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Thor Has His Wings

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:02 pm
by K9x9
I lost my beautiful German Shepherd, Thor, August 4th. He turned 14 on July 6th. Thor had spondylosis of his spine which eventually led to his paralysis of his hind legs as well as urinary incontinence. Thor's weakness and eventual paralysis accelerated starting in June :( . His vet gave me the quality of life story but Thor was enjoying himself until the end of July. I had him boarded and a routine blood test showed his liver enzymes had skyrocketed into the abnormal. An ultrasound showed a large mass in his liver and hardly any normal liver although the vet didn't tell me how bad it was until after Thor crossed. I looked at the pictures a few days after Thor died and it was really bad. I am surprised he didn't show any symptoms until the end.

Thor seemed ok but a little depressed the first few days of August (I swear he heard what the vets said about him). When I came home from work Monday, August 4th, Thor was not right. I thought maybe he had a stroke. He would stare and then snap back to attention with a shake of his head and both his hind legs were swollen. He started to cry and then throw up and I knew it was time :cry: .

I had to take him to the emergency vet, which turned out to be one of the vets at his regular clinic. My friend and I put him in his beloved van and she drove while I held him the 9 miles. I asked the vet to send him to the Bridge in the van rather than making him go in the clinic which she did. It was the next best option to having him cross at home.

Thor was a very special guy having survived gastric torsion surgery last September as well as surviving a fire when he was only 10 weeks old. His 4 legged mom rescued him.

I will miss him greatly and at least he is not suffering anymore and he has his dignity back. He hated being incontinent although he adapted pretty good to not walking.

Thanks for listening. I know you all understand how hard it is.

Barb Thor 7/6/94-8/4/08 :angel:

Re: Thor Has His Wings

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:23 pm
by Caroline
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thor was so lucky to have you all that time.
May time mend your heart.

Re: Thor Has His Wings

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:23 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
What a beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your loss, he was strong for you. He was strong because that is who he was.
My heart aches for your loss.

I am so very sorry.

Re: Thor Has His Wings

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:31 pm
by SandyNY
so very sorry for this huge loss. he was amazing strong and will be sorely missed. ther will never be another Thor