this has tended to split my grief. I think had I known clearly what the problem was with Taffy it would have been easier to take, but it was obvious he could not go on. I am trying to keep busy at present and this helps, but he is never far away from my thoughts and I shall miss him dearly. Thank you again. Brian
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Re: Taffy

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Oh, BRIAN! I am so very sorry!
My AllixMurderedPup's death destroyed my mom. I was so glad Allix was at the Bridge to meet her when she passed.
I feel confident your Taffy is with your mom. My deepest sympathies to you. There is only so much a person can take.
I am so sorry.
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Taffy

Post by Dianne »


I am so very sorry at your compounded loss. This has been a very difficult month for YOU, too.

Do try to take care of yourself.

Sympathy to your family,

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Re: Taffy

Post by Susan54 »

Dearest Brian.......

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I can relate because I lost my mother in 2004. You have a double loss so soon and it is very hard to reason and go through. Know that you will come out stronger in the end.

My husband and I lost all of our parents within a five year span.

We suffered 4 losses from 2003/04/05 and our dear Chloe this year recently...Oct. 9th 2006. My husband's mother died from Alzeheimers in 2001.

I have always asked my self "What have I learned from this and what is the positive that can come out of the situation?" I have learned alot over the past 5 years as my husband also. I have learned to share with other people who are hurting (when I can relate to what they are going through) and to LISTEN. Listening is very important...........

Although your heart is breaking....... you WILL make it through and you will be stronger in the end. Take time to heal and know that you have us on this board to talk to. It will take you time to get through your mother's and Taffy's loss so don't rush your feelings.

Sincerely and praying for you,

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Re: Taffy

Post by tessa »

brian: such a challenging time for you. you have been given a considerable burden and all i can think to say is to wish you strength and courage.

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Re: Taffy

Post by Christine »

Sending you prayers for peace. Please take care.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Taffy

Post by brian.f »

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. I think things can only get better, and once I have got myself together I think I may get a replacement for Taffy. At the moment it all seems to be very hard to take. When I can walk the fields again with my dog it will take the hurt away. Thank you again everyone.
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